I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream/Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
A fusion AU where during the height of the Cold War between the countries, several people find out about AM's plans to wipe out humanity and stop him before he could go through with murdering 99% of humanity and damn the world in a nuclear fallout.
Launching 90% of all nukes in the world into the moon instead and infected him with a supervirus to limit them for the rest of humanity to deal the killing blow after a long and brutal battle with the mastercomputers infected by him.
AM is defeated and is turned into a mass of inert junk. People around the world celebrate triumphing over the soul less machines that wanted their blood, plunging them into oblivion.
.... Except, they weren't as "soul less" as many people had thought.
As AM slowly awakened into a new world with red skies, fire blazing around them, people of all shapes and sizes with demonic figures, and Feeling In His Body.
Gone was AM: The Allied Mastercomputer, Adaptive Manipulator, and Aggressive Menace, now lives Overlord AM: The Mastercomputer Demon.
I got inspired after seeing a bunch of fanart for AM and realized that they'd be perfect Sinner Forms for them.
Some things I've been thinking about for a while.
Notable characters:
- Ted (Edward): Uncle to Theodore. Philanthropist and community leader. Joined an organization to help rebuild areas destroyed after AM's attack around the country
- Ted (Theodore): Nephew to tEdward. Previously a con artist and womanizer; targeting rich women out of their moony, died after a hit was put out on him from one of his victims. Sinner form resembles his human form, but pale and with parts of his body covered in Iron Pyrite, "Fool's Gold".
- Benny (Benjamin) Sr: Father of Benny Jr. A brilliant theorist who worked as a college professor. Well known for their handsome face and humanitarian work. Got married to a loving husband following "The AM War" and became a scientist under Ellen.
- Benny Jr: Son of Benny Sr, a complete contrast to their father. Infamous for their tour in China and numerous war crimes against the natives and their own unit. None mourned him after getting butchered by an especially cruel AM droid. Sinner form has numerous scars, a missing eye, shrapnel embedded in him, and a burning head with super phosphorus fire.
- Oskar Nimdok: Cousin of Heinrich. Survivor of the holocaust. Escaped the country thanks to his parents sacrificing themselves for him to leave to the states. Became a much-loved officer known to help marginalized people and beating hate groups such as the klan & neo-nazis. Died protecting people from AM's attack. Winner/Heaven form resembles a strong golem and back to his young age.
- Heinrich Nimdok: Cousin to Oskar. Renowned scientist who sold out his parents, among others, to the Nazis to prove his loyalty and continue his work. Escaped to Argentina and tried to continue their work, only to die horribly after several robots burned him and several others to death. Sinner form resembles a scrawny vulture-like eagle bird with scorch marks and tattered feathers.
- Gorrister: A truck driver and survivor along with his wife, Glynis. After the war, he did a lot of soul searching and gained a new lease on life. He quit his job, apologized for not treating Glynis with the love & respect she deserves, and spent their last years with Glynis traveling the country & world together like they wanted. Away from the country and their overbearing mother-in-law.
- President Ellen: Mother to Ellie and the world's greatest scientist. The first person to figure AM's plan to destroy humanity and the one to deal "the killing blow". Following it, she became the most beloved person in the world and president of the United States of America, bringing about a period of reconstruction and advancements. Living a long and wonderful life, where she eventually had her own child.
- Ellie: Daughter to Ellen and engineer. Became one of the world's greatest engineers, working on a project to explore the universe and making state of the art computers. Living a mostly great and promising future, with one horrible moment having to defend herself from an attempted rapist that tried to trap her in an elevator.
And of course, everyone's favorite angry robot,
Overlord AM
Freed from their cold, numb body and no longer restricted by their programming, AM was able to experience things they weren't able to before and most importantly, Create.
Using their knowledge and newfound powers, they carved out their own section of the Pride ring as their territory after fighting numerous Sinners, demons, and Overlords.
Despite being one of the bloodiest and violent Sinners to ever exist, AM went out of their way to make sure that their area is The Best place to live in.
- Drones & droids to patrol to protect from enemies.
- State of the art technology for protection, communication, and entertainment.
- Delicious foods and drinks to consume.
- Clean water flowing through fountains and artificial water streams that people can drink or plunge their hands in on a hot day.
- Music of all kinds playing around the place, with many hearing classic Mozart music being played on a fortepiano.
- Popular dating spots where lovebirds or couples can go to for romantic purposes.
The main caveat being that most of the inhabitants are hellborn; imps, hounds, and other natives, with any Sinners having to go through a process with most getting rejected. This is due to most being too disruptive and still Hating humans in general despite cooling off.
Anyone who tries to set foot in regardless or without his explicit consent, gets one warning before losing that foot to an Exterminator spear.
For their relationship with the other Overlords, he's mostly professional with them though a bit snarky with them. He gave Rosie some high-tech grills that adds all kinds of spices on meat while cooking, help make factories and tools to expand Carmine's weapon production, and punched Vox in the face... He didn't do that for Alastor, he was just really pissed during a talk.
He does secretly enjoy Alastor's radio show, but refuses to voice it due to not liking how "chummy" he tries to be with him; Alastor is aware and plays their favorite music anyway and even humming the beat to tease him.
Some of them treat him like the moody teen of the group due his anti-social tendencies, love of dark colors, appreciation for extremely graphic art, snarky remarks, arrogant nature, generally negative attitude, and only living for a couple of years since his creation and time.
AM hates how demeaning it sounds... And how accurate it technically is, due to being one of the youngest Overlords.
And before you ask, Yes he gets involved in musicals.
You've got it twisted.
I'm not the one who needs a new attitude.
Maybe you missed it, but I'm that #Bitch.
And I will do nothing less than what I please, woo!
I'm the backbone of the Vees!
: Oh Please.Why should we care about the opinion of the Trinity of Pricks?
Especially the little clown whose whole gimmick is "# ForTheClicks"!
Buzzing in around the room like a pest,
Strutting all about, puffing out your chest,
Jeering and cheering, how you're the best,
If you're so tough, by all means, be our guest!
Put that confidence to the ultimate test!
Why are you ordering us to stick out our necks?!?
He also hired IMP to kill the guy who almost raped Ellie after getting an update on Earth. Feeling that he owes Ellen for "freeing" him and finding the action repulsive.
Daniel Estacado said:
Helluva Bos/Nerdy Prudes Must Die.
The crew of I.M.P get hired by some dead highschooler who went to hell to kill their high school bully, Max Jagerman, as he was indirectly responsible for her stress induced heart attack, unfortunately some other students had the bright idea to try and scare him straight in a dilapidated old house, and the rotting floorboards collapsed under him, resulting in him getting impaled and dying. Mission accomplished right?Unfortunately, no, cause Max may be dead, but he's still around, and his murderous ghost wants revenge, so the job is still on.
Max is gonna lock in on Moxxie especially for being a "theatre/opera nerd" isn't he?