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Relevant bibliographies by topics / East Texas State Teachers College / Journal articles
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Author: Grafiati
Published: 4 June 2021
Last updated: 1 August 2024
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Janick, Herbert, StephenS.Gosch, DonnC.Neal, DonaldJ.Mabry, ArthurQ.Larson, ElizabethJ.Wilcoxson, PaulE.Fuller, et al. "Book Reviews." Teaching History: A Journal of Methods 14, no.2 (May5, 1989): 85–104. http://dx.doi.org/10.33043/th.14.2.85-104.
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Anthony Esler. The Human Venture. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1986. Volume I: The Great Enterprise, a World History to 1500. Pp. xii, 340. Volume II: The Globe Encompassed, A World History since 1500. Pp. xii, 399. Paper, $20.95 each. Review by Teddy J. Uldricks of the University of North Carolina at Asheville. H. Stuart Hughes and James Wilkinson. Contemporary Europe: A History. Englewood Clifffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1987. Sixth edition. Pp. xiii, 615. Cloth, $35.33. Review by Harry E. Wade of East Texas State University. Ellen K. Rothman. Hands and Hearts: A History of Courtship in America. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press, 1987. Pp. xi, 370. Paper, $8.95. Review by Mary Jane Capozzoli of Warren County Community College. Bernard Lewis, ed. Islam: from the Prophet Muhammad to the Capture of Constantinople. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. Volume I: Politics and War. Pp.xxxvii, 226. Paper, $9.95. Volume II: Religion and Society. Pp. xxxix, 310. Paper, $10.95. Review by Calvin H. Allen, Jr. of The School of the Ozarks. Michael Stanford. The Nature of Historical Knowledge. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1986. Pp. vii, 196. Cloth, $45.00; paper, $14.95. Review by Michael J. Salevouris of Webster University. David Stricklin and Rebecca Sharpless, eds. The Past Meets The Present: Essays On Oral History. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1988. Pp. 151. Paper, $11.50. Review by Jacob L. Susskind of The Pennsylvania State University. Peter N. Stearns. World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity. New York: Harper and row, 1987. Pp. viii, 598. Paper, $27.00; Theodore H. Von Laue. The World Revolution of Westernization: The Twentieth Century in Global Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press, 1987. Pp. xx, 396. Cloth, $24.95. Review by Jayme A. Sokolow of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Marilyn J. Boxer and Jean R Quataert, eds. Connecting Spheres: Women in the Western World, 1500 to the Present. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987. Pp. xvii, 281. Cloth, $29.95; Paper, $10.95. Review by Samuel E. Dicks of Emporia State University. Dietrich Orlow. A History of Modern Germany: 1870 to Present. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1987. Pp. xi, 371. Paper, $24.33. Review by Gordon R. Mork of Purdue University. Gail Braybon and Penny Summerfield. Out of the Cage: Women's Experiences in Two World Wars. Pandora: London and New York, 1987. Pp. xiii, 330. Paper, $14.95. Review by Paul E. Fuller of Transylvania University. Moshe Lewin. The Gorbachev Phenomenon: A Historical Interpretation. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1988. Pp. xii, 176. Cloth, $16.95; David A. Dyker, ed. The Soviet Union Under Gorbachev: Prospects for Reform. London & New York: Croom Helm, 1987. Pp. 227. Cloth, $35.00. Review by Elizabeth J. Wilcoxson of Northern Essex Community College. Charles D. Smith, Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1988. Pp. viii, 308. Cloth, $35.00. Review by Arthur Q. Larson of Westmar College. Stephen G. Rabe. Eisenhower and Latin America: The Foreign Policy of Anticommunism. Chapel Hill & London: The University of North Carolina Press, 1988. Pp. 237. Cloth $29.95; paper, $9.95. Review by Donald J. Mabry of Mississippi State University. Earl Black and Merle Black. Politics and Society in the South. Cambridge and London: Harvard University Press, 1987. Pp. ix, 363. Cloth, $25.00. Review by Donn C. Neal of the Society of American Archivists. The Lessons of the Vietnam War: A Modular Textbook. Pittsburgh: Center for Social Studies Education, 1988. Teacher edition (includes 64-page Teacher's Manual and twelve curricular units of 31-32 pages each), $39.95; student edition, $34.95; individual units, $3.00 each. Order from Center for Social Studies Education, 115 Mayfair Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15228. Review by Stephen S. Gosch of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Media Reviews Carol Kammen. On Doing Local History. Videotape (VIIS). 45 minutes. Presented at SUNY-Brockport's Institute of Local Studies First Annual Symposium, September 1987. $29.95 prepaid. (Order from: Dr. Ronald W. Herlan, Director, Institute of Local Studies, Room 180, Faculty Office Bldg., SUNY-Brockport. Brockport. NY 14420.) Review by Herbert Janick of Western Connecticut State University.
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Gold, David. "Where Brains Had a Chance: William Mayo and Rhetorical Instruction at East Texas Normal College, 1889-1917." College English 67, no.3 (January1, 2005): 311–30. http://dx.doi.org/10.58680/ce20054075.
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The author offers a local, institutional microhistory of the work of William Leonidas Mayo, a figure who both exemplifies and complicates some of our more recent concepts of student-centered pedagogy, both to enrich our understanding of our disciplinary history and to illuminate trends in English studies of continuing interest to contemporary teachers and scholars.
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Spacek, Amanda, John Rayfield, William Doss, David Lawver, and Rudy Ritz. "Texas High School Counselor Perceptions of Agricultural Education." Career and Technical Education Research 46, no.1 (May31, 2021): 53–70. http://dx.doi.org/10.5328/cter46.1.53.
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The purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions of high school counselors across the state of Texas toward agricultural education. This study was descriptive in nature. High school counselors had an overall positive attitude toward agricultural education. They did not believe agricultural education courses were intended for lower-performing students. High school counselors agreed their local agricultural education program was valuable for college bound and non-college bound students. An overwhelming majority (85%) of high school counselors reported that student interest was their top priority when advising students to enroll in an agricultural education course. They had low to very low awareness of many opportunities available for agricultural education students. It is recommended that agricultural education teachers continue to develop strong, positive relationships with school counselors to provide education and awareness of the agricultural education program opportunities.
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Edgerton,AdamK., and LauraM.Desimone. "Teacher Implementation of College- and Career-Readiness Standards: Links Among Policy, Instruction, Challenges, and Resources." AERA Open 4, no.4 (October 2018): 233285841880686. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/2332858418806863.
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Using state-representative teacher surveys in three states—Texas, Ohio, and Kentucky—we examine teachers’ implementation of college- and career-readiness (CCR) standards. What do teachers report about the specificity, authority, consistency, power, and stability of their standards environment? How does their policy environment predict standards-emphasized instruction? Do these relationships differ for those who teach different subjects (math and English Language Arts [ELA]), different grades (elementary or high school), different populations (English Language Learners [ELLs], students with disabilities [SWDs]), and in different areas (rural, urban, or suburban)? We found elementary math teachers taught significantly more standards-emphasized content than elementary ELA teachers, whereas secondary ELA teachers taught significantly more standards-emphasized content than secondary math teachers. Teachers of SWDs and rural teachers taught significantly less of the emphasized content. In all three states, we found greater buy-in (authority) predicted increased emphasized content coverage among ELA teachers but not among math teachers.
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Nurhayati, Dwi Astuti Wahyu. "Investigating Self Professional Development in Teaching English: The Case of English College Teachers’ Role as Models." Dinamika Ilmu 18, no.1 (June27, 2018): 91–108. http://dx.doi.org/10.21093/di.v18i1.1034.
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Self Professional Development is one of the key factors in Foreign Language Learning, and therefore strategies in developing English professional college teachers should be seen as an important aspect of improving English lecturers’ role as models. This study was done through a survey to 30 EFL college teachers of PGRI Teacher Training College and State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung, a small town in East Java, Indonesia, in order to underline the basis of making a decision on improving efforts for the sake of creating English Professional Development college teachers who are influential toward the success of English teaching and learning process. The instrument -a questionnaire including three open ended questions-was developed in accordance to reviewing some related research articles about professional developing. This study reveals the fact that to be a professional English college teachers, one should develop ten professional efforts namely perceived professional identity as model; career development needs, theoretical and content knowledge; practical knowledge and professional skills; professional networking; pedagogical content knowledge; perceived benefits of ICT use to students (perceived by the teacher); perceived benefits to the college teachers (self); engaging conducting research.
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Comstock, Meghan, AdamK.Edgerton, and LauraM.Desimone. "Connecting Policy to Practice: How State and Local Policy Environments Relate to Teachers’ Instruction." Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education 124, no.11 (November 2022): 82–116. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/01614681221143548.
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Background/Context: Instructional policy aims to shift the nature of teaching and learning. Decades of policy studies have highlighted the challenges inherent in these aims and the conditions necessary to support such change, including a robust infrastructure to support teacher learning. Further, teachers themselves must perceive and experience their policy environment to be supportive of calls to shift instruction. Purpose/Objective/Research Question/Focus of Study: In this study, we examine the connection between teachers’ perceptions of their policy environments and their instructional practices over time, in the context of college-and-career-readiness (CCR) standards implementation. While conducted in the context of standards implementation, our findings apply to supporting instructional change through policy more broadly. Setting: We examine implementation of CCR standards in two unique state contexts: Texas and Ohio. These states represent important differences in demographics and in their approaches to CCR standards implementation over time. Research Design: We use a convergent mixed-methods design that draws on state-representative teacher survey data at two points in time (allowing for a trend analysis to understand how teachers’ perceptions and experiences evolve), longitudinal interview data with state education leaders, and interview data with educators in one case study district in each state. Data Collection and Analysis: Surveys measured teachers’ perceptions of their policy environments, as well as their self-reported instructional practices. Interviews focused on understanding state- and district-level policies, guidance, and resources, and educators’ enactment of standards. Survey analysis included descriptive analysis of patterns over time and hierarchical linear modeling. To unpack broad-based survey patterns, we coded qualitative data and developed assertions based on emergent patterns. Findings/Results: We found that Texas teachers agreed more strongly than Ohio teachers that their policy environment had aligned, specific, and stable resources, as well as accountability mechanisms in place. Specificity of guidance and resources for standards implementation predicted teachers’ use of standards-emphasized instruction in 2019. These patterns reflected each state’s approach to policy implementation: a robust state-level infrastructure for guidance and support in Texas, compared with fewer state-developed resources in Ohio in favor of local control. Still, aspects of teachers’ local context—in particular, lack of infrastructure for ongoing, embedded professional learning—limited teachers’ ability to engage in state-developed guidance. Conclusions/Recommendations: Our study offers enduring lessons about how to establish the policy conditions necessary to support teachers to change instruction. Findings suggest a need for states to develop resources that clarify instructional shifts for teachers, and districts must balance these top-down resources with ongoing opportunities for educators to adapt resources to suit their students’ needs.
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Mintrop, Heinrich, and Hans Weiler. "The Relationship between Educational Policy and Practice: The Reconstitution of the College-Preparatory Gymnasium in East Germany." Harvard Educational Review 64, no.3 (September1, 1994): 247–78. http://dx.doi.org/10.17763/haer.64.3.u0n1h10720t14201.
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In this article, Heinrich Mintrop and Hans Weiler examine how the recent political reunification of Germany has affected schools in two states in the former East Germany. Through the voices of administrators and teachers working in upper track college-preparatory Gymnasien (high schools), the authors describe the curricular and structural changes occurring within secondary schools. Among other issues, Mintrop and Weiler explore the central issue of tracking in a European context under conditions of rapid institutional restructuring and cultural reorientation. The authors' initial research suggests that tracking, in addition to being an equity issue, is also a practical, social, and vocational concern. At a more general level, the authors conclude that because disjunctures remain between state-mandated reforms and teachers' perceptions of the goals of education, only partial implementation of a unifying school structure has been possible.
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Wahyuni, Sri, and Chotibul Umam. "An Analysis on Writing Anxiety of Indonesian EFL College Learners." JEELS (Journal of English Education and Linguistics Studies) 4, no.1 (May11, 2022): 105–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.30762/jeels.v4i1.51.
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This study aims at analyzing the writing anxiety of English students of an Islamic State College in East Java, Indonesia. This study described the levels, dominant type, and main factors of writing anxiety of the English students. Fifty English students at the fourth semester participated in this study. Two closed-ended questionnaires, Second Language Writing Anxiety Inventory (SLWAI) proposed by Cheng, and Causes of Writing Anxiety Inventory (CWAI) proposed by Rezaei and Jafari were employed to collect the data. The findings revealed that 54% of the students experienced high level of writing anxiety, 44% experienced moderate level of writing anxiety, and 2% experienced low level of writing anxiety. The dominant type of writing anxiety was cognitive writing anxiety, which is based on the highest mean among two other types of writing anxiety. Then there are four main factors that cause writing anxiety. They are linguistic difficulties, fear of teachers’ negative comments, insufficient writing practice, and time pressure.
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Wahyuni, Sri, and M.KhotibulUmam. "AN ANALYSIS ON WRITING ANXIETY OF INDONESIAN EFL COLLEGE LEARNERS." JEELS (Journal of English Education and Linguistics Studies) 4, no.1 (April9, 2017): 105–28. http://dx.doi.org/10.30762/jeels.v4i1.333.
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This study aims at analyzing the writing anxiety of English students of an Islamic State College in East Java, Indonesia. This study described the levels, dominant type, and main factors of writing anxiety of the English students. Fifty English students at the fourth semester participated in this study. Two closed-ended questionnaires, Second Language Writing Anxiety Inventory (SLWAI) proposed by Cheng, and Causes of Writing Anxiety Inventory (CWAI) proposed by Rezaei and Jafari were employed to collect the data. The findings revealed that 54% of the students experienced high level of writing anxiety, 44% experienced moderate level of writing anxiety, and 2% experienced low level of writing anxiety. The dominant type of writing anxiety was cognitive writing anxiety, which is based on the highest mean among two other types of writing anxiety. Then there are four main factors that cause writing anxiety. They are linguistic difficulties, fear of teachers’ negative comments, insufficient writing practice, and time pressure. Key words: anxiety, foreign language anxiety, writing anxiety
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Lin, Sherry. "Reviewer Acknowledgements for Higher Education Studies, Vol. 14, No. 2." Higher Education Studies 14, no.2 (May30, 2024): 194. http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/hes.v14n2p194.
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Higher Education Studies wishes to acknowledge the following individuals for their assistance with peer review of manuscripts for this issue. Their help and contributions in maintaining the quality of the journal are greatly appreciated. Higher Education Studies is recruiting reviewers for the journal. If you are interested in becoming a reviewer, we welcome you to join us. Please contact us for the application form at: hes@ccsenet.org Reviewers for Volume 14, Number 2 Agnese Lastovska, University of Latvia, Latvia Anna Liduma, University of Latvia, Latvia Chia Jung Yeh, East Carolina University, USA Cristina Dumitru, The National University of Science and Technology, Romania Dede Salim Nahdi, Universitas Majalengka, Indonesia Ercan Tomakin, Ordu University, Turkey Ezgi Pelin Yildiz, Kafkas University in KARS, Turkey Fatma Elhassan, University of Hafr Al Batin, Saudi Arabia Hadiyanto, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia Halupa Colleen, East Texas Baptist University Marshall, USA Isaiah M. Makhetha, National University of Lesotho, Lesotho Jacquelyn Benchik-Osborne, Chicago State University, USA Laid Fekih, University of Tlemcen Algeria, Algeria Lalith Edirisinghe, CINEC Campus, Sri Lanka Lung-Tan Lu, Fo Guang University, Taiwan Miguel Flores, National College of Ireland, Ireland Nayereh Shahmohammadi, Academic Staff in Organization for Educational Research and Planning, Iran Pedro Tadeu, Centre for Studies in Education and Innovation CI&DEI-ESECD-IPG, Portugal Qing Xie, Jiangnan University, China Rafizah Mohd Rawian, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia Ranjit Kaur Gurdial Singh, The Kilmore International School, Australia Rebecca Cacho, De La Salle University, Philippines Rodulfo Aunzo, Visayas State University, Philippines Sadeeqa Saleha, Lahore College for Women University Lahore, Pakistan Salwa Mohamed, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Sarasa-Cabezuelo Antonio, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Sharmila Sivalingam, Maryville University of St.Louis, USA Sumita Chowhan, Jain University, India Tony Patrick George, Njala University, Sierra Leone Zahra Shahsavar, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran
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Madaras, Larry, RichardA.Diem, KennethG.Alfers, ElizabethJ.Wilcoxson, VictoriaL.Enders, Robert Kern, GeraldH.Davis, et al. "Book Reviews." Teaching History: A Journal of Methods 11, no.2 (May4, 1986): 80–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.33043/th.11.2.80-96.
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Ralph Lee Woodward, Jr., Central America: A Nation Divided. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985. Pp. 390. Cloth, $22.50; Paper $8.95. Second Edition. Review by Donald J. Mabry of Mississippi State University. Edward M. Anson. A Civilization Primer. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1985. Pp. 121. Spiral bound, $5.95. Review by Gordon R. Mork of Purdue University. Stephen J. Lee. Aspects of European History, 1494-1789. Second edition. London & New York: Methuen, 1984. Pp. viii, 312. Paper, $11.95. Review by Michael W. Howell of The School of the Ozarks. Roland N. Stromberg. European Intellectual History Since 1789. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1986. Fourth edition. Pp. x, 340. Paper, $18.95. Review by Irby C. Nichols, Jr. of North Texas State University. R. W. Southern. Medieval Humanism and Other Studies. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1985. Pp. 261. Cloth, $24.95; Paper, $10.95. Review by Benjamin F. Taggie of Central Michigan University. H. T. Dickinson. British Radicalism and the French Revolution, 1789-1815. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1985. Pp. 88. Paper, $6.95; F. D. Dow. Radicalism in the English Revolution, 1640-1660. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1985. Pp. 90. Paper, $6.95. Review by Harry E. Wade of East Texas State University. H. R. Kedward. Occupied France: Collaboration and Resistance 1940-1944. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1985. Pp. 88. $6.95; M. E. Chamberlain. Decolonization: The Fall of the European Empire. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1985. Pp. 86. $6.95. Review by Steven Philip Kramer of the University of New Mexico. Harriet Ward. World Powers in the Twentieth Century. London: British Broadcasting Corporation and the Heinemann Educational Books, 1985. Second edition. Pp. xvii, 333. Paper, $12.00. Review by Gerald H. Davis of Georgia State University. Paul Preston, ed. Revolution and War in Spain, 1931-1939. London and New York: Methuen, 1984. Pp. xi, 299. Cloth, $29.95: Paper, $12.95. Review by Robert Kern of the University of New Mexico. Glenn Blackburn. The West and the World Since 1945. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1985. Pp. vi, 152. Paper, $9.95. Review by Victoria L. Enders of Northern Arizona University. M. K. Dziewanowski. A History of Soviet Russia. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985. Second edition. Pp. x, 406. Paper, $22.95. Review by Elizabeth J. Wilcoxson of Northern Essex Community College. Peter L. Steinberg. The Great "Red Menace": United States Prosecution of American Communists, 1947-1952. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1984. Pp. xiv, 311. Cloth, $35.00. Review by Kenneth G. Alfers of Mountain View College. Winthrop D. Jordan, Leon F. Litwack, Richard Hoftstadter, William Miller, Daniel Aaron. The United States: Brief Edition. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985. Second Edition. Pp. xiv, 513. Paper, $19.95. Review by Richard A. Diem of The University of Texas at San Antonio. Edwin J. Perkins and Gary M. Walton. A Prosperous People: The Growth of the American Economy. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985. Pp. xiii, 240. Paper, $14.95. Review by Larry Madaras of Howard Community College.
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Holme,JenniferJ. "Exit Strategies: How Low-Performing High Schools Respond to High School Exit Examination Requirements." Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education 115, no.1 (January 2013): 1–23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/016146811311500103.
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Background Over the past several decades, a significant number of states have either adopted or increased high school exit examination requirements. Although these policies are intended to generate improvement in schools, little is known about how high schools are responding to exit testing pressures. Purpose This study examined how five low-performing high-poverty high schools responded to the pressures of Texas’ exit testing policy. The goal of this study was to understand how schools responded to the pressures of Texas’ exit testing system (in terms of curriculum, instruction, and supports for low-achieving students) and how educators reconciled those pressures with other accountability pressures that they faced. Research Design This study employed qualitative case study design. Five low-performing high schools were sampled within the state of Texas, each of which served large concentrations of at-risk students. A total of 105 interviews were conducted across the five case study sites over the course of 2 years (2008–2009). Conclusions This study found that the Texas exit testing policy created a misalignment between educator and student-level accountability, which had particularly negative consequences for struggling students. The findings of this study suggest a need for policy makers to reconsider the assumptions on which exit tests are based and to more closely consider the goal of exit testing systems in the context of, and in relation to, the larger systems of accountability in which they are embedded. Acknowledgments The research reported herein was supported by a grant from the Spencer Foundation. The author would like to thank the editors of Teachers College Record, as well as the anonymous reviewers, for their helpful feedback on the manuscript. The author would also like to thank Meredith Richards and Rebecca Cohen for their assistance with data collection for the project.
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Miller, Staci Renee, and Kris Chesky. "The Multidimensional Anxiety Theory: An Assessment of and Relationships Between Intensity and Direction of Cognitive Anxiety, Somatic Anxiety, and Self-confidence over Multiple Performance Requirements among College Music Majors." Medical Problems of Performing Artists 19, no.1 (March1, 2004): 12–20. http://dx.doi.org/10.21091/mppa.2004.1003.
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This study applied the multidimensional anxiety theory to musicians by examining the intensity and direction of cognitive anxiety, somatic anxiety, and self-confidence over multiple performance requirements among college music majors. This study assessed and compared teacher and student perceptions of the student’s performance anxiety and its subsequent impact on several studio lessons and jury performances. Seventy-one college musicians (39 females, 32 males) from the University of North Texas College of Music volunteered to participate in this study. Four different assessment tools were employed in this study: a demographic questionnaire, a modified version of the Competitive Trait Anxiety Inventory-2 (CTAI-2), a modified version of the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2), and a subjective self-assessment of performance. The results showed that of the 71 subjects initially assessed, 59 subjects (83.1%) reported experiencing performance anxiety. This study supports the application of the multidimensional anxiety theory by highlighting the existence of two distinct, yet related dimensions of performance anxiety; how these dimensions change in response to changing stress levels associated with changing demands; and the probable interaction with levels of self-confidence. This study underscores the challenges associated with how teachers may or may not recognize the existence and subsequent impact of performance anxiety among college students. Additional studies are needed to determine what educational variables, including psychosocial values, are associated with the development and fluctuation of self-confidence. Further research designs should implement the CTAI-2 and the CSAI-2 for the assessment of competitive performance anxiety experienced by musicians associated with music performance.
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Leibo,StevenA., AbrahamD.Kriegel, RogerD.Tate, RaymondJ.Jirran, Bullitt Lowry, Sanford Gutman, ThomasT.Lewis, et al. "Book Reviews." Teaching History: A Journal of Methods 12, no.2 (May5, 1987): 28–47. http://dx.doi.org/10.33043/th.12.2.28-47.
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David K. Dunaway and Willa K. Baum, eds. Oral History: An Interdisciplinary Anthology. Nashville: American Assocation for State and Local History, 1984. Pp. xxiii, 436. Paper, $17.95 ($16.15 to AASLH members); cloth $29.50 ($26.95 to AASLH members). Review by Jacob L. Susskind of The Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg. Salo W. Baron. The Contemporary Relevance of History: A Study in Approaches and Methods. New York: Columbia University Press, 1986. Pp. viii, 158. Cloth, $30.00; Stephen Vaughn, ed. The Vital Past: Writings on the Uses of History. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1985. Pp. 406. Paper, $12.95. Review by Michael T. Isenberg of the United States Naval Academy. Howard Budin, Diana S. Kendall and James Lengel. Using Computers in the Social Studies. New York and London: Teachers College Press, 1986. Pp. vii, 118. Paper, $11.95. Review by Francis P. Lynch of Central Connecticut State University. David F. Noble. Forces of Production: A Social History of Industrial Automation. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984. Pp. xviii, 409. Paper, $8.95. Review by Donn C. Neal of the Society of American Archivists. Alan L. Lockwood and David E. Harris. Reasoning with Democratic Values: Ethical Problems in United States History. New York and London: Teachers College Press, 1985. Volume 1: Pp. vii, 206. Paper, $8.95. Volume 2: Pp. vii, 319. Paper, $11.95. Instructor's Manual: Pp. 167. Paper, $11.95. Review by Robert W. Sellen of Georgia State University. James Atkins Shackford. David Crocketts: The Man and the Legend. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1986. Pp. xxv, 338. Paper, $10.95. Review by George W. Geib of Butler University. John R. Wunder, ed. At Home on the Range: Essays on the History of Western Social and Domestic Life. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1985. Pp. xiii, 213. Cloth, $29.95. Review by Richard N. Ellis of Fort Lewis College. Sylvia R. Frey and Marian J. Morton, eds. New World, New Roles: A Documentary History of Women in Pre-Industrial America. New York, Westport, Connecticut, and London: Greenwood Press, 1986. Pp. ix, 246. Cloth, $35.00. Review by Barbara J. Steinson of DePauw University. Elizabeth Roberts. A Woman's Place: An Oral History of Working-Class Women, 1890-1940. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1985. Pp. vii, 246. Paper, $12.95. Review by Thomas T. Lewis of Mount Senario College. Steven Ozment. When Fathers Ruled: Family Life in Reformation Europe. Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London: Harvard University Press, 1983. Pp. viii, 283. Cloth, $17.50; Paper, $7.50. Review by Sanford Gutman of State University of New York, College at Cortland. Geoffrey Best. War and Society in Revolutionary Europe, 1770-1870. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. Pp. 336. Paper, $9.95; Brian Bond. War and Society in Europe, 1870-1970. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. Pp. 256. Paper, $9.95. Review by Bullitt Lowry of North Texas State University. Edward Norman. Roman Catholicism in England: From the Elizabethan Settlement to the Second Vatican Council. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1986. Pp. 138. Paper, $8.95; Karl F. Morrison, ed. The Church in the Roman Empire. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1986. Pp. viii, 248. Cloth, $20.00; Paper, $7.95. Review by Raymond J. Jirran of Thomas Nelson Community College. Keith Robbins. The First World War. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984. Pp. 186. Paper, $6.95; J. M. Winter. The Great War and the British People. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1986. Pp. xiv, 360. Cloth, $25.00. Review by Roger D. Tate of Somerset Community College. Gerhardt Hoffmeister and Frederic C. Tubach. Germany: 2000 Years-- Volume III, From the Nazi Era to the Present. New York: The Ungar Publishing Co., 1986. Pp. ix, 279. Cloth, $24.50. Review by Abraham D. Kriegel of Memphis State University. Judith M. Brown. Modern India: The Origins of an Asian Democracy. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1985. Pp. xvi, 429. Cloth, $29.95; Paper, $12.95. Review by Steven A. Leibo of Russell Sage College.
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Willianms, Ellery. "Reviewer Acknowledgements." Business and Management Studies 5, no.1 (March26, 2019): 90. http://dx.doi.org/10.11114/bms.v5i1.4183.
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Reviewer AcknowledgementsBusiness and Management Studies (BMS) would like to acknowledge the following reviewers for their assistance with peer review of manuscripts for this issue. Many authors, regardless of whether BMS publishes their work, appreciate the helpful feedback provided by the reviewers. Their comments and suggestions were of great help to the authors in improving the quality of their papers. Each of the reviewers listed below returned at least one review for this issue.Reviewers for Volume 5, Number 1 Andrzej Niemiec, Poznań University of Economics and Business, PolandAshford Chea, Benedict College, USAAthina Qendro, Robert Gordon University, UKBahram Abediniangerabi, University of Texas, USAFábio Albergaria de Queiroz, Catholic University of Brasília, BrazilFlorin Peci, University of Peja, KosovoFouad Jawab, Universite Sidi Mohamed Ben, MoroccoFuLi Zhou, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, ChinaGabriela O. Chiciudean, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, RomaniaHung-Che Wu, Nanfang College of Sun Yat-sen University, ChinaIulia Cristina Muresan, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, RomaniaJason Caudill, King University, USAJulia Stefanova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BulgariaKonstantinos N. Malagas, University of the Aegean, GreeceLucie Andreisová, University of Economics in Prague, CzechMarica Ion Dumitrasco, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, MoldovaMichael Okoche, University of South Africa, UgandaMr. Abdul-Kahar Adam, University of Education, Winneba, GhanaMythili Kolluru, College of Banking and Financial Studies, OmanOksana Seroka-Stolka, Technical University of Czestochowa, PolandOzgur Demirtas, Inonu University, TurkeyRaimundo Lima Filho, University of State of Bahia, BrazilRashedul Hasan, International Islamic University Malaysia, MalaysiaRegina Lenart-Gansiniec, Jagiellonian University, PolandRocsana Tonis, Spiru Haret University, RomaniaSammy Kimunguyi, Office of The Auditor-General, KenyaXhavit Islami, University of Prishtina, KosovoYang Zhao, Sanofi Genzyme, USAZeki Atıl Bulut, Dokuz Eylul University, TurkeyZoran Mastilo, University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Ellery WillianmsEditorial AssistantOn behalf of,The Editorial Board of Business and Management StudiesRedfame Publishing9450 SW Gemini Dr. #99416Beaverton, OR 97008, USAURL: http://bms.redfame.com
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Brown,AlanS. "Seeing the Light." Mechanical Engineering 136, no.06 (June1, 2014): 40–45. http://dx.doi.org/10.1115/6.2014-jun-2.
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This article discusses innovations and evolution in the optics industry. Local firms teamed with Monroe Community College to hold events that introduced high school students to optics . Paul Ballentine, who analyzes technology opportunities as deputy director of University of Rochester’s Center for Emerging and Innovative Sciences, sees plenty of upside. Light-based systems are continuing to grow, but Rochester’s optics community will have to reinvent itself to thrive. The Rochester Regional Photonics Cluster has morphed into New York Photonics, with additional clusters in Buffalo, central New York, Albany, and Long Island. It now represents hundreds of optics and photonics companies throughout the state. Paul Conrow, who was teaching physical sciences at Rochester’s East High School, is now recruiting 10th graders and showing them Rochester’s optics industry. Conrow presented the idea to the district superintendent, who had been principal in the only school in America with a student eyeglass program. He introduced Conrow to teachers at a sister high school where members of the cluster were helping to plan a precision optics program.
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Johnson, Patricia. "Reviewer Acknowledgements for Studies in Media and Communication, Vol. 11, No. 7." Studies in Media and Communication 11, no.7 (November28, 2023): 415. http://dx.doi.org/10.11114/smc.v11i7.6562.
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Studies in Media and Communication (SMC) would like to acknowledge the following reviewers for their assistance with peer review of manuscripts for this issue. Many authors, regardless of whether SMC publishes their work, appreciate the helpful feedback provided by the reviewers. Their comments and suggestions were of great help to the authors in improving the quality of their papers. Each of the reviewers listed below returned at least one review for this issue.Reviewers for Volume 11, Number 7Abel Suing, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, EcuadorAina Fernàndez Aragonès, Tecnocampus-UPF, SpainAmie Jones, University of Georgia, USAAndré Iribure Rodrigues, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilAnita Šulentić, Edward Bernays University College, CroatiaAntonio García Gómez, University of Alcalá de Henares, SpainAref Abu-Gweder, Achva Acadmic, IsraelAyşe Aslı Sezgin, Çukurova University, TurkeyBarira Bakhtawar, Information Technology University of the Punjab, PakistanBernard Naledzani Rasila, University of Venda, South AfricaBranco Di Fátima, University of Beira Interior (UBI), PortugalDaniel Moise, Bucharest University, RomaniaDonggyu Kim, University of Southern California, USADonka Petrova, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, BulgariaElsir Ali Saad Mohamed, Umm Al Quwain University, UAEFarhina Hameed, National University of Modern Languages, PakistanFilosa Gita Sukmono, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, IndonesiaFrans Sayogie, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, IndonesiaFred Fang, South China Normal University, ChinaGebru Kahsay Kiflu, Adigrat University, EthiopiaGiorgio Poletti, University of Ferrara, ItalyGopolang Ditlhokwa, University of Botswana, BotswanaGordana Lesinger, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek, CroatiaGuanqin He, Utrecht University, JordanHerman, Universitas HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar, IndonesiaHsu Thiri Zaw, National Management Degree College, MyanmarImed Ben Labidi, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, USAJarlene Rodrigues Reis, Cefet/RJ, BrazilJiagui Li, Macao Polytechnic University, MacaoJianbo Hou, Xi'an International Studies University, ChinaJosé Sixto-García, University of Santiago de Compostela, SpainKarim Ben Yahia, University of Bahrain, BahrainKhaled Al-Kassimi, American University in the Emirates, UAEKun Yu, Universiti Putra Malaysia, ChinaLidia Peralta García, University of Granada, SpainLucia Zbihlejová, University of Presov, SlovakiaMalavika Anakkathil Anil, Western Sydney University, AustraliaMargaréta Nadányiová, AMBIS University, SlovakMaría Guadalupe Venteño, National Autonomous University of Mexico, MexicoMarta Rizo García, Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México, MexicoMaryna Grynyshyna, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, UkraineMasduki Masduki, Universitas Islam Indonesia, IndonesiaMatthias Degen, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, GermanyMiguel Álvarez-Peralta, University Rey Juan Carlos, SpainMohammad Zamroni, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, IndonesiaMunira Fayzulloeva, Tajik State University of Law, TajikistanNavid Darvishzadeh, Georgia State University, USANina Gunnarsson, Jönköping university, SwedenNingyang Chen, Soochow University, ChinaPatrick Neil M. Santiago, Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, PhilippinesPeggy Peattie, University of San Diego, USAPhilemon Bantimaroudis, University of Cyprus, CyprusRafael Ángel Rodríguez López, University of Malaga, SpainRafael Angel Salazar Martínez, University of Holguin-Mayari Municipality Center, CubaRafiza Luziani Varão Ribeiro Carvalho, University of Brasilia, BrazilRamez Abuhasirah, Middle East University, JordanRaúl Rojas-Andrés, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), SpainSarah Min, Dalton State College, USASevda Ünal, Çukurova University, TurkeySeverin Mbog, University of Douala, CameroonStefan Markov, Sofia University, BulgariaTeresa Martín García, University of Salamanca, SpainVeneza Mayora Ronsini, Federal University of Santa Maria, BrazilVerlumun Celestine Gever, University of Nigeria, NigeriaVladimir Dosev, University of Economics - Varna, BulgariaXiao Li, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, ChinaYoung Joon Lim, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USAYudie Aprianto, Universitas Gadjah Mada, IndonesiaYuyun Wahyu Izzati Surya, Airlangga University, IndonesiaZeinab Abulhul, George Mason University, USAZeynep Genel, İstanbul Okan University, TurkeyPatricia JohnsonEditorial AssistantOn behalf of,The Editorial Board of Studies in Media and CommunicationRedfame Publishing9450 SW Gemini Dr. #99416Beaverton, OR 97008, USAURL: http://smc.redfame.com
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Johnson, Patricia. "Reviewer Acknowledgements for Studies in Media and Communication, Vol. 12, No. 2." Studies in Media and Communication 12, no.2 (January21, 2024): 396. http://dx.doi.org/10.11114/smc.v12i2.6928.
Full textAbstract:
Studies in Media and Communication (SMC) would like to acknowledge the following reviewers for their assistance with peer review of manuscripts for this issue. Many authors, regardless of whether SMC publishes their work, appreciate the helpful feedback provided by the reviewers. Their comments and suggestions were of great help to the authors in improving the quality of their papers. Each of the reviewers listed below returned at least one review for this issue.Reviewers for Volume 12 Number 2 Abel Suing, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, EcuadorAina Fernàndez Aragonès, TecnocampusUPF, SpainÁlvaro Jiménez Sánchez, University of Valladolid, SpainAndré Iribure Rodrigues, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilAndreas Veglis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GreeceAntonio García Gómez, University of Alcalá de Henares, SpainAyşe Aslı Sezgin, Çukurova University, TurkeyBernard Naledzani Rasila, University of Venda, South AfricaBranco Di Fátima, University of Beira Interior (UBI), PortugalCamelia Cmeciu, Danubius University of Galati, RomaniaCarlos Andrés Trejos-Gil, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, ColombiaDaniel Moise, Bucharest University, RomaniaDario Nikić Čakar, University of Zagreb, CroatiaDi Zhang, Universiti Putra Malaysia, ChinaDonka Petrova, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, BulgariaDorela Kaçauni, “Fan S. Noli” University, AlbaniaElsa Simões, Fernando Pessoa University, PortugalElsir Ali Saad Mohamed, Umm Al Quwain University, UAEErika Tiburcio Moreno, Carlos III University, SpainEva Solomon, University of Dar es Salaam, TanzaniaFerit Hysa, Dardania College, AlbaniaFilosa Gita Sukmono, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, IndonesiaFrans Sayogie, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, IndonesiaFred Fang, South China Normal University, ChinaGebru Kahsay Kiflu, Adigrat University, EthiopiaGopolang Ditlhokwa, University of Botswana, BotswanaGordana Lesinger, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek, CroatiaHarisur Rahman, North South University, BangladeshHsu Thiri Zaw, National Management Degree College, MyanmarJarlene Rodrigues Reis, Cefet/RJ, BrazilJianbo Hou, Xi'an International Studies University, ChinaJosé SixtoGarcía, University of Santiago de Compostela, SpainJosipa Bubaš, Independent Researcher, CroatiaKarim Ben Yahia, University of Bahrain, BahrainKrešimir Žažar, University of Zagreb, CroatiaLei Ye, Hefei Normal University, ChinaLidia Peralta García, University of Granada, SpainLucia Zbihlejová, University of Presov, SlovakiaMaria de los Angeles Ferrer Mavarez, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, ChileMaría Guadalupe Venteño, National Autonomous University of Mexico, MexicoMaría José Serrano, Universidad de La Laguna, SpainMarta Rizo García, Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México, MexicoMartial Agbor Fanga, The University of Religions and Denominations, IranMasduki Masduki, Universitas Islam Indonesia, IndonesiaMatthias Degen, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, GermanyMohammad Zamroni, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, IndonesiaNavarro Nicoletti Felipe, CONICET-Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro, ArgentinaNgoc Tai Huynh, Tra Vinh University, VietnamNina Gunnarsson, Jönköping university, SwedenNingyang Chen, Soochow University, ChinaPatrick Neil M. Santiago, Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, PhilippinesPeggy Peattie, University of San Diego, USAPhilemon Bantimaroudis, University of Cyprus, CyprusRafael Ángel Rodríguez López, University of Malaga, SpainRafiza Luziani Varão Ribeiro Carvalho, University of Brasilia, BrazilRamez Abuhasirah, Middle East University, JordanRanda A. Makled, Beijing University of Technology, ChinaSarah Min, Dalton State College, USASeverin Mbog, University of Douala, CameroonStefan Markov, Sofia University, BulgariaVeneza Mayora Ronsini, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilVladimir Dosev, University of EconomicsVarna, BulgariaXiao Li, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, ChinaYi Luo, Montclair State University, USAYoung Joon Lim, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USAYudie Aprianto, Universitas Gadjah Mada, IndonesiaYuhan Wang, Guangdong University of Technology, ChinaZeinab Abulhul, George Mason University, USAZeynep Genel, İstanbul Okan University, Turkey Patricia JohnsonEditorial AssistantOn behalf of,The Editorial Board of Studies in Media and CommunicationRedfame Publishing9450 SW Gemini Dr. #99416Beaverton, OR 97008, USAURL: http://smc.redfame.com
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Johnson, Patricia. "Reviewer Acknowledgements for Studies in Media and Communication, Vol. 12, No. 1." Studies in Media and Communication 12, no.1 (February26, 2024): 476. http://dx.doi.org/10.11114/smc.v12i1.6764.
Full textAbstract:
Studies in Media and Communication (SMC) would like to acknowledge the following reviewers for their assistance with peer review of manuscripts for this issue. Many authors, regardless of whether SMC publishes their work, appreciate the helpful feedback provided by the reviewers. Their comments and suggestions were of great help to the authors in improving the quality of their papers. Each of the reviewers listed below returned at least one review for this issue.Reviewers for Volume 12 Number 1Abel Suing, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja, EcuadorAina Fernàndez Aragonès, Tecnocampus-UPF, SpainÁlvaro Jiménez Sánchez, University of Valladolid, SpainAmie Jones, University of Georgia, USAAndré Iribure Rodrigues, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilAndreas Veglis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GreeceAnita Šulentić, Edward Bernays University College, CroatiaAntonio García Gómez, University of Alcalá de Henares, SpainAref AbuGweder, Achva Acadmic, IsraelAyşe Aslı Sezgin, Çukurova University, TurkeyBarira Bakhtawar, Information Technology University of the Punjab, PakistanBernard Naledzani Rasila, University of Venda, South AfricaBranco Di Fátima, University of Beira Interior (UBI), PortugalCamelia Cmeciu, Danubius University of Galati, RomaniaCarlos Serrano, University of Seville, SpainDaniel Moise, Bucharest University, RomaniaDi Zhang, Universiti Putra Malaysia, ChinaDonka Petrova, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, BulgariaDorela Kaçauni, “Fan S. Noli” University, AlbaniaElsa Simões, Fernando Pessoa University, PortugalElsir Ali Saad Mohamed, Umm Al Quwain University, UAEErika Tiburcio Moreno, Carlos III University, SpainEva Solomon, University of Dar es Salaam, TanzaniaFrans Sayogie, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, IndonesiaFred Fang, South China Normal University, ChinaGebru Kahsay Kiflu, Adigrat University, EthiopiaGiorgio Poletti, University of Ferrara, ItalyGopolang Ditlhokwa, University of Botswana, BotswanaGordana Lesinger, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek, CroatiaGraciela PadillaCastillo, Complutense University of Madrid, SpainGuanqin He, Utrecht University, JordanHarisur Rahman, North South University, BangladeshHerman, Universitas HKBP Nommensen Pematangsiantar, IndonesiaHsu Thiri Zaw, National Management Degree College, MyanmarImed Ben Labidi, Doha Institute for Graduate Studies, USAJarlene Rodrigues Reis, Cefet/RJ, BrazilJavier Serrano Puche, University of Navarra, SpainJianbo Hou, Xi'an International Studies University, ChinaJosé SixtoGarcía, University of Santiago de Compostela, SpainJosipa Bubaš, Independent Researcher, CroatiaKarim Ben Yahia, University of Bahrain, BahrainKhaled AlKassimi, American University in the Emirates, UAEKrešimir Žažar, University of Zagreb, CroatiaLei Ye, Hefei Normal University, ChinaLidia Peralta García, University of Granada, SpainLucia Zbihlejová, University of Presov, SlovakiaMaria de los Angeles Ferrer Mavarez, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, ChileMaría Guadalupe Venteño, National Autonomous University of Mexico, MexicoMarina Klimenko, University of Florida, USAMarta Rizo García, Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México, MexicoMasduki Masduki, Universitas Islam Indonesia, IndonesiaMatthias Degen, Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, GermanyMohammad Zamroni, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, IndonesiaMunira Fayzulloeva, Tajik State University of Law, TajikistanNavarro Nicoletti Felipe, CONICETUniversidad Nacional de Rio Negro, ArgentinaNina Gunnarsson, Jönköping university, SwedenNingyang Chen, Soochow University, ChinaPablo Úrbez, Universidad Villanueva, SpainPatrick Neil M. Santiago, Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, PhilippinesPeggy Peattie, University of San Diego, USAPhilemon Bantimaroudis, University of Cyprus, CyprusRafael Ángel Rodríguez López, University of Malaga, SpainRafiza Luziani Varão Ribeiro Carvalho, University of Brasilia, BrazilRamez Abuhasirah, Middle East University, JordanRebeca SuarezAlvarez, Rey Juan Carlos University, SpainRocío del Pilar Sosa Fernández, University of Santiago de Compostela, SpainRonald Silalahi, Universitas Bunda Mulia, IndonesiaSarah Min, Dalton State College, USASeverin Mbog, University of Douala, CameroonStefan Markov, Sofia University, BulgariaThaïs de Mendonça Jorge, University of Brasilia, BrazilVeneza Mayora Ronsini, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, BrazilVladimir Dosev, University of Economics Varna, BulgariaXiao Li, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, ChinaYi Luo, Montclair State University, USAYoung Joon Lim, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USAYudie Aprianto, Universitas Gadjah Mada, IndonesiaYuhan Wang, Guangdong University of Technology, ChinaZeinab Abulhul, George Mason University, USAZeynep Genel, İstanbul Okan University, Turkey Patricia JohnsonEditorial AssistantOn behalf of,The Editorial Board of Studies in Media and CommunicationRedfame Publishing9450 SW Gemini Dr. #99416Beaverton, OR 97008, USAURL: http://smc.redfame.com
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Brown,AnthonyL., and KeffrelynD.Brown. "Strange Fruit Indeed: Interrogating Contemporary Textbook Representations of Racial Violence toward African Americans." Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education 112, no.1 (January 2010): 31–67. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/016146811011200108.
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Background/Context Recent racial incidents on college and high school campuses throughout the United States have catalyzed a growing conversation around issues of race and racism. These conversations exist alongside ongoing concerns about the lack of attention given to race and racism in the official school curriculum. Given that the field of education is generally located as a space to interrogate why these difficult issues of race in schools and society still persist, this study illustrates how contemporary official school knowledge addresses historical and contemporary issues of race and racism. To do this, we examine how historic acts of racial violence directed toward African Americans are rendered in K–12 school textbooks. Using the theoretical lenses of critical race theory and cultural memory, we explicate how historic acts of racial violence toward African Americans receives minimal and/or distorted attention in most K–12 texts. Purpose/Objective/Research Question/Focus of Study We examined the knowledge constructed about racial violence and African Americans in the United States. Using the theoretical lenses of critical race theory and cultural memory, we show how the topic of historic acts of racial violence toward African Americans receives minimal and/or distorted attention in most K–12 texts. The purpose of this study is to illustrate that although accounts of racial violence that historically have been excluded from textbooks are now being included, this inclusion matters little if it is presented in a manner that disavows material implications of racial violence on sustained White privilege and entrenched African American inequities. Research Design The findings from this study come from a textbook analysis of 19 recent U.S. history social studies textbooks adopted by the state of Texas. Drawing from the tradition of recent critical textbook studies, this study used a literary analysis methodology. Findings/Results In this study, we found that although narratives of racial violence were present throughout the texts, they often rendered acts of violence as the immorality of single actors or “bad men doing bad things.” Additionally, these presentations portray violence as disconnected from the institutional and structural ties that supported and benefited from such acts. Conclusions/Recommendations The findings from this study illustrate the limited historical and sociocultural knowledge about race and racism provided to teachers and students through K–12 social studies textbooks. These findings have direct implications for how teachers and students conceptualize and grapple with real issues of race and racism in schools and society. We suggest that the knowledge contained in school texts must go beyond simply representing acts of racism, situating such acts of racism within the discursive and material realities that have shaped the lives of African Americans in the United States.
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Koblitz, Ann Hibner. "Science for the Masses: The Bolshevik State, Public Science, and the Popular Imagination in Soviet Russia, 1917-1934. By James T. Andrews. East European Studies, no. 22. College Station: Texas A&M University Press, 2003. xii, 234 pp. Notes. Bibliography. Glossary. Index. Illustrations. $45.00, hard bound." Slavic Review 63, no.3 (2004): 661–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/1520383.
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Himmelstein,DavidU., Steffie Woolhandler, and SidneyM.Wolfe. "The Vanishing Health Care Safety Net: New Data on Uninsured Americans." International Journal of Health Services 22, no.3 (July 1992): 381–96. http://dx.doi.org/10.2190/5fba-vekk-k2dk-jf8v.
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New data obtained from the Census Bureau shows that the number of Americans without any health insurance increased by 1.3 million between 1989 and 1990, bringing the total number of uninsured to 34.7 million, more than at any time since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid 25 years ago. This increase coincided with a 10.5 percent increase in health spending, the second largest in the past three decades. The number of people covered by Medicaid grew by 3.1 million, due to a one-time expansion of eligibility mandated by Congress, but this was more than counterbalanced by a population growth of 3 million and a decrease of 1.3 million in people covered by private insurance. Had Medicaid not been expanded, the number of uninsured would have increased by 4.4 million. The increase in the uninsured affected virtually all parts of the nation. Seven states had increases of more than 100,000 persons each. Only Texas experienced a decrease of that magnitude, but still had the second highest rate of uninsurance of any state. Of the 1.3 million additional uninsured in 1990, 77 percent were male, 32 percent had family incomes in excess of $50,000 per year, and 74 percent had annual family incomes above $25,000. Fewer than 9 percent had incomes below the poverty line. The numbers of uninsured children and senior citizens fell slightly (but not significantly), while the number of uninsured working-age adults rose by 1.4 million. The number of uninsured workers in each of four of 20 major industry groups increased by more than 100,000 in 1990. None of the industry groups showed a significant decline in the number of uninsured. Among professionals, there were substantial numbers of uninsured doctors, engineers, teachers, college professors, clergy, and others, but all legislators and judges were insured. The data presented here largely predate the recession and understate current problems. In 1991 the number of uninsured will likely reach nearly 40 million. Also, these estimates are based on the number of people uninsured at a single time during 1990; a far higher number were temporarily uninsured at some point during the year. Moreover the Census Bureau survey ignores the problem of the underinsurance of at least 50 million insured Americans. Patchwork public programs are grossly inadequate to plug the holes. A national health program covering all Americans could assure access to care and contain costs.
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JHEC, Nig. "NIGERIA JOURNAL OF HOME ECONOMICS (Nig-JHEC) Vol 8, No 3, March 2020." Nigeria Journal of Home Economics (ISSN: 2782-8131) 8, no.3 (March12, 2018): 01–206. http://dx.doi.org/10.61868/njhe.v8i3.1.
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CONTENTSDeterminants of Biomarkers of Ageing GracefullyLilian Imuetinyan Salami & Isoken Ihensekhien Influence of Parenting on Aggressiveness in Senior Secondary Schools Adolescents in Orumba South Education Zone,Anambra StateChimaA. Ejeabukwa, Ozioma C.Azubuike and Pat E. Mbah Effect of Mosquito Repellent Herbs (scent Leaf, Mint Leaf and Lemon Grass) on Textile Fabrics.Nwanorue, G. I., Lemchi, S. N., Okeke, E. N., Olubiyi, E. O., Odigbo, G.A. & Uwabuike, M. Capacity Building Needs of Home Makers in Family Clothing Management in Lagos State, NigeriaOluwaleyimu, O. O Empowerment ofYouths For Sustaining National Stability in Nigeria: The Role of Home Economics.Alabi Olufunmilayo. F Development of Self-Instructional Manual for Learning Selected Bead-Crafts in Home Economics Programme in Colleges of Education.Madu Elizabeth N. & Anyakoha E.U. AnAssessment of Nutritional Knowledge and Food Practices of Homemakers inAyamelum Local Government Area,Anambra State.Nomeh Blessing C. Imperatives of Using Home Economics to Curb the Menace of Domestic Violence and Child Trafficking inNigeria.Mariyam Bello,Abdullahi, M. B. & Daniel O. V Consumers' Acceptability of Indigenous Black Soap Enhanced With Mixture of Aloe Vera, Camwood, Honey, LemonAnd Tumeric.T. T.Adebisi, F. D. Tijani, H.A. Usman & D. O.Arubayi, Development of Textile and Apparel Sector in Nigeria for Jobs and Wealth Creation.Fadipe E. O & Obiana, U. V Youth Empowerment as a Tool for Sustaining National Stability.Zainab M. Abbas, Philip-Ogoh, Agnes, & Ahamba E. N. Family Life and Work Performance of Workers in Akwa-Ibom State.Iniobong Aniekan Nyarks (Ph.D) Assessment of a Manual for Evaluating the Quality of Ready-To-Wear Apparels Produced In South-East,Nigeria.Ozor, Patience. E. (Ph.D) & Prof. C.A, Igbo Figure Faults, Garment Selection Practices and Clothing Problems of Business Women in Osisioma Ngwa Local GovernmentArea of Abia State, Nigeria.Ozougwu S.U (PhD) & Ugoeze C. C. 103Personal Hygiene Practices of Students inAlvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri, Imo State.Ohaka,Adaku R. & Lemchi, S. N. Production and Utilization of Tie Dye for Economic Empowerment of the Youth in Clothing and Textile in Nigeria.Madu E. N. (PhD) &AfurobiAda (PhD) Impact of Parenting Styles on the Personal and Social Development of School Aged Children in Imo State, Nigeria.Ekomaru, C. I., Iheme, G. O., Okwuleghe, F. C. & Opara, H. C. Influence of Consumer Choice of Clothing on Society in Port Harcourt Metropolis.Wonah, Efemena E. Influence of Family Planning Practices on Birth Control in Nigeria.Oshio Lucy E. & Ihensekhien, I. Acceptability of Vegetable Flan Produced From Composite Flour (Wheat and Corn) as Snack for Middle Age (40-65years).Johnson, W. O and Ijaduola, E. T. Improving Household Food Security for National Stability.Okosun, C. J. (PhD)Aluyor .P. (PhD), & Onyeizu .R. (PhD) Capacity Building Needs of Home Economics Teachers Teaching Garment Making in Ebonyi State.Okeke, E. N & Ohaka, R.A. Proximate Composition and Microbial Characteristics of Processed Tiger Nut Milk (Cyperus esculentus).Apata, O. C., Ajayi, O. O. &Adebayo, I. N. Vegetable Farming: A Strategy for Household Food and Economic Securing Among Women in Oshimili South, Delta State, Nigeria.Okafor Patience & Madiche W. Clothing Construction Vocation: A Strategy For Sustaining Family Empowerment, National Stability And Emerging Challenges in Bade LGA,Yobe State.Obiana, U. V, Fadipe, E. O. & Isiguzo, V. Assessment of Sanitation Practices of Students of Federal College of Education (Technical) Akoka For Healthy LivingAnd Wellness.Busasi, Olabisi &Al-Hassan, M. Olubukola Importance of Functional Foods in Diseases Prevention and Promotion of Health In Colleges of Education in Delta State, NigeriaIsibor A. Osas Homemaking Skills and Family Relationship: A Pre-requisite for National Stability in Orashi Region, Rivers StateSalomi O. Onoriode, Nathaniel Maria & Amewhule O. Q. Esther
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Notícias, Transfer. "Noticias." Transfer 10, no.1-2 (October4, 2021): 138–48. http://dx.doi.org/10.1344/transfer.2015.10.138-148.
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NOTICIAS / NEWS (“Transfer”, 2015) 1) CONGRESOS / CONFERENCES: 1. First Forlì International Workshop – Corpus-based Interpreting Studies: The State of the Art University of Bologna at Forlì, 7-8 May 2015. http://eventi.sslmit.unibo.it/cis1/<file:///owa/redir.aspx 2. 5th IATIS Conference – Innovation Paths in Translation and Intercultural Studies, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 7-10 July 2015. www.iatis.org/index.php/iatis-belo-horizonte-conference/itemlist/category/168-call-for-communication-proposals-within-the-general-conference 3. POETRY/TRANSLATION/FILM – POÉSIE/TRADUCTION/FILM PoeTransFi, Paul Valéry University, Montpellier, France, 18-19 June 2015. http://pays-anglophones.upv.univ-montp3.fr/?page_id=1795 4. 6th International Maastricht-Lodz Duo Colloquium on “Translation and Meaning”, Maastricht School of Translation & Interpre-ting, Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, Maastricht, Netherlands 21-22 May 2015. www.translation-and-meaning.nl 5. MiddleWOmen. Networking and cultural mediation with and between women (1850-1950). Centre for Reception Studies (CERES), HERA Travelling TexTs project and Huygens ING KU Leuven campus Brussels 7-8 May 2015. www.receptionstudies.be 6. 5th International Symposium: Respeaking, Live Subtitling and Accessibility, Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma, Italy, 12 June 2015. www.unint.eu/it/component/content/article/8-pagina/494-respeaking-live-subtitling-and-accessibility.html 7. Conference on Law, Translation and Culture (LTC5) and Legal and Institutional Translation Seminar, University of Geneva, Switzerland 24-26 June 2015. www.unige.ch/traduction-interpretation/recherches/groupes/transius/conference2015_en.html 8. 6th International Conference Media for All – Audiovisual Translation and Media Accessibility: Global Challenges, University of Western Sydney, Australia, 16-18 September 2015. http://uws.edu.au/mediaforall 9. Translation in Exile, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 10-11 December 2015. www.cliv.be 10. Literary Translation as Creation, Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, 20-21 May 2015. laurence.belingard@univ-avignon.fr marie-francoise.sanconie@univ-avignon.fr 11. 4th International Conference on Language, Medias and Culture (ICLMC 2015) 9-10 April 2015. Kyoto, Japan, www.iclmc.org 12. 9th International Colloquium on Translation Studies in Portugal – Translation & Revolution, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon, 22-23 October 2015. ix.translation.revolution@gmail.com 13. Translation as Collaboration: Translaboration?, University of Westminster, London, 18 June 2015 Contact: Alexa Alfer (A.Alfer01@westminster.ac.uk), Steven Cranfield (S.Cranfield@westminster.ac.uk), Paresh Kathrani (P.Kathrani@westminster.ac.uk) 14. Translation/Interpreting Teaching and the Bologna Process: Pathways between Unity and Diversity, FTSK Germersheim, Germany 27–29 November 2015. www.fb06.uni-mainz.de/did2015/index_ENG.php 15. Atlantic Communities: Translation, Mobility, Hospitality, University of Vigo, Spain, 17-18 September 2015. http://translating.hypotheses.org/551 16. Exploring the Literary World III: Transgression and Translation in Literature Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand 23-24 April 2015. www.arts.chula.ac.th/~complit/complite/?q=conference 17. Authenticity and Imitation in Translation and Culture, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Warsaw, Poland, 7 – 9 May 2015. www.swps.pl/english-version/news/conferences/12164-authenticity-and-imitation-in-translation-and-culture 18. Translation in Transition, Barnard College, New York City, USA 1-2 May 2015. barnard.edu/translation/translation-in-transition 19. First Forlì International Workshop – Corpus-based Interpreting Studies: The state of the art, University of Bologna at Forlì, Italy, 7-8 May 2015. http://eventi.sslmit.unibo.it/cis1 20. Translation and Meaning. The Lodz Session of the 6th International Maastricht-Lodz Duo Colloquium, University of Lodz, Poland, 18-19 September 2015. http://duo.uni.lodz.pl 21. TAO-CAT-2015, Université Catholique de l’Ouest, Angers, France 28-30 May 2015. www.tao2015.org/home-new 22. English Language and Literary Studies (ELLS 2015), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 3-4 August 2015. http://ells2015.com 23. Talking to the World 2: The Relevance of Translation and Interpreting – Past, Present and Future, Newcastle University, UK, 10-11 September 2015. www.ncl.ac.uk/sml/study/postgraduate/T&I/2015conference/main.htm 24. 6th International Symposium for Young Researchers in Translation, Interpreting, Intercultural Studies and East Asian Studies Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 3 July 2015. www.fti.uab.es/departament/simposi-2015/en/index.htm 25. Portsmouth Translation Conference: Border Crossing or Border Creation?, University of Portsmouth, UK, 14 November 2015. www.port.ac.uk/translation/events/conference 26. New Perspectives in Assessment in Translation Training: Bridging the Gap between Academic and Professional Assessment, University of Westminster, London, UK, 4 September 2015. www.westminster.ac.uk/news-and-events/events/humanities/archive/2014/mlc/new-perspectives-in-assessment-in-translation-training-bridging-the-gap-between-academic-and-professional-assessment 27. III Congreso Internacional de Neología en las Lenguas Románicas University of Salamanca, 22-24 October 2015. http://diarium.usal.es/cineo2015 28. Some Holmes and Popovič in all of us? The Low Countries and the Nitra Schools in the 21st century, Constantine the Philosopher University, Nitra, Slovakia, 8-10 October 2015. Contact: igor.tyss@gmail.com 29. The Cultural Politics of Translation, Cairo, Egypt, 27-29 October 2015. https://culturalpoliticstranslation2015.wordpress.com 30. Journée d’étude « le(s) figure(s) du traducteur », Mount Royal University, Calgary, Canada, 30 April 2015. http://mrujs.mtroyal.ca/index.php/cf/index 31. Mediterranean Editors and Translators Annual Meeting —Versatility and readiness for new challenges, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 29-31 October 2015. www.metmeetings.org/en/preliminary-program:722 32. Lengua, Literatura y Traducción “liLETRAd”, University of Seville, Spain, 7-8 July 2015. http://congreso.us.es/liletrad. 33. Meta: Translators' Journal is celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2015! For the occasion, an anniversary colloquium will be held on August 19th to 21st, 2015 at the Université de Montréal (Montréal, Canada). Colloquium for the 60th Anniversary of META – 1955-2015: Les horizons de la traduction: retour vers le futur. Translation’s horizons: back to the future. Los horizontes de la traducción: regreso al futuro, August 19-21, 2015 – Université de Montréal. Please send your proposal to this address: meta60e@gmail.com, to the attention of Georges L. Bastin or Eve-Marie Gendron-Pontbrian 2) CURSOS DE POSGRADO / MASTERS: 1. Legal Translation, Master universitario di II livello in Traduzione Giuridica University of Trieste, Italy. http://apps.units.it/Sitedirectory/InformazioniSpecificheCdS/Default.aspx?cdsid=10374&ordinamento=2012&sede=1&int=web&lingua=15 2. Traducción Especializada, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Spain. http://estudios.uoc.edu/es/masters-posgrados-especializaciones/master/artes-humanidades/traduccion-especializada/presentacion 3. Online course: La Traducción Audiovisual y el Aprendizaje de Lenguas Extranjeras, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, 1st December 2014 to 31st May 2015. http://formacionpermanente.uned.es/tp_actividad/idactividad/7385 https://canal.uned.es/mmobj/index/id/21174 Contact: Noa Talaván (ntalavan@flog.uned.es), José Javier Ávila (javila@flog.uned.es) 4. Online course: Audio Description and Its Use in the Foreign Language Classroom, UNED, Madrid, Spain http://formacionpermanente.uned.es/tp_actividad/idactividad/7492 5. Online course: Curso de Formación de Profesorado, La Traducción Audiovisual y el Aprendizaje de Lenguas Extranjeras UNED, Madrid, Spain. http://formacionpermanente.uned.es/tp_actividad/idactividad/7385 6. EST Training Seminar for Translation Teachers, Kraków, Poland 29 June – 3 July 2015. www.est-translationstudies.org/events/2015_seminar_teachers/index.html 7. Train the Trainer -Teaching MT: EAMT-funded Workshop, Dublin City University, 30 April- 1 May 2015. https://cttsdcu.wordpress.com/eamt-workshop-on-teaching-mt-to-translator-trainers-30-april-1-may 3) CURSOS DE VERANO / SUMMER COURSES: 1. 2015 Nida School of Translation Studies, Leading Edges in Translation: World Literature and Performativity, San Pellegrino University Foundation campus, Misano Adriatico, Italy, 18-29 may 2015. http://nsts.fusp.it/Nida-Schools/NSTS-2015 2. EMUNI Translation Studies Doctoral and Teacher Training Summer School, University of Turku, Finland, 1-12 June 2015. www.utu.fi/en/units/hum/units/languages/EASS/Pages/home.aspx 3. Chinese-English Translation and Interpretation, School of Translation and Interpretation, University of Ottawa, Canada, 13th July – 7th August 7 2015. http://arts.uottawa.ca/translation/summer-programs 4. Summer Program in Translation Pedagogy, University of Ottawa 13 July – 7 August 2015. http://arts.uottawa.ca/translation/summer-programs 4) LIBROS / BOOKS: 1. Audio Description: New Perspectives Illustrated, Edited by Anna Maszerowska, Anna Matamala and Pilar Orero, John Benjamins, 2014. https://benjamins.com/#catalog/books/btl.112/main 2. Call for papers: Translation Studies in Africa and beyond: Reconsidering the Postcolony, Editors: J Marais & AE Feinauer Contacts: Kobus Marais (jmarais@ufs.ac.za) or Ilse Feinauer (aef@sun.ac.za). 4. Measuring live subtitling quality: Results from the second sampling exercise, Ofcom, UK. http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/consultations/subtitling/sampling-results-2 5. A Training Handbook for Legal and Court Interpreters in Australia by Mary Vasilakakos, ISBN 978-0-9925873-0-7, Publisher: Language Experts Pty Ltd. www.interpreterrevalidationtraining.com www.languageexperts.com.au 6. Call for papers: Opera and Translation: Eastern and Western Perspectives, Edited by Adriana Serban and Kelly Kar Yue Chan http://pays-anglophones.upv.univ-montp3.fr/?page_id=1908 7. The Known Unknowns of Translation Studies, Edited by Elke Brems, Reine Meylaerts and Luc van Doorslaer, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2014. https://benjamins.com/#catalog/books/bct.69/main 8. Translating the Voices of Theory/ La traduction des voi de la théorie Edited by Isabelle Génin and Ida Klitgård, 2014. www.hf.uio.no/ilos/english/research/groups/Voice-in-Translation/ 9. Authorial and Editorial Voices in Translation 1 - Collaborative Relationships between Authors, Translators, and Performers, Eds. Hanne Jansen and Anna Wegener, 2014. http://editionsquebecoisesdeloeuvre.ca/data/documents/AEVA-Flyer-1-190895-Vita-Traductiva-Vol-2-Flyer-EN-100413.pdf 10. Authorial and Editorial Voices in Translation 2 - Editorial and Publishing Practices, Eds. Hanne Jansen and Anna Wegener, 2014. www.editionsquebecoisesdeloeuvre.ca/accueil 11. Call for papers: Achieving Consilience. Translation Theories and Practice. https://cfpachievingconsilience.wordpress.com 12. Framing the Interpreter. Towards a visual perspective. Anxo Fernández-Ocampo & Michaela Wolf (eds.), 2014, London: Routledge. http://routledge-ny.com/books/details/9780415712743 13. Multilingual Information Management: Information, Technology and Translators, Ximo Granell, 2014. http://store.elsevier.com/Multilingual-Information-Management/Ximo-Granell-/isbn-9781843347712/ 14. Writing and Translating Francophone Discourse: Africa, The Caribbean, Diaspora, Paul F. Bandia (ed.), 2014, Amsterdam, Rodopi www.brill.com/products/book/writing-and-translating-francophone-discourse 15. Call for papers (collective volumen): Translation studies in Africa and beyond: Reconsidering the postcolony www.facebook.com/notes/mona-baker/translation-studies-in-africa-and-beyond-reconsidering-the-postcolony/743564399051495 16. Audiovisual Translation in the Digital Age - The Italian Fansubbing Phenomenon, By Serenella Massidda, Palgrave Connect, 2015. www.palgrave.com/page/detail/audiovisual-translation-in-the-digital-age-serenella-massidda/?k=9781137470362 17. Video: First International SOS-VICS Conference - Building communication bridges in gender violence, University of Vigo, Spain 25-26 September 2014. http://cuautla.uvigo.es/CONSOS/ 18. Camps, Assumpta. Traducción y recepción de la literatura italiana, Publicacions i Edicions UB, 2014. ISBN: 978-84-475-3776-1. 19. Camps, Assumpta. Italia en la prensa periódica durante el franquismo, Publicacions i Edicions UB, 2014. ISBN: 978-84-475-3753-2. 5) REVISTAS / JOURNALS: Call for papers: “Altre Modernità – Rivista di studi letterarie e culturali” Special Issue: Ideological Manipulation in Audiovisual Translation, Contact: irene.ranzato@uniroma.it. http://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/AMonline/announcement/view/381 2. Call for papers: “Between, Journal of the Italian Association of Comparative Literature”. Special issue on censorship and self-censorship. http://ojs.unica.it/index.php/between/pages/view/CFP9_censura_auto-censura 3. Open access journal, “Hieronymus, A Journal of Translation Studies and Terminology”, Croatia. www.ffzg.unizg.hr/hieronymus 4. “DIE SCHNAKE. Zeitschrift für Sprachkritik, Satire, Literatur”, Number 39+40, Kleines ABC des Literaturübersetzens. www.rainer-kohlmayer.de 5. Call for papers: “MonTI” 8 (2016) - Economic, Financial and Business Translation: from Theory to Training and Professional Practice. http://dti.ua.es/es/monti-english/monti-authors.html daniel.gallego@ua.es 6. Call for papers: “LINGUISTICA ANTVERPIENSIA”, NEW SERIES -Themes in Translation Studies (15/2016). Interpreting in Conflict Situations and in Conflict Zones throughout History. https://lans.ua.ac.be/index.php/LANS-TTS/announcement 7. Call for papers: “CULTUS: The Journal of Intercultural Mediation and Communication” (8/2016). The Intercultural Question and the Interpreting Professions. www.cultusjournal.com 8. Call for papers: “The Journal of Specialised Translation” Non-thematic issue, Issue 26, July 2016. www.jostrans.org 9. “TranscUlturAl: A journal of Translation and Culture Studies”, Special issue Translating Street Art. http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/TC/issue/view/1634 10. “Przekładaniec 28: Audiodeskrypcja [Audio Description]”, edited by Anna Jankowska and Agnieszka Szarkowska. All papers are published in Polish, with English abstracts. www.ejournals.eu/Przekladaniec/zakladka/66/ 11. Call for papers: “Lingvisticæ Investigationes”, Special issue on Spanish Phraseology: Varieties and Variations. http://dti.ua.es/es/documentos/li-call-for-papers-spanish-phraseology-varieties-and-variations.pdf Further details: Pedro.mogorron@ua.es; xblancoe@gmail.com 13. Call for papers: “Revista de Lenguas para Fines Específicos”, Special issue on The Translation of Advertising. Contact: Laura Cruz (lcruz@dis.ulpgc.es). Deadline: 20th July 2015. www.webs.ulpgc.es/lfe 14. “The AALITRA Review”. www.nla.gov.au/openpublish/index.php/ALLITRA 15. “Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E” www.cttl.org/cttl-e-2014.html 16. Call for papers: “Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E”. www.cttl.org 18. Call for papers: “Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts”, Volume 1, Number 2, 2015 Deadline: 10-Jan-2015. https://benjamins.com/#catalog/journals/ttmc/main 19. Call for book reviews: “TRANS. Revista de Traductología,” vol.19, 2015. Deadline: Friday, 30th January 2015. www.trans.uma.es trans@uma.es 20. Call for papers: “a journal of literature, culture and literary Translation”. Special volume – Utopia and Political Theology Today Deadline: 15th January 2015. Contact: sic.journal.contact@gmail.com https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01 21. “trans-kom”. www.trans-kom.eu 22. “Linguistica Antverpiensia” NS-TTS 13/2014: Multilingualism at the cinema and on stage: A translation perspective, Edited by Reine Meylaerts and Adriana Şerban. https://lans-tts.uantwerpen.be/index.php/LANS-TTS/issue/current 23. Call for papers: 5th issue (2015) of “Estudios de Traducción”, Deadline: 20 February 2015. www.ucm.es/iulmyt/revista 24. Call for papers: “Journal of Translation Studies” - special issue on Translator & Interpreter Education in East Asia. KATS (Korean Association of Translation Studies), www.kats.or.kr (Go to 'English' page). Contact: Won Jun Nam (wonjun_nam@daum.net, wjnam@hufs.ac.kr). 25. “The Journal of Specialised Translation”, 23, January 2015. www.jostrans.org 26. Call for papers: “TranscUlturAl: A Journal of Translation and Cultural Studies”. Deadline: 15 March 2015. http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/TC/announcement 27. “New Voices in Translation Studies”, Issue 11 (Fall 2014). www.iatis.org/index.php/publications/new-voices-in-translation-studies/item/1034-issue11-2014 28. “The Interpreter and Translator Trainer”, 8:3 (2014). Special issue: Dialogue Interpreting in practice: bridging the gap between empirical research and interpreter education E. Davitti and S. Pasquandrea (eds.) www.tandfonline.com/toc/ritt20/current#.VLQHuyvF-So 6) WEBS DE INTERÉS / WEBSITES OF INTEREST: 1. Support Spanish interpreters to secure the right to translation and interpreting in criminal proceedings: www.change.org/p/pablo-casado-retiren-el-proyecto-de-ley-org%C3%A1nica-que-modifica-la-lecrim
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JHEC, Nig. "NIGERIA JOURNAL OF HOME ECONOMICS (Nig-JHEC) Vol 8, No 4, June 2020." Nigeria Journal of Home Economics (ISSN: 2782-8131) 8, no.4 (June11, 2018): 01–175. http://dx.doi.org/10.61868/njhe.v8i4.2.
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CONTENTSAssessment of the Challenges ofAcquiringAffordable HousingAmong Civil Servants in South East, Nigeria.Mbah, Patricia E. & Azubuike, Ozioma C. 1 Child Protection and Rights for Sustainable Development in Nigeria.Okosun, C. J., Onyeizu, R. & Aluyor, P. 7 SkillAcquisition in Textile forYouth Empowerment for Sustainable Economic Development in Nigeria.Madu, Elizabeth N. & Afurobi Ada 12 Clothing Communication ProblemAmong Pregnant Women in Oguta Local GovernmentArea of Imo State, Nigeria.Ozor, Patience E., Ekomaru, Chinyere I. &Anyanwu, Helen O. 15 Production of Homemade Soap Using Wasted Watermelon Seed from Offloading Sites at Ubani Market in Umuahia.Alozie, E. N. & Nkem, L. 21 Appearance Management and Clothing Behaviour of Civil Servants in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State.Dorothy Thompson & Ofonime EmmanuelAloysius 26 Developing an Instructional Manual for Teaching Physically Challenged Women Skills in StoneAttachment in Lafia Local GovernmentArea of Nasarawa State.Shailong, C. N., OforghorA. O., Oluah, B. E. & Bahago D.A. 32 Extraction of Natural Dye from Cassava (Manihot Esculenta) Leaves for Colouration of Cotton Fabric.Alozie, E. N., Enete, O. N. & Moses, I. A. 43 Assessment of Food Handling Practices of Students in Public Secondary Schools in Asaba Metropolis.Okoh, PatriciaA. &Anene – Okeakwa, J. E. 47 Nutrition Knowledge,Anthropometric and Iron Status of Secondary School Female Adolescents inAdazi-AniAnaocha Local GovernmentArea, Anambra State.Okafor,A. M., Kalu-Uka,A. G., Onyia, U. D., & Egbue J. C. 55 Hairstyle Fashion of FemaleAdolescents in Michael Okpara University ofAgriculture, Umudike.Esiowu,A. Priscilla (Ph.D)&Obunadike, J. C. (Ph.D) 66 Assessment of Utility Preference Between Imported to Locally Made Apparels in Lagos State, Nigeria.Adeniji, O. T., Salami, L. I., Oluwadare, A. & Adebayo, O. O. 71 Nigeria Journal of Home Economics (Nig-JHEC) Vol 8, No 4, June 2020Sustaining National Stability and Emerging Challenges: A Role of Home Economics Education in Teaching and Training of Nigerian Students.Kreni, Comfort G. & Padung, Lucy 78 Home Economics Education: A Panacea for Sustainable Community Development.Umeh-Idika Adaku 84 Production and Evaluation of Mungbean–Wateryam Akara. Offia Olua, B. I., Ejinkeonye, U. B. & Onuoha, N. J. 92 Family Lifestyle and Adolescents Conflict Resolution Strategies in Eleme, Rivers State.Onyeukwu, Adanma C., Azunwena, Reginah N. & Nnubia, Uju 102 Improving Innovative Skills in Clothing and Textile Among Colleges of Education Students in Benue State Nigeria: A Tool for Sustaining National Stability and Emerging Challenges.Uloko O. Grace, Dapul C. Akila & Ogiri E. Ladi 109 Nutritional Preparation for Ageing Retirees in Edo State.Obobokhai, F. A. & Uko-Aviomoh, E. E 116 Professional Translation: An Exigency for the Promotion of Hospitality and Tourism Industries in Nigeria.Hounvenou Elizabeth C. C. & Offor N. Ogechukwu 123 Evaluating Traders Preference for Second Hand Clothing Businesses in Lafia Metropolis Nasarawa State Nigeria.Shailong C. N., Oforghor, A. O., Oluah, B. E., & John, E 132 Climate Change Hazards and Adapted Strategies for Control of Environmental Pollution for Sustainable Aesthetic Drinking Water in Rural Southeast Nigeria.Unoma C. Onyeazor & Roseline Nneka Chike 139 Learning Environment and Student Delinquent Behaviour Among Secondary School Students in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Rivers State.Okari, Igoni karibo Amakiri & Nnubia, Uju 148 Perception of Bankers and Teachers on Influence of Maternal Employment on Childcare Practices of Working Mothersin Two Selected Local Government Areas of Lagos State.Nnubia, I. U., Nnodim E. J. , Ezeonyeche, C. L.& Okechukwu F. O. 157 Students' Preference Between Self and Government/Private Employment from Schools of Secondary Education Vocational In Federal College of Education, Kano State.Ibrahim Nafisatu 168 The Role of Home Economics in Developing Food Literacy.Asiy
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Uzunboylu, Huseyin, and Cigdem Hursen. "Editors Message and Referees Index." Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences 10, no.3 (September15, 2015): 180. http://dx.doi.org/10.18844/cjes.v1i1.74.
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From the EditorsHuseyin Uzunboylu, Cigdem HursenIt is an honour for us to welcome you as Editors of Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences which has accepted publications indexed in qualified databases since 2006. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences (CJES) is listed in many scholarly citation indexes; DOAJ, Ulrich's Educational Research Abstracts (ERA), EBSCO, Google Scholar, PsycINFO, Asian Education Index & AWER index. Also our major aim is to increase the quality of the journal day by day. We are ready to publish the new studies of Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences which has 9 full length articles written by authors from, Cyprus, Canada, Nigeria and Turkey.The aim of this issue is to give the researchers an opportunity to share their academic studies. First of all, I would like to thank all who have contributed to this issue. There are different focuses. For example, Hayat Boz and Sibel Esra Karatasexplored the impact of Internet use on QOL of the elderly by examining available researches in this field. By searching on ADM Digital Library, WEB Science, ERIC, PsycINFO and PubMed databases, this study reviewed 25 studies published after 1990 that investigates the relationship between Internet use and QOL of elderly. The synthesis of the research findings indicates that the functional use of computer and Internet improves QOL for older people. The findings also provide a comprehensive perspective on the current state of knowledge and raises questions for further research.On the other hand, Japo Oweikeye Amasuomo, examined the academic performance of students in the compulsory courses in technical education during the transition period of first and second years of three years Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) Technical programme before choosing their disciplines in the third year. The study established that, students in Electrical/Electronics discipline performed better than their counterparts who made Automobile, Building, Metalwork and Woodwork as their discipline, and the academic performance of the five groups of students differed significantly. Also, Hussain Ali Alkharusi examined students' perceptions of classroom assessment tasks as a function of gender, subject area, and grade level. Results showed that students tended to hold positive perceptions of their classroom assessment tasks in terms of congruence with planned learning, authenticity, student consultation, transparency, and diversity.In addition to these, Johnson Enero Upahi, Ganiyat Bukola Issa and Oloyede Solomon Oyelekan carried out a study on students. This study assesses the classroom activities which are the fundamental process required to determine the extent to which intended learning outcomes has been achieved. Emrah Soykan aimed to identification of views of teachers, students and their parents at Near East College in North Cyprus on use of tablets in education. The research is a descriptive case study. As result of the analysis carried out in this research, it has been seen that teachers, students and parents evaluate the problems related with tablet PCs under the following two sub-dimensions; the experienced problems of during tablet supported education and the benefits of tablet pc usage in education.Zeynep Karatas and E. Tremblay Richard examined the level of depressive symptoms of the secondary school students in Turkey and Canada has been aimed in this study. The research group of the study consists of 1050 secondary school students with the average age of 13. Their socio-economic levels are low in both countries, Canada and Turkey. The study revealed that the level of depressive symptoms of Turkish secondary school students has been found higher than the level of depressive symptoms of Canadian secondary school students. While the levels of depressive symptoms of the Canadian female students have been higher than male students, the level of depressive symptoms of Turkish students has not differentiated in terms of their genders. Behiye Akacan and Gurcan Secim examine the responses of university students in social anxiety situations in order to create a psychological counselling program with a structured group based on Cognitive Behavioural and Existential Approaches. These responses involve the behaviour and thoughts of the university students in situations where they experience or anticipate social anxiety. The findings of the study revealed that the thoughts regarding the social anxiety situations of the final year students studying in Guidance and Psychological Counselling and Pre-School Teaching departments are generally negative and their behaviour usually presents as desertion or avoidance.Also, Halil İbrahim Akyuz and Hafize Keser examined the effect of an educational agent, used in online task based learning media, and its form characteristics on problem solving ability perceptions of students. It is determined that applied method has an important effect on problem solving ability perception of students and that the educational agent in the role of teacher is more effective than the role of friend in the development of problem solving ability perception. Finally Muge Tacman and Nazan Comunoglu examined the way how the primary school class teachers evaluate the candidates, what their expect from the candidates and the effectivenes of the teaching training program being conducted in Ataturk Teacher Training Academy (AOA) to fulfill these expectations. Research findings were studied and interpreted in the framework of 4 main topics which are field knowledge, basic professional attitudes, effective communication and teaching abilities.I would like to express my thanks to all authors preferring Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences to make their articles published, all reviewers working seriously in the process of publishing, and also quest editors supporting us in this process.Best regards,Prof. Dr. Huseyin Uzunboylu, Editor-in-ChiefAssist. Prof. Dr. Cigdem Hursen, Executive Editor
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Notícias, Transfer. "Notícias." Transfer 9, no.1-2 (October4, 2021): 191–98. http://dx.doi.org/10.1344/transfer.2014.9.191-198.
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1) Congreso/Congress: University of Rome "Roma Tre" (Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures). International Conference: Terms and Terminology in the European Context, 23-24 October 2014 (Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Via del Valco San Paolo, 19, Rome – ITALY). For queries regarding the congress please contact: ttec.roma3@gmail.com 2) Congreso/Congress: “XI Congreso Traducción, Texto e Interferencias” (UNIA, Baeza) Call for papers until 30 June 2014: http://www.uco.es/congresotraduccion/index.php?sec=home 3) Taller/Workshop: 4th International Workshop on Computational Terminology, CompuTerm 2014, COLING 2014 Workshop, 23rd or 24th August 2014, Dublin, Ireland, http://perso.limsi.fr/hamon/Computerm2014/ Submissions should follow the COLING 2014 instruction for authors (http://www.coling-2014.org/call-for-papers.php) and be formatted using the COLING 2014 stylefiles for latex, MS Word or LibreOffice (http://www.coling-2014.org/doc/coling2014.zip), with blind review and not exceeding 8 pages plus two extra pages for references. The PDF files will be submitted electronically at https://www.softconf.com/coling2014/WS-9/ 4) Congreso/Congress: 34th TRANSLATOR’S WEEK, 1st INTERNATIONAL TRANSLATION SYMPOSIUM (SIT), São Paulo State University (Unesp), September 22-26, 2014, São José do Rio Preto (Brazil). The official languages of the event are Portuguese, Spanish, English, Italian and French. Contact: Angélica (Comisión Organizadora), angelica@ibilce.unesp.br 5) Congreso/Congress: Cardiff University Postgraduate Conference, 27 May 14: “The Translator: Competence, Credentials, Creativity”. Keynote speaker: Professor Theo Hermans (UCL).The event is kindly supported by the University Graduate College and the European School of Languages, Politics and Translation. For queries, please contact the.translator.pg.conference@gmail.com. 6) Congreso/Congress: International Conference, 3rd T&R (Theories & Realities in Translation & wRiting) Forum. Organized by the University of Western Brittany, Brest (FRANCE), in collaboration with KU Leuven/Thomas More (Campus Antwerpen, BELGIUM), with the support of AFFUMT (Association française des formations universitaires aux métiers de la traduction) and the participation of Università Suor Orsola Benincasa (Naples, ITALY): “Traduire/écrire la science aujourd’hui - Translating/Writing Science Today” Please submit an abstract of approximately 300 words by 15 June 2014 to Jean-Yves Le Disez (jean-yves.ledisez@univ-brest.fr, Joanna Thornborrow joanna.thornborrow@univ-brest.fr and Winibert Segers (Winibert.Segers@kuleuven.be). For more information on previous events and the forthcoming conference : http://www.univ-brest.fr/TR, http://www.lessius.eu/TNR 7) Congreso/Congress: “The International Conference of Journals and Translation”, Jinan University, Guangzhou, CHINA, on 28-29 June 2014. The conference is hosted by the School of Foreign Studies, Jinan University, Guangzhou, CHINA. The official languages of the conference are English and Chinese. Contact information: Yan, Fangming(颜方明86-13751750040; Li, Zhiyu(李知宇86-13824451625. 8) Congreso/Conference: PACTE Group is organising two events on the subject of the didactics of translation. These events will be held at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (SPAIN) in July 2014. SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH INTO THE DIDACTICS OF TRANSLATION (8-9 July 2014). SECOND SPECIALIST SEMINAR ON THE DIDACTICS OF TRANSLATION (7 July 2014). Further information about the conference and the seminar: http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/pacte/en/content/didtrad-2014 9) Simposio/Symposium: “Translation in Music” Symposium, held on 25-26 May 2014, and co-organized by the European School of Languages, Politics and Translation (Cardiff University). Please see the following website for details: www.cardiff.ac.uk/music/translationinmusic 10) Revistas/Journals: “The Journal of Intercultural Communication and Mediation”, “CULTUS Journal” www.cultusjournal.com Next Issue: Cultus7 : “Transcreation and the Professions” Call for papers (Issue 7, 2014): 9th June. Submission info at: www.cultusjournal.com Contact: David Katan, Interlinguistic Mediation/Translation and Interpretation Department of Humanities, University of the Salento (Lecce), via Taranto 35 - 73100 Lecce (ITALY), tel.+39 0832/294111. 11) Revistas/Journals: Invitation for Submissions (Vol. 3, 2014): Translation Spaces: A multidisciplinary, multimedia, and multilingual journal of translation, published annually by John Benjamins Publishing Company. Please consult our guidelines, and submit all manuscripts through the online submission and manuscript tracking site, indicating for which track and Board member the manuscript is to be addressed: (1) Translation, Globalization, and Communication Technology (Frank Austermühl); (2) Translation, Information, Culture, and Society (Gregory M. Shreve); (3) Translation, Government, Law and Policy (Michael Geist); (4) Translation, Computation, and Information (Sharon O’Brien); (5) Translation and Entertainment (Minako O’Hagan); (6) Translation, Commerce, and Economy (Keiran J. Dunne); and (7) Translation as an Object of Study (Ricardo Muñoz Martín). 12) Revistas/Journals: PR for Linguistica The editorial board of the peer reviewed journal Linguistica Antverpiensia NS-Themes in Translation Studies is happy to announce the launch of its new Open Journal format. LANS-TTS published 11 annual issues devoted to current themes in Translation Studies between 2002 and 2012, and will continue to publish annually on selected TS themes, but in open access, and can be downloaded from: https://lans-tts.uantwerpen.be Its first digital issue is entitled “Research models and methods in legal translation”. It has been guest edited by Łucja Biel (University of Warsaw, POLAND) & Jan Engberg (Aarhus University, DENMARK). 13) Revistas/Journals: CALL FOR PAPERS The Yearbook of Phraseology would like to invite you to submit papers on the relationship between phraseology and translation. The Yearbook of Phraseology is published by Mouton de Gruyter (Berlin, Boston) and has already been indexed by many scientific databases. It has recently been added to the MLA International Bibliography. Our editorial board includes reknown linguists such as Dmitrij Dobrovol’kij (Moscow), Christiane Fellbaum (Princeton), Sylviane Granger (Louvain), Wolfgang Mieder (Vermont), Alison Wray (Cardiff) and others. We have also been able to rely on international experts for reviewing our submissions: Igor Mel’cuk, Doug Biber, Uli Heid, Barbara Wotjak, etc. The web page of the journal is: http://www.degruyter.com/view/serial/42771 For more information, please contact: Dr. Jean-Pierre Colson (Institut Marie Haps / Université catholique de Louvain), Yearbook of Phraseology / Editor. 14) Libros/Books: Peter Lang Oxford invites proposals for the book series: New Trends in Translation Studies (www.peterlang.com?newtrans). Series Editor: Jorge Díaz-Cintas (Director), Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS), University College London (UK). Advisory Board: Susan Bassnett, University of Warwick, UK Lynne Bowker, University of Ottawa, Canada Frederic Chaume, Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain Aline Remael, Artesis University College Antwerp, Belgium This series is based at the Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS), University College London (www.ucl.ac.uk/centras). For more information, please contact Dr. Laurel Plapp, Commissioning Editor, Peter Lang Oxford, 52 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LU (UK). Email: l.plapp@peterlang.com. Tel: 01865 514160. 15) Libros/Books: New book: Transfiction. Research into the realities of translation fiction, edited by Klaus Kaindl & Karlhienz Spitzl, Series: Benjamins Translation Library (BTL 110), ISSN: 0929-7316 16) Libros/Books: New book on classical Chinese literature and translation: CHAN, KELLY K.Y.: Ambivalence in poetry: Zhu Shuzhen, a classical Chinese poetess? http://www.amazon.com/Ambivalence-poetry-Shuzhen-classical-Chinese/dp/3639700791 17) Libros/Books: Nueva publicación de TRAMA: MARTÍ FERRIOL, JOSÉ LUIS: El método de traducción: doblaje y subtitulación frente a frente www.tenda.uji.es/pls/www/!GCPPA00.GCPPR0002?lg=CA&isbn=978-84-8021-940-2 18) Libros/Books: Piotr de Bończa Bukowski & Magda Heydel (Eds.), Anthology of Polish Translation Studies, published in Kraków (POLAND). For further details : http://www.wuj.pl/page,produkt,prodid,2184,strona,Polska_mysl_przekladoznawcza,katid,126.html. 19) Libros/Books: Nuevo libro: Nicolas Froeliger: Les noces de l’analogique et du numérique, París: Les Belles Lettres, 2014. 20) Libros/Books: New book on the reception of Italian Literature in Spain: CAMPS, Assumpta (2014). Traducción y recepción de la literatura italiana en España. Barcelona: Edicions UB. 21) Libros/Books: New book on the reception of Italian Literature in Spain: CAMPS, Assumpta (2014). Italia en la prensa periódica durante el franquismo. Barcelona: Edicions UB. 22) Cursos de verano/Summer Courses: EMUNI Ibn Tibbon Translation Studies Summer School, June 2014. Application is now open for the Ibn Tibbon Translation Studies Doctoral and Teacher Training Summer School, organized by University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Boğaziçi University (Turkey), University of Turku and University of East Finland (Finland), University of Granada (Spain), and to be held at the University of Granada (Spain) in June 2014. The School is open to doctoral students, teachers of translation at the MA level, and other academics and professionals who are involved in research in Translation Studies. For more information, please visit: http://www.prevajalstvo.net/emuni-doctoral-summer-school http://tradinter.ugr.es/pages/emuni Or contact: emuni_summerschool@ugr.es 23) Cursos de verano/Summer Courses: Intensive Summer Course in Translation Technology, held by the Centre for Translation Studies at UCL, London (UK), in August 2014. This is open to professionals and teachers as well as students. Application deadline: 23rd May 2014 For more information, visit : www.ucl.ac.uk/centras/prof-courses/summer-translation/translation-tech-intensive To apply for a place, email Lindsay Bywood: lindsay.bywood.13@ucl.ac.uk 24) Cursos de verano/Summer Courses: The Nida School of Translation Studies 2014 Call for participants: The Nida School of Translation Studies ,2014 May 26 – June 6, 2014 San Pellegrino University Foundation Campus Misano Adriatico (Rimini), Italy “Translation as Interpretation” This year marks the Nida School’s eighth year of advancing research and providing specialized training in translation studies through a transdisciplinary approach that incorporates a focus on religious discourse. NSTS is seeking engaged scholars and qualified professionals looking to expand their skills, engage with peers, and explore the interface of practice and cutting edge theory. The NSTS 2014 Associate Application form may be found here: https://secure.jotform.us/mhemenway/nsts2014app. For more information on the 2014 session or to apply, go to http://nsts.fusp.it/nida-schools/nsts-2014, or contact Dr. Roy E. Ciampa at roy.ciampa@fusp.it. 25) Cursos de verano/Summer Courses: POSTCOLONIAL TRANSLATION STUDIES AND BEYOND: RESEARCHING TRANSLATION IN AFRICA - SUMMER SCHOOL FOR TRANSLATION STUDIES IN AFRICA The Departments of Linguistics and Language Practice at the University of the Free State, Afrikaans and Dutch at the University of Stellenbosch and Literature and Language at the University of Zambia, in cooperation with IATIS, are presenting the Third Summer School for Translation Studies (SSTSA) in Africa from 18 to 22 August 2014. The hosts are the University of Zambia in Lusaka. SSTSA 2014 will be followed by a regional conference hosted by IATIS at the same venue on 23 and 24 August 2014. For participants to SSTSA 2014, entry to the conference is free, provided they read a paper. For detailed information and registration forms, visit the website of the Summer School at: http://www.ufs.ac.za/SSTSA.
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Шарма Сушіл Кумар. "The Tower of Babble: Mother Tongue and Multilingualism in India." East European Journal of Psycholinguistics 4, no.1 (June27, 2017): 188–204. http://dx.doi.org/10.29038/eejpl.2017.4.1.sha.
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Since ancient times India has been a multilingual society and languages in India have thrived though at times many races and religions came into conflict. The states in modern India were reorganised on linguistic basis in 1956 yet in contrast to the European notion of one language one nation, majority of the states have more than one official language. The Linguistic Survey of India (LSI) conducted by Grierson between 1866 and 1927 identified 179 languages and 544 dialects. The first post-independence Indian census after (1951) listed 845 languages including dialects. The 1991 Census identified 216 mother tongues were identified while in 2001 their number was 234. The three-language formula devised to maintain the multilingual character of the nation and paying due attention to the importance of mother tongue is widely accepted in the country in imparting the education at primary and secondary levels. However, higher education system in India impedes multilingualism. According the Constitution it is imperative on the “Union to promote the spread of the Hindi language, to develop it so that it may serve as a medium of expression for all the elements of the composite culture of India … by drawing, wherever necessary or desirable, for its vocabulary, primarily on Sanskrit and secondarily on other languages.” However, the books translated into Hindi mainly from English have found favour with neither the students nor the teachers. On the other hand the predominance of English in various competitive examinations has caused social discontent leading to mass protests and cases have been filed in the High Courts and the Supreme Court against linguistic imperialism of English and Hindi. The governments may channelize the languages but in a democratic set up it is ultimately the will of the people that prevails. Some languages are bound to suffer a heavy casualty both in the short and long runs in the process. References Basil, Bernstein. (1971). Class, Codes and Control: Theoretical Studies Towards a Sociology of Language. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul. Bialystok, E. (2001). Bilingualism in Development: Language, Literacy, and Cognition. Cambridge: Cambridge UP. Chambers, J. K. (2009). Sociolinguistic Theory: Linguistic Variation and Its Social Significance. Malden: Wiley Blackwell. Constitution of India [The]. (2007). Retrieved from: http://lawmin.nic.in/ coi/coiason29july08.pdf. Cummins, J. (2000). Language, Power and Pedagogy. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Dictionary of Quotations in Communications. (1997). L. McPherson Shilling and L. K. Fuller (eds.), Westport: Greenwood. Fishman, J. A. (1972). The Sociology of Language. An Interdisciplinary Social Science Approach to Language in Society. Rowley, MA: Newbury House. Gandhi, M. K. (1917). Hindi: The National Language for India. In: Speeches and Writings of Mahatma Gandhi, (pp.395–99). Retrieved from http://www.mkgandhi.org/ towrds_edu/chap15.htm. Gandhi, M. K. Medium of Instruction. Retrieved from http://www.mkgandhi.org/towrds_edu/chap14.htm. Giglioli, P. P. (1972). Language and Social Context: Selected Readings. Middlesex: Penguin Books. Gumperz, J. J., Dell H. H. (1972). Directions in Sociolinguistics: The Ethnography of Communication. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Haugen, E. (1966). Language Conflict and Language Planning: The Case of Modern Norwegian, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Hymes, D. (1974). Foundations in Sociolinguistics: An Ethnographic Approach. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Hymns of the Atharva-Veda. Tr. Maurice Bloomfield. In: Sacred Books of the East, 42, 1897. Retrieved from: http://www.archive.org/stream/ SacredBooksEastVariousOrientalScholarsWithIndex.50VolsMaxMuller/42.SacredBooks East.VarOrSch.v42.Muller.Hindu.Bloomfield.HymnsAtharvaVed.ExRitBkCom.Oxf.189 7.#page/n19/mode/2up. Jernudd, B. H. (1982). Language Planning as a Focus for Language Correction. Language Planning Newsletter, 8(4) November, 1–3. Retrieved from http://languagemanagement.ff.cuni.cz/en/system/files/documents/Je rnudd_LP%20as%20 LC.pdf. Kamat, V. The Languages of India. Retrieved from http://www.kamat.com/indica/diversity/languages.htm. King, K., & Mackey, A. (2007). The Bilingual Edge: Why, When, and How to Teach Your Child a Second Language. New York: Collins. Kosonen, K. (2005). Education in Local Languages: Policy and Practice in Southeast Asia. First Languages First: Community-based Literacy Programmes for Minority Language Contexts in Asia. Bangkok: UNESCO Bangkok. Lewis, E. G. (1972). Multilingualism in the Soviet Union: Aspects of Language Policy and Its Implementation. Mouton: The Hague. Linguistic Survey of India. George Abraham Grierson (Comp. and ed.). Calcutta: Office of the Superintendent of Government Printing, India, 1903–1928. PDF. Retrieved from http://dsal.uchicago.edu/books/lsi/. Macaulay, T. B. (1835). Minute dated the 2nd February 1835. Web. Retrieved from http://www.columbia.edu/itc/mealac/pritchett/00generallinks/macaulay/txt_minute_ed uca tion_1835.html. Mansor, S. (2005). Language Planning in Higher Education. New York: Oxford University Press. Mishra, Dr Jayakanta & others, PIL Case no. CWJC 7505/1998. Patna High Court. Peñalosa, F. (1981). Introduction to the Sociology of Language. New York: Newbury House Publishers. Sapir, E. in “Mutilingualism & National Development: The Nigerian Situation”, R O Farinde, In Nigerian Languages, Literatures, Culture and Reforms, Ndimele, Ozo-mekuri (Ed.), Port Harcourt: M & J Grand Orbit Communications, 2007. Simons, G., Fennig, C. (2017). Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Twentieth edition. Dallas, Texas: SIL International. Retrieved from http://www.ethnologue.com/country/IN. Stegen, O. Why Teaching the Mother Tongue is Important? Retrieved from https://www.academia.edu/2406265/Why_teaching_the_mother_tongue_is_important. “The Tower of Babel”. Genesis 11:1–9. The Bible. Retrieved from https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis+11:1–9. Trudgill, Peter (2000). Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society. London: Penguin. UNESCO (1953). The Use of the Vernacular Languages in Education. Monographs on Foundations of Education, No. 8. Paris: UNESCO. U P Hindi Sahitya Sammelan vs. the State of UP and others. Supreme Court of India 2014STPL(web)569SC. Retrieved from: http://judis.nic.in/ supremecourt/ imgs1.aspx?filename=41872. Whorf, B. L. (1940). Science and linguistics. Technology Review, 42(6), 229–31, 247–8. Sources http://www.censusindia.gov.in/2011-documents/lsi/ling_survey_india.htm http://www.ciil-lisindia.net/ http://www.ethnologue.com/country/IN http://peopleslinguisticsurvey.org/ http://www.rajbhasha.nic.in/en/official-language-rules-1976 http://www.ugc.ac.in/journallist/ http://www.unesco.org/new/en/international-mother-language-day
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Perttula,TimothyK., and Tom Middlebrook. "Historic Caddo Archaeology: An Occasional Meeting of the East Texas Caddo Research Group, December 2-3, 2006, in Nacogdoches Texas." Index of Texas Archaeology Open Access Grey Literature from the Lone Star State, 2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.21112/.ita.2007.1.36.
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The articles in this issue of the Journal of Northeast Texas Archaeology had their origins in a meeting held in December 2006 of the East Texas Caddo Research Group (ETCRG). The meeting of archaeologists was held on December 2 and 3, 2006 at the Arthur Temple College of Forestry and Agriculture on the campus of Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas. The ETCRG is an informal group of individuals interested in advancing the general understanding of Caddo archaeology in the East Texas region, and we have attempted to do this by convening meetings at various times to discuss pertinent and current problems and research issues concerning East Texas Caddo archaeology. The group has met several times between 1996 and 1999, and our most productive sessions dealt with a specific topic: namely, new understandings of the Middle Caddo period (ca. A.D. 1200-1400).
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"Language learning." Language Teaching 38, no.4 (October 2005): 194–209. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0261444805223145.
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05–396Altenberg, Evelyn P. (Hofstra U, USA; sphepa@hofstra.edu), The perception of word boundaries in a second language. Second Language Research (London, UK) 21.4 (2005), 325–358.05–397Baker, Wendy (Brigham Young U, USA) & Pavel Trofimovich, Interaction of native- and second-language vowel system(s) in early and late bilinguals. Language and Speech (Twickenham, UK) 48.1 (2005), 1–27.05–398Bardovi-Harlig, Kathleen (Indiana U, USA; bardovi@indiana.edu) & Robert Griffin, L2 pragmatic awareness: evidence from the ESL classroom. System (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) 33.3 (2005), 401–415.05–399Barron, Anne (Universität Bonn, Germany; a.barron@uni-bonn.de), Variational pragmatics in the foreign language classroom. System (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) 33.3 (2005), 519–536.05–400Barwell, Richard (U of Bristol, UK; richard.barwell@bris.ac.uk), Working on arithmetic word problems when English is an additional language. British Educational Research Journal (Abingdon, UK) 31.3 (2005), 329–348.05–401Benazzo, Sandra (CNRS & U of Lille 3, France), L'expression de la causalité dans le discours narratif en français L1 et L2 [The expression of causality in French narrative discourse]. Langages (Paris, France) 155 (2005), 33–51.05–402Carroll, Susanne E. (U of Potsdam, Germany; carroll@rz.uni-potsdam.de), Input and SLA: adults' sensitivity to different sorts of cues to French gender. Language Learning (Malden, MA, USA) 55.S1 (2005), 177, 79–138.05–403Chamot, Anna Uhl (George Washington U, Washington, DC, USA; auchamot@gwu.edu), Language learning strategy instruction: current issues and research. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (Cambridge, UK) 25 (2005), 112–130.05–404Chen, Aoju (Max-Planck-Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, the Netherlands), Carlos Gussenhoven & Toni Rietveld, Language-specificity in the perception of paralinguistic intonational meaning. Language and Speech (Twickenham, UK) 47.4 (2004), 311–349.05–405Cheng, Gao Yihong, Ying Zhao Yuan & Zhou Yan (Peking U, China; gaoyh@pku), Self-identity changes and English learning among Chinese undergraduates. World Englishes (Oxford, UK) 24.1 (2005), 39–51.05–406Chew, Kheng-Suan (Hong Kong Baptist U, Hong Kong, China; kschew@hkbu.edu.hk), An investigation of the English language skills used by new entrants in banks in Hong Kong. English for Specific Purposes (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) 24.4 (2005), 423–435.05–407Chieh-Fang, Hu (Taipei Municipal Teacher's College, Taiwan, China; cfhu@tmtc.edu.tw) & C. Melanie Schuele, Learning non-native names: the effect of poor native phonological awareness. Applied Psycholinguistics (Cambridge, UK) 26.3 (2005), 343–362.05–408Clachar, Arlene (U of Miami, USA; aclachar@miami.edu), Creole English speakers' treatment of tense-aspect morphology in English interlanguage written discourse. Language Learning (Malden, MA, UK) 55.2 (2005), 275–334.05–409Clark, Martyn K. & Saori Ishida (U of Hawai'i, Manoa, USA; martync@hawaii.edu), Vocabulary knowledge differences between placed and promoted EAP students. Journal of English for Academic Purposes (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) 4.3 (2005), 225–238.05–410Dahl, Tove I., Margrethe Bals & Anne Lene Turi (U of Tromsø, Norway; tdahl@psyk.uit.no), Are students' beliefs about knowledge and learning associated with their reported use of learning strategies?British Journal of Educational Psychology (Leicester, UK) 75.2 (2005), 257–273.05–411Dalton-Puffer, Christiane (U of Vienna, Austria; christiane.dalton-puffer@univie.ac.at), Negotiating interpersonal meanings in naturalistic classroom discourse: directives in content-and-language-integrated classrooms. Journal of Pragmatics37.8 (2005), 1275–1293.05–412DaSilva, Iddings & Ana Christina (Vanderbilt U, USA), Linguistic access and participation: English language learners in an English-dominant community of practice. Bilingual Research Journal (Tempe, AZ, USA) 29.1 (2005), 165–183.05–413Davis, Adrian (Macao Polytechnic Institute, China), Teachers' and students' beliefs regarding aspects of language learning. Evaluation and Research in Education (Clevedon, UK) 17.4 (2004), 207–222.05–414De Angelis, Gessica (U of Toronto at Mississauga, Canada; gdeangel@utm.utoronto.ca), Interlanguage transfer of function words. Language Learning (Malden, MA, USA) 55.3 (2005), 379–414.05–415Dekydtspotter, Laurent (Indiana U, USA; ldekydts@indiana.edu) & Jon C. Hathorn, Quelque chose…de remarquable in English–French acquisition: mandatory, informationally encapsulated computations in second language interpretation. Second Language Research (London, UK) 21.4 (2005), 291–323.05–416Demagny, Annie-Claude (Université de Paris VIII, France) & Urszula Paprocka-Pietrowska, L'acquisition du lexique verbal et des connecteurs temporels dans les récits de fiction en français L1 et L2 [The acquisition of the lexis of verbs and of temporal connectors in the telling of fictional stories in French as L1 and L2]. Langages (Paris, France) 155 (2005), 52–75.05–417Dewaele, Jean-Marc (U of London; j.dewaele@bbk.ac.uk), Investigating the psychological and emotional dimensions in instructed language learning: obstacles and possibilities. The Modern Language Journal (Malden, MA, USA) 89.3 (2005), 367–380.05–418Fleckenstein, Kristie S. (Ball State U, Muncie, USA; kflecken@bsu.edu), Faceless students, virtual places: emergence and communal accountability in online classrooms. Computers and Composition (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) 22.2 (2005), 149–176.05–419Goldschneider, Jennifer M. & Robert M. DeKeyser (U of Pittsburgh, USA; RDK1@pitt.edu), Explaining the ‘natural order of L2 morpheme acquisition’ in English: a meta-analysis of multiple determinants. Language Learning (Malden, MA, UK) 55.S1 (2005), 27–77.05–420Grüter, Theres (McGill U, Québec, Canada; theres.gruter@mail.mcgill.ca), Comprehension and production of French object clitics by child second language learners and children with specific language impairment. Applied Psycholinguistics (Cambridge, UK) 26.3 (2005), 363–391.05–421Hincks, Rebecca (The Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden; hincks@speech.kth.se), Measures and perceptions of liveliness in student oral presentation speech: a proposal for automatic feedback mechanism. System (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) 33.4 (2005), 575–591.05–422Huang, Jing (Zhanjiang Teachers U, China; peterjh@hkusua.hku.hk), A diary study of difficulties and constraints in EFL learning. 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Full textAbstract:
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Full textAbstract:
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The discursive co-construction of knowledge, identity, and difference: An ethnography of communication in the high school mainstream. Applied Linguistics (Oxford, UK), 23, 3 (2002), 289—322.03—245 Egbert, Joy (Washington State U., USA; Email: egbert@wsunix.wsu.edu), Paulus, Trena M. and Nakamichi, Yoko. The impact of CALL instruction on classroom computer use: A foundation for rethinking technology in teacher education. Language Learning and Technology (http://llt.msu.edu/), 6, 3 (2002), 108—26.03—246 Einbeck, Kandace (U. of Colorado at Boulder, USA). Using literature to promote cultural fluency in study abroad programs. Die Unterrichtspraxis/Teaching German (Cherry Hill, NJ, USA), 35, 1 (2002), 59—67.03—247 Fallon, Jean M. (Hollins U., Virginia, USA). On foreign ground: One attempt at attracting non-French majors to a French Studies course. Foreign Language Annals (New York, USA), 35, 4 (2002), 405—13.03—248 Furuhata, Hamako (Mount Union Coll., Ohio, USA; Email: furuhah@muc.edu). Learning Japanese in America: A survey of preferred teaching methods. Language, Culture and Curriculum (Clevedon, UK), 15, 2 (2002), 134—42.03—249 Goldstein, Tara (Ontario Inst. for Studies in Ed., U. of Toronto, Canada). No Pain, No Gain: Student playwriting as critical ethnographic language research. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes (Toronto, Ont.), 59, 1 (2002), 53—76.03—250 Hu, Guangwei (Nanyang Technological U., Singapore; Email: gwhu@nie.edu.sg). Potential cultural resistance to pedagogical imports: The case of communicative language teaching in China. Language, Culture and Curriculum (Clevedon, UK), 15, 2 (2002), 93—105.03—251 Huang, Jingzi (Monmouth U., New Jersey, USA; Email: jhuang@monmouth.edu). Activities as a vehicle for linguistic and sociocultural knowledge at the elementary level. Language Teaching Research (London, UK), 7, 1 (2003), 3—33.03—252 Hyland, Ken (City U. of Hong Kong; Email: ken.hyland@cityu.edu.hk). Specificity revisited: How far should we go now? English for Specific Purposes (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), 21, 4 (2002), 385—95.03—253 Jahr, Silke. Die Vermittlung des sprachen Ausdrucks von Emotionen in DaF-Unterricht. [The conveying of the oral expression of emotion in teaching German as a foreign language.] Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Berlin, Germany), 39, 2 (2002), 88–95.03—254 Jung, Yunhee (U. of Alberta, Canada; Email: jhee6539@hanmail.net). Historical review of grammar instruction and current implications. English Teaching (Korea), 57, 3 (2002), 193—213.03—255 Kagan, Olga and Dillon, Kathleen (UCLA, USA & UC Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning, USA). A new perspective on teaching Russian: Focus on the heritage learner. Slavonic and East European Journal (Tucson, Arizona, USA), 45, 3 (2001), 507—18.03—256 Kang, Hoo-Dong (Sungsim Coll. of Foreign Languages, Korea; Email: hdkang2k@hanmail.net). 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06–108Andrew, Michael D. (U New Hampshire, USA), Casey D. Cobb & Peter J. Giampietro, Verbal ability and teacher effectiveness. Journal of Teacher Education (Sage) 56.4 (2005), 343–354.06–109Beran, Tanya (U Calgary, Canada) & Claudio Violato, Ratings of university teacher instruction: How much do student and course characteristics really matter?Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education (Routledge/Taylor&Francis) 30.6 (2005), 593–601.06–110Cadman, Kate (U Adelaide, Australia; kate.cadman@adelaide.edu.au), Towards a ‘pedagogy of connection’ in critical research education: A REAL story. Journal of English for Academic Purposes (Elsevier) 4.4 (2005), 353–367.06–111Francis, Dawn (James Cook U, Australia) & Louise Ingram-Starrs, The labour of learning to reflect. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice (Routledge/Taylor&Francis) 11.6 (2005), 541–553.06–112Gordon, June A. (U California at Santa Cruz, USA), The crumbling pedestal: Changing images of Japanese teachers. Journal of Teacher Education (Sage) 56.5 (2005), 459–470.06–113Green, Catherine & Rosie Tanner (IVLOS Institute of Education, Utrecht U, the Netherlands; catherine_green@usamedia.tv), Multiple intelligences and online teacher education. ELT Journal (Oxford University Press) 59.4 (2005), 312–321.06–114Hsu, Shihkuan (National Taiwan U, Taiwan), Help-seeking behaviour of student teachers. Educational Research (Routledge/Taylor&Francis) 47.3 (2005), 307–318.06–115Kolesnikova, Irina L. (St Petersburg, Russia; vkolesni@rol), English or Russian? English language teacher training and education. World Englishes (Blackwell) 24.4 (2005), 471–476.06–116Leeman, Yvonne & Guuske Ledoux (U Amsterdam, the Netherlands), Teachers on intercultural education. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice (Routledge/Taylor&Francis) 11.6 (2005), 575–589.06–117Longaker, Mark Garrett (U Texas at Austin, USA), Market rhetoric and the Ebonics debate. Written Communication (Sage) 22.4 (2005), 472–501.06–118Lovtsevich, Galina N. (Vladivostok, Russia; lovtsev@ext.dvgu.ru), Language teachers through the looking glass: Expanding Circle teachers' discourse. World Englishes (Blackwell) 24.4 (2005), 461–469.06–119McDonald, Ria (U South Africa, South Africa) & Daniel Kasule, The monitor hypothesis and English teachers in Botswana: Problems, varieties and implications for language teacher education. Language, Culture and Curriculum (Multilingual Matters) 18.2 (2005), 188–200.06–120Orland-Barak, Lily (U of Haifa, Israel), Lost in translation: Mentors learning to participate in competing discourses of practice. Journal of Teacher Education (Sage) 56.4 (2005), 355–366.06–121Postholm, May Britt (Norwegian U Science & Technology, Norway), The teacher shaping and creating dialogues in project work. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice (Routledge/Taylor&Francis) 11.6 (2005), 519–539.06–122Poulou, Maria (U Crete, Greece), Educational psychology with teacher education. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice (Routledge/Taylor&Francis) 11.6 (2005), 555–574.06–123Shahrzad, Saif (Université Laval, Quebec, Canada), Aiming for positive washback: A case study of international teaching assistants. Language Testing (Hodder Arnold) 23.1 (2006), 1–34.06–124Siew-Lian Wong, Mary (Batu Lintang Teachers' College, Malaysia; marywsl@yahoo.com), Language learning strategies and self-efficacy: Investigating the relationship in Malaysia. RELC Journal (Sage) 36.3 (2005), 245–269.06–125Sifakis, Nicos C. & Areti-Maria Sougari (Hellenic Open U, Greece), Pronunciation issues and EIL pedagogy in the periphery: A survey of Greek state school teachers' beliefs. TESOL Quarterly (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) 39.3 (2005), 467–488.06–126Yin Wa Chan, Alice (City U Hong Kong, China), Tactics employed and problems encountered by university English majors in Hong Kong in using a dictionary. Applied Language Learning (Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center and Presidio of Monterey) 15.1 & 15.2 (2005), 1–27.
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"Language learning." Language Teaching 40, no.2 (March7, 2007): 141–57. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0261444807224280.
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07–198Agulló, G. (U Jaén, Spain; gluque@jaen.es), Overcoming age-related differences. ELT Journal (Oxford University Press) 60.4 (2006), 365–373.07–199Ammar, Ahlem (U de Montréal, Canada; ahlem.ammar@umontreal.ca) & Nina Spada, One size fits all? Recasts, prompts, and L2 learning. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge University Press) 28.4 (2006), 543–574.07–200Bartram, Brendan (U Wolverhampton, UK), An examination of perceptions of parental influence on attitudes to language learning. Educational Research (Routledge/Taylor & Francis) 48.2 (2006), 211–221.07–201Bordag, Denisa (U Leipzig, Germany), Andreas Opitz & Thomas Pechmann, Gender processing in first and second languages: The role of noun termination. 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06–300Andrew, Michael D. (U New Hampshire, USA), Casey D. Cobb & Peter J. Giampietro, Verbal ability and teacher effectiveness. Journal of Teacher Education (Sage) 56.4 (2005), 343–354.06–301Arnold, Nike (U Tennessee, USA; mnarnold@utk.edu) & Lara Ducate, Future foreign language teachers' social and cgnitive collaboration in an online environment. Language Learning & Technology (http://llt.msu.edu/intro.html) 10.1 (2006), 42–66.06–302Ballet, Katrijn, Geert Kelchtermans (U Leuven, Belgium) & John Loughran, Beyond intensification towards a scholarship of practice: Analysing changes in teachers' work lives. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice (Routledge/Taylor & Francis) 12.2 (2006), 209–229.06–303Borg, Michaela (Northumbria U, UK; mborg13@yahoo.com), A case study of the development in pedagogic thinking of a pre-service teacher. 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The role of discourse signaling cues in second language listening comprehension. The Modern Language Journal (Madison, WI, USA), 87, 4 (2003), 562–577.04–598 Knutson, Sonja (Memorial U., Newfoundland, Canada). Experiential learning in second-language classrooms. TESL Canada Journal (Burnaby, B.C., Canada), 20, 2 (2003), 53–64.04–599 Littlemore, Jeannette (U. of Birmingham, UK). The communicative effectiveness of different types of communication strategy. System, (Oxford, UK), 31, 3 (2003), 331–34704–600 McCollum, Daniel L. (Pennsylvania State U., USA). Utilizing non-cognitive predictors of foreign language achievement. Applied Language Learning (Monterey, CA, USA), 13, 1 (2003), 19–32.04–601 Morris, Frank (University of Miami, USA; Email: fmorris@miami.edu.) and Tarone, Elaine. Impact of classroom dynamics on the effectiveness of recasts in second language acquisition. 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Modeling the role of second language proficiency and topic familiarity in second language incidental vocabulary acquisition through reading. Language Learning (University of Michigan, USA), 53, 2 (2003), 233–284.04–606 Sasaki, Yoshinori (Ochanomizu U., Japan) and Hayakawa, Harumi. Does a quiz facilitate or spoil language learning? Instructional effects of lesson review quizzes. Applied Language Learning (Monterey, CA, USA), 13, 1 (2003), 33–56.04–607 Seus-Walker, Katia (IUT-Université de Toulouse III, France). Pour développer l'autonomie des apprenants. [Developing learner autonomy.] Les Cahiers de l'APLIUT, XXII, 2 (2003), 43–58.04–608 Sparks, Richard L. (College of Mount St. Joseph, Cincinnati, Ohio) Philips, Lois and Javorsky, James. College students classified as having learning disabilities and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the foreign language requirement. 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04–117Al-Jarf, Reima S. (King Saud U., Saudi Arabia). The effects of web-based learning on struggling EFL college writers. Foreign Language Annals (New York, USA), 37, 1 (2004), 49–57.04–118Basturkmen, Helen (University of Auckland, New Zealand; Email: h.basturkmen@auckland.ac.nz). Specificity and ESP course design. RELC Journal (Singapore), 34, 1 (2003), 48–63.04–119Basturkmen, H., Loewen, S. and Ellis, R. (U. of Auckland, New Zealand Email: h.basturkmen@auckland.ac.nz). Teachers' stated beliefs about incidental focus on form and their classroom practices. Applied Linguistics (Oxford, UK), 25, 2 (2004), 243–72.04–120Benson, Barbara E. (Piedmont College, Georgia, USA). Framing culture within classroom practice: culturally relevant teaching. Action in Teacher Education (Alexandria, Virginia, USA), 25, 2 (2003), 16–22.04–121Blanche, Patrick (U. of California, Davis, USA; Email: blanche@kumagaku.ac.jp). Using dictations to teach pronunciation. Modern English Teacher (London, UK), 13, 1 (2004), 30–36.04–122Budimlic, Melisa (Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, Germany). Zur Konzeption und Entwicklung interdisziplinärer Lernprogramme am Beispiel eines Lernmodules zur Psycholinguistik. [The concept and development of an interdisciplinary learning programme. An example of a module in psycholinguistics] Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht (Edmonton, Alberta, Canada), Online Journal, 9, 1 (2004), 12 pp.04–123Cajkler, Wasyl (U. of Leicester, UK; Email: wc4@le.ac.uk). How a dead butler was killed: the way English national strategies maim grammatical parts. Language and Education (Clevedon, UK), 18, 1 (2004), 1–16.04–124Calvin, Lisa M. & Rider, N. Ann (Indiana State U., USA). Not your parents' language class: curriculum revision to support university language requirements. Foreign Language Annals (New York, USA), 37, 1 (2004), 11–25.04–125Carrier, Karen A. (Northern Illinois University, USA). Improving high school English language learners' second language listening through strategy instruction. Bilingual Research Journal (Arizona, USA), 27, 3 (2003), 383–408.04–126Christie, Frances (Universities of Melbourne and Sydney, Australia; Email: fhchri@unimelb.edu.au). English in Australia. RELC Journal (Singapore) 34, 1 (2003), 100–19.04–127Drobná, Martina (Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, Germany). Konzeption von Online-Lerneinheiten für den Unterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache am Beispiel des Themas ‘Auslandsstudium in Deutschland’. [The concept of an online learning unit ‘Studying in Germany’ for German as a foreign language]. Zeitschrift für Iinterkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht (Edmonton, Canada) Online Journal, 9, 1 (2004), 17 pp.04–128Ellis, Rod (University of Auckland, New Zealand; Email: r.ellis@auckland.ac.nz). Designing a task-based syllabus. RELC Journal (Singapore) 34, 1 (2003), 64–81.04–129Giambo, D. & McKinney, J. (University of Miami, USA) The effects of a phonological awareness intervention on the oral English proficiency of Spanish-speaking kindergarten children. TESOL Quarterly (Alexandria, Virginia, USA), 38, 1 (2004), 95–117.04–130Goodwyn, Andrew (Reading University, UK). The professional identity of English teachers. English in Australia (Norwood, Australia), 139 (2004), 122–30.04–131Hu, Guangwei (Nanyang Technological U., Singapore; Email: gwhu@nie.edu.sg). English language teaching in China: regional differences and contributing factors. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (Clevedon, UK), 24, 4 (2003), 290–318.04–132Jacobs, George M. (JF New Paradigm Education, Singapore; Email: gmjacobs@pacific.net.sg) and Farrell, Thomas S. C. Understanding and implementing the communicative language teaching paradigm. RELC Journal (Singapore) 34, 1 (2003), 5–30.04–133Janks, Hilary (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa). The access paradox. English in Australia (Norwood, Australia), 139 (2004), 33–42.04–134Kim, Jeong-ryeol (Korea National U. of Education, South Korea; Email: jrkim@knue.ac.kr). Using mail talk to improve English speaking skills. English Teaching (Anseonggun, South Korea), 58, 4 (2003), 349–69.04–135Kim, Nahk-Bohk (Chungnam National University, South Korea). An investigation into the collocational competence of Korean high school EFL learners. English Teaching (Anseonggun, South Korea), 58, 4 (2003), 225–48.04–136Kormos, Judit & Dénes, Mariann (Eötvös Loránd U., Hungary; Email: kormos.j@chello.hu). Exploring measures and perceptions of fluency in the speech of second language learners. System (Oxford, UK), 32, 2 (2004), 145–64.04–137Lee, Jin Kyong (Seoul National U., South Korea). The acquisition process of yes/no questions by ESL learners and its pedagogical implications. English Teaching (Anseonggun, South Korea), 58, 4 (2003), 205–24.04–138Levine, Glenn S. (U. of California, Irvine, USA). Global simulation: a student-centered, task-based format for intermediate foreign language courses. Foreign Language Annals (New York, USA), 37, 1 (2004), 26–36.04–139Littlemore, Jeannette (U. of Birmingham, UK; Email: j.m.littlemore@bham.ac.uk). Using clipart and concordancing to teach idiomatic expressions. Modern English Teacher (London, UK), 13, 1 (2004), 17–44.04–140Llurda, Enric (Email: ellurda@dal.udl.es) and Huguet, Ángel (Universitat de Lleida, Spain). Self-awareness in NNS EFL Primary and Secondary school teachers. Language Awareness (Clevedon, UK), 12, 3&4 (2003), 220–33.04–141Lochtman, Katja (Vrije U., Belgium; Email: katja.lochtman@vub.ac.be). Oral corrective feedback in the foreign language classroom: how it affects interaction in analytic foreign language teaching. International Journal of Educational Research (Abingdon, UK), 37 (2002), 271–83.04–142Mackey, Alison (Georgetown U., USA; Email: mackeya@georgetown.edu). Beyond production: learners' perceptions about interactional processes. International Journal of Educational Research (Abingdon, UK), 37 (2002), 379–94.04–143Maiwald, Cordula (Passau, Germany). Zeitverstehen und Tempusformen im Deutschen – eine Herausforderung im Fremdsprachenunterricht. [The concept of time and German tenses – a challenge for a foreign language classroom] Jahrbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Munich, Germany), 29 (2003), 287–302.04–144McKay, Sandra Lee (San Francisco State U., USA; Email: 2slmckay@attbi.com). EIL curriculum development. RELC Journal (Singapore), 34, 1 (2003), 31–47.04–145Na, Yoon-Hee and Kim, Sun-Joo (U. of Texas at Austin, USA; Email: yhena@mail.utexas.edu). Critical literacy in the EFL classroom. English Teaching (Anseonggun, Korea), 58, 3 (2003), 143–63.04–146Nettelbeck, David (Whitefriars College, Australia). ICT and the re-shaping of literacy. A secondary classroom perspective. English in Australia (Norwood, Australia), 139 (2004), 68–77.04–147Park, Mae-Ran (Pukyong National U., South Korea; Email: mrpark@pknu.ac.kr) and Suh, Kang-Oak. An analysis of Korean high school English textbooks under the 7th curriculum. English Teaching (Anseonggun, South Korea), 58, 4 (2003), 319–47.04–148Peters, George F. (Michigan State U., USA). Kulturexkurse: a model for teaching deeper German culture in a proficiency-based curriculum. Die Unterrichtspraxis (Cherry Hill, New Jersey, USA) 36, 2 (2003), 121–34.04–149Plewnia, Albrecht (Mannheim, Germany). Vom Nutzen kontrastiven grammatischen Wissens am Beispiel von Deutsch und Französisch. [The benefits of contrastive grammar knowledge; an example of German and French] Jahrbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Munich, Germany), 29 (2003), 251–86.04–150Prodromou, Luke (Email: luke@spark.net.gr). In search of the successful user of English: how a corpus of non-native speaker language could impact on EFL teaching. Modern English Teacher (London, UK), 12, 2 (2003), 5–14.04–151Rieger, Caroline L. (U. of British Columbia, Canada). Some conversational strategies and suggestions for teaching them. Die Unterrichtspraxis (Cherry Hill, New Jersey, USA), 36, 2 (2003), 164–75.04–152Sakui, K. (U. of Auckland, New Zealand). Wearing two pairs of shoes: language teaching in Japan. ELT Journal (Oxford, UK), 58, 2 (2004), 155–63.04–153Schleppegrell, M., Achugar, M., & Oteíza, T. (University of California, USA). The grammar of history: enhancing content-based instruction through a functional focus on language. TESOL Quarterly (Alexandria, Virginia, USA), 38, 1 (2004), 67–93.04–154Sercu, Lies (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium; Email: lies.sercu@arts.kuleuven.ac.be). Implementing intercultural foreign language education: Belgian, Danish and British teachers' professional self-concepts and teaching practices compared. Evaluation and Research in Education (Clevedon, UK), 16, 3 (2002), 150–65.04–155Shinwoong, Lee (Hanyang U., South Korea). Korean ESL learners' experiences in computer assisted classroom discussions. English Teaching (Anseonggun, Korea), 58, 4 (2003), 371–95.04–156Sifakis, Nicos C. (Hellenic Open U., Greece; Email: nicossif@hol.gr). TeachingEIL– TeachingInternationalorInterculturalEnglish? What Teachers Should Know. System (Oxford, UK), 32, 2 (2004), 237–50.04–157Simard, Daphnée (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada; Email: simard.daphnee@uqam.ca). Using diaries to promote metalinguistic reflection among elementary school students. Language Awareness (Clevedon, UK), 13, 1 (2004), 34–48.04–158Song, Jeong-Weon (Hanyang U., South Korea). Effects of task-processing conditions on the oral output of post beginners in a narrative task. English Teaching (Anseonggun, Korea), 58, 4 (2003), 249–71.04–159Storch, Neomy (U. of Melbourne, Australia; Email: neomys@unimelb.edu.au). Relationships formed in dyadic interaction and opportunity for learning. International Journal of Educational Research (Abingdon, UK), 37 (2002), 305–22.04–160Tomlinson, Brian and Masuhara, Hitomi (Leeds Metropolitan U., UK; Email: B.Tomlinson@lmu.ac.uk). Developing cultural awareness. Modern English Teacher (London, UK), 13, 1 (2004), 5–12.04–161Towndrow, P. (Nangyang Technological U., Singapore). Reflections of an on-line tutor. ELT Journal (Oxford, UK), 58, 2 (2004), 174–82.04–162Vilches, Ma. Luz C. (Ateneo do Manila U., Philippines; Email: mvilches@ateneo.edu). Task-based language teaching: the case of EN 10. RELC Journal (Singapore), 34, 1 (2003), 82–99.04–163Willkop, Eva-Maria (Mainz, Germany). Texte im Mitteilungsprozess – Wege durch ein vereinigtes Babylon [Texts in the mediation process – ways through united Babylon] Jahrbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Munich, Germany), 29 (2003), 221–50.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
"Language teaching." Language Teaching 37, no.3 (July 2004): 169–83. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0261444805212399.
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04–255 Belcher, Diane D. Trends in teaching English for Specific Purposes. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA), 24 (2004), 165–186.04–257 Burden, P. (Okayama Shoka U., Japan; Email: burden-p@po.osu.ac.jp). An examination of attitude change towards the use of Japanese in a University English ‘conversation’ class. RELC Journal (Singapore),35,1 (2004), 21–36.04–258 Burns, Anne (Macquarie U., Australia; Email: anne.burns@mq.edu.au). ESL curriculum development in Australia: recent trends and debates. RELC Journal (Singapore), 34, 3 (2003), 261–283.04–259 Bush, Michael D. and Browne, Jeremy M. (Brigham Young U., USA; Email: Michael_Bush@byu.edu). Teaching Arabic with technology at BYU: learning from the past to bridge to the future. Calico Journal (Texas, USA), 21, 3 (2004), 497–522.04–260 Carlo, María S. (U. of Miami, USA; Email: carlo@miami.edu), August, Diane, McLaughlin, Barry, Snow, Catherine E., Dressler, Cheryl, Lippman, David N., Lively, Teresa J. and White, Claire E. Closing the gap: addressing the vocabulary needs of English-language learners in bilingual and mainstream classrooms. Reading Research Quarterly (Newark, USA), 39, 2 (2004), 188–215.04–261 Chambers, Gary N. and Pearson, Sue (School of Education, U. of Leeds, UK). Supported access to modern foreign language lessons. Language Learning Journal (Oxford, UK), 29 (2004), 32–41.04–262 Chesterton, Paul, Steigler-Peters, Susi, Moran, Wendy and Piccioli, Maria Teresa (Australian Catholic U., Australia; Email: P.Chesterton@mary.acu.edu.au). Developing sustainable language learning pathway: an Australian initiative. Language, Culture and Curriculum (Clevedon, UK), 17, 1 (2004), 48–57.04–263 Chin, Cheongsook (Inje U., South Korea; Email: langjin@inje.ac.kr). EFL learners' vocabulary development in the real world: interests and preferences. English Teaching (Anseongunn, South Korea), 59, 2 (2004), 43–58.04–264 Corda, Alessandra and van den Stel, Mieke (Leiden U., The Netherlands; Email: a.corda@let.leidenuniv.nl). Web-based CALL for Arabic: constraints and challenges. Calico Journal (Texas, USA), 21, 3 (2004), 485–495.04–265 Crawford, J. (Queensland U. of Technology, Australia; Email: j.crawford@qut.edu.au). Language choices in the foreign language classroom: target language or the learners' first language?RELC Journal (Singapore), 35, 1 (2004), 5–20.04–266 Derewianka, Beverly (Email: bevder@uow.edu.au). Trends and issues in genre-based approaches. RELC Journal (Singapore), 34, 2 (2003), 133–154.04–267 Esteban, Ana A. and Pérez Cañado, Maria L. (U. de Jaén, Spain). Making the case method work in teaching Business English: a case study. English for Specific Purposes (Oxford, UK), 23, 2 (2004), 137–161.04–268 Fang, Xu and Warschauer, Mark (Soochow University, China). Technology and curricular reform in China: a case study. TESOL Quarterly (Alexandria, VA, USA), 38, 2 (2004), 301–323.04–269 Foster, James Q., Harrell, Lane Foster, and Raizen, Esther (U. of Texas, Austin, USA; Email: jqf@hpmm.com). The Hebrewer: a web-based inflection generator. Calico Journal (Texas, USA), 21, 3 (2004), 523–540.04–270 Grabe, William (Northern Arizona University, USA). Research on teaching reading. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA), 24 (2004), 44–69.04–271 Grünewald, Andreas (University of Bremen, Germany). Neue Medien im Unterricht: Status quo und Perspektiven. [New media in the classroom: status quo and perspectives.] Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Spanisch (Seelze, Germany), 6 (2004), 4–11.04–272 Hahn, Laura D. (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA). Primary stress and intelligibility: research to motivate the teaching of suprasegmentals. TESOL Quarterly (Alexandria, VA, USA), 38, 2 (2004), 201–223.04–273 Hai, T., Quiang, N. and Wolff, M. (Xinyang Agricultural College, China; Email: xytengha@163.com). China's ESL goals: are they being met?English Today (Cambridge, UK), 20, 3 (2004), 37–44.04–274 Hardy, Ilonca M. and Moore, Joyce L. (Max Planck Institute of Human Development, Germany). Foreign language students' conversational negotiations in different task environments. Applied Linguistics (Oxford, UK), 25, 3 (2004), 340–370.04–275 Helbig-Reuter, Beate. Das Europäische Portfolio der Sprachen (II). [The European Language Portfolio (II).] Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Leipzig, Germany), 3 (2004), 173–176.04–276 Hughes, Jane (University College London, UK; Email: jane.hughes@ucl.ac.uk), McAvinia, Claire, and King, Terry. What really makes students like a web site? What are the implications for designing web-based learning sites?ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 16, 1 (2004), 85–102.04–277 Jackson, J. (The Chinese U. of Hong Kong). Case-based teaching in a bilingual context: perceptions of business faculty in Hong Kong. English for Specific Purposes (Oxford, UK), 23, 3 (2004), 213–232.04–278 Jenkins, Jennifer (Kings College London, UK). Research in teaching pronunciation and intonation. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA.), 24 (2004), 109–125.04–279 Kanda, M. and Beglar, D. (Shiga Prefectural Adogawa Senior High School, Japan; Email: makiko-@iris.eonet.ne.jp). Applying pedagogical principles to grammar instruction. RELC Journal (Singapore), 35, 1 (2004), 105–115.04–280 Kang, I. (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology; Email: iyang@mail.kaist.ac.kr). Teaching spelling pronunciation of English vowels to Korean learners in relation to phonetic differences. English Teaching (Anseonggun, South Korea), 58, 4 (2003), 157–176.04–281 Kiernan, Patrick J. (Tokyo Denki University, Japan; Email: patrick@cck.dendai.ac.jp) and Aizawa, Kazumi. Cell phones in task based learning. Are cell phones useful language learning tools?ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 16, 1 (2004), 71–84.04–282 Kim, Eun-Jeong (Kyungpook National U., South Korea; Email: ejkbuffalo@yahoo.co.kr). Considering task structuring practices in two ESL classrooms. English Teaching (Anseongunn, South Korea), 59, 2 (2004), 123–144.04–283 Kondo, David and Yang, Ying-Ling (University of Fukui, Japan). Strategies for coping with language anxiety: the case of students of English in Japan. ELT Journal (Oxford, UK), 58, 3 (2004), 258–265.04–284 Lin, Benedict (SEAMO RELC, Singapore). English in Singapore: an insider's perspective of syllabus renewal through a genre-based approach. RELC Journal (Singapore), 34, 2 (2003), 223–246.04–285 Lu, Dan (Hong Kong Baptist U., Hong Kong; Email: dan_lu@hkbu.ac.hk). English in Hong Kong: Super Highway or road to nowhere? Reflections on policy changes in language education of Hong Kong. RELC Journal (Singapore), 34, 3 (2003), 370–384.04–286 Lui, Jun (U. of Arizona, USA). Effects of comic strips on L2 learners' reading comprehension. TESOL Quarterly (Alexandria, VA, USA), 38, 2 (2004), 225–243.04–287 Lukjantschikowa, Marija. Textarbeit als Weg zu interkultureller Kompetenz. [Working with texts as a means to develop intercultural competence.] Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Leipzig, Germany), 3 (2004), 161–165.04–288 Lüning, Marita (Landesinstitut für Schule in Bremen, Germany). E-Mail-Projekte im Spanischunterricht. [E-Mail-Projects in the Spanish classroom.] Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Spanisch (Seelze, Germany), 6 (2004), 30–36.04–289 Lyster, R. (McGill U., Canada; Email: roy.lyster@mcgill.ca). Differential effects of prompts and recasts in form-focussed instruction. Studies in Second Language Acqusition (New York, USA), 26, 3 (2004), 399–432.04–290 McCarthy, Michael (University of Nottingham, UK) and O'Keeffe, Anne. Research in the teaching of speaking. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA), 24 (2004), 26–43.04–291 Mitschian, Haymo. Multimedia. Ein Schlagwort in der medienbezogenen Fremdsprachendidaktik. [Multimedia. A buzzword for language teaching based on digital media.] Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Leipzig, Germany), 3 (2004), 131–139.04–292 Mohamed, Naashia (U. of Auckland, New Zealand). Consciousness-raising tasks: a learner perspective. ELT Journal (Oxford, UK), 58, 3 (2004), 228–237.04–293 Morrell, T. (U. of Alicante, Spain). Interactive lecture discourse for university EFL students. English for Specific Purposes (Oxford, UK), 23, 3 (2004), 325–338.04–294 Nassaji, Hossein and Fotos, Sandra. Current developments in research on the teaching of grammar. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA), 24 (2004), 126–145.04–295 Pérez Basanta, Carmen (U. of Granada, Spain; Email: cbasanta@ugr.es). Pedagogic aspects of the design and content of an online course for the development of lexical competence: ADELEX. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 16, 1 (2004), 20–40.04–296 Read, John. Research in teaching vocabulary. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA), 24 (2004), 146–161.04–297 Rössler, Andrea (Friedrich-Engels-Gymansium in Berlin, Germany). Música actual. [Contemporary music.] Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Spanisch (Seelze, Germany), 4 (2004), 4–9.04–298 Sachs, Gertrude Tinker (Georgia State U., USA; Email: gtinkersachs@gsu.edu), Candlin, Christopher N., Rose, Kenneth R. and Shum, Sandy. Developing cooperative learning in the EFL/ESL secondary classroom. RELC Journal (Singapore), 34, 3 (2003), 338–369.04–299 Seidlhofer, Barbara. Research perspectives on teaching English as a lingua franca. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA), 24 (2004), 200–239.04–300 Silva, Tony (Purdue U., USA) and Brice, Colleen. Research in teaching writing. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA), 24 (2004), 70–106.04–301 ková, Alena. Zur jüngeren germanistischen Wortbildungsforschung und zur Nutzung der Ergebnisse für Deutsch als Fremdsprache. [The newest German research in word formation and its benefits for learning German as a foreign language.] Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Leipzig, Germany), 3 (2004), 140–151.04–302 Simmons-McDonald, Hazel. Trends in teaching standard varieties to creole and vernacular speakers. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA), 24 (2004), 187–208.04–303 Smith, B. (Arizona State U. East, USA; Email: bryan.smith@asu.edu). Computer-mediated negotiated interaction and lexical acquisition. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (New York, USA), 26, 3 (2004), 365–398.04–304 Son, Seongho (U. Kyungpool, South Korea). DaF – Unterricht digital. [A digital teaching of German as a foreign language.] Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Leipzig, Germany), 2 (2004), 76–77.04–305 Spaniel, Dorothea. Deutschland-Images als Einflussfaktor beim Erlernen der deutschen Sprache. [The images of Germany as an influencing factor in the process of learning German.] Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Leipzig, Germany), 3 (2004), 166–172.04–306 Steveker, Wolfgang (Carl-Fuhlrott-Gymnasium Wuppertal, Germany). Spanisch unterrichten mit dem Internet – aber wie? [Internet-based teaching of Spanish – how to do this?] Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Spanisch (Seelze, Germany), 6 (2004), 14–17.04–307 Stoller, Fredricka L. Content-based instruction: perspectives on curriculum planning. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (Cambridge, UK), 24 (2004), 261–283.04–308 Thompson, L. (U. of Manchester, UK; Email: linda.thompson@man.ac.uk). Policy for language education in England: Does less mean more?RELC Journal (Singapore), 35,1 (2004), 83–103.04–309 Tomlinson, Brian (Leeds Metropolitan U., UK; Email: B.Tomlinson@lmu.ac.uk). Helping learners to develop an effective L2 inner voice. RELC Journal (Singapore), 34, 2 (2003), 178–194.04–310 Vandergrift, Larry (U. of Ottawa, Canada). Listening to learn or learning to listen?Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (New York, USA), 24 (2004), 3–25.04–311 Vences, Ursula (University of Cologne, Germany). Lesen und Verstehen – Lesen heißt Verstehen. [Reading and Comprehension – Reading is Comprehension.] Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Spanisch (Seelze, Germany), 5 (2004), 4–11.04–312 Xinmin, Zheng and Adamson, Bob (Hong Kong U., Hong Kong; Email: sxmzheng@hkusua.hku.hk). The pedagogy of a secondary school teacher of English in the People's Republic of China: challenging the stereotypes. RELC Journal (Singapore), 34, 3 (2003), 323–337.04–313 Zlateva, Pavlina. Faktizität vs. Prospektivität als Stütze beim Erwerb grammatischer Erscheinungen im Deutschen. [Factuality versus Prospectivity in aid of the acquisition of grammar phenomena in German.] Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Leipzig, Germany), 3 (2004), 158–160.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
"Language learning." Language Teaching 36, no.3 (July 2003): 202–15. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0261444803221959.
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03–438 Appel, Christine (Dublin City U., Ireland; Email: christine.appel@dcu.ie) and Mullen, Tony (U. of Groningen, The Netherlands). A new tool for teachers and researchers involved in e-mail tandem language learning. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 14, 2 (2002), 195–208.03–439 Atlan, Janet (IUT – Université Nancy 2, France; Email: janet.atlan@univ-nancy2.fr). La recherche sur les stratégies d'apprentissage appliquée à l'apprentissage des langues. [Learning strategies research applied to language learning.] Stratégies d'apprentissage (Toulouse, France), 12 (2003), 1–32.03–440 Aviezer, Ora (Oranim Teachers College & U. of Haifa, Israel; Email: aviezer@research.haifa.ac.il). Bedtime talk of three-year-olds: collaborative repair of miscommunication. First Language (Bucks., UK), 23, 1 (2003), 117–139.03–441 Block, David (Institute of Education, University of London). Destabilized identities and cosmopolitanism across language and cultural borders: two case studies. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics. (Hong Kong, China), 7, 2 (2002), 1–19.03–442 Brantmeier, Cindy (Washington U., USA). Does gender make a difference? Passage content and comprehension in second language reading. Reading in a Foreign Language (Hawaii, USA), 15, 1 (2003), 1–27.03–443 Cameron, L. (University of Leeds, UK; Email: L.J.Cameron@education.leeds.ac.uk). Challenges for ELT from the expansion in teaching children. ELT Journal, 57, 2 (2003), 105–112.03–444 Carter, Beverley-Anne (University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago). Helping learners come of age: learner autonomy in a Caribbean context. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics (Hong Kong, China), 7, 2 (2002), 20–38.03–445 Cenos, Jasone (U. del País Vasco, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain; Email: fipceirj@vc.ehu.es). Facteurs déterminant l'acquisition d'une L3: âge, développement cognitive et milieu. [Factors determining the acquisition of an L3: age, cognitive development and environment.] Aile 18, 2002, 37–51.03–446 Chini, Danielle (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, France). La situation d'apprentissage: d'un lieu externe à un espace interne. [Learning situation: from external to internal space.] Anglais de Specialité37–38 (2002), 95–108.03–447 Condon, Nora and Kelly, Peter (U. Namur, Belgium). Does cognitive linguistics have anything to offer English language learners in their efforts to master phrasal verbs?ITL Review of Applied Linguistics (Leuven, Belgium), 137–138 (2002), 205–231.03–448 Crawford Camiciottoli, Belinda (Florence U., Italy). Metadiscourse and ESP reading comprehension: An exploratory study. Reading in a Foreign Language (Hawaii, USA), 15, 1 (2003), 28–44.03–449 Dykstra-Pruim, Pennylyn (Calvin College, Michigan, USA). Speaking, Writing, and Explicit Rule Knowledge: Toward an Understanding of How They Interrelate. Foreign Language Annals (New York, USA), 36, 1 (2003), 66–75.03–450 Giguère, Jacinthe, Giasson, Jocelyne and Simard, Claude (Université Laval, Canada; Email: jacinthegiguere@hotmail.com). Les relations entre la lecture et l'écriture: Représentations d'élèves de différents niveaux scolaires et de différents niveaux d'habilité. [Relationships between reading and writing: The perceptions of students of different grade levels and different ability levels.] The Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics (Canada), 5, 1–2 (2003), 23–50.03–451 Gregersen, Tammy S. (Northern Iowa U., USA). To Err is Human: A Reminder to Teachers of Language-Anxious Students. Foreign Language Annals (New York, USA), 36, 1 (2003), 25–32.03–452 Haznedar, Belma (Bounaziçi U., Turkey; Email: haznedab@boun.edu.tr). The status of functional categories in child second language acquisition: evidence from the acquisition of CP.Second Language Research (London, UK), 19, 1 (2003), 1–41.03–453 Hesling, Isabelle (Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2, France). L'hémisphère cérébral droit: un atout en anglais de spécialité. [The right brain hemisphere: an advantage in specialised English.] Anglais de Specialité, 37–38 (2002), 121–140.03–454 Hilton, Heather (Université de Savoie). Modèles de l'acquisition lexicale en L2: où en sommes-nous? [Models of lexical acquisition for L2: where are we?] Anglais de Spécialité (Bordeaux, France), 35–36 (2000), 201–217.03–455 Iwashita, Noriko (Melbourne U., Australia; Email: norikoi@unimelb.edu.au). Negative feedback and positive evidence in task-based interaction. Differential effects on L2 development. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge, UK), 25 (2003), 1–36.03–456 Johnson, Sharon P. and English, Kathryn (Virginia State U., USA). Images, myths, and realities across cultures. The French Review (Carbondale, IL, USA), 76, 3 (2003), 492–505.03–457 Kobayashi, Masaki (U. of British Columbia, Canada). The role of peer support in ESL students' accomplishment of oral academic tasks. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue Canadienne des Langues Vivantes, 59, 3 (2003), 337–368.03–458 Lam, Agnes (University of Hong Kong). Language policy and learning experience in China: Six case histories. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics (Hong Kong, China), 7, 2 (2002), 57–72.03–459 Laufer, Batia (U. of Haifa, Israel; Email: batialau@research.haifa.ac.il). Vocabulary acquisition in a second language: do learners really acquire most vocabulary by reading? Some empirical evidence. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue Ccanadienne des Langues Vivantes, 59, 4 (2003), 567–587.03–460 Lavoie, Natalie (Université du Québec à Rimouski, Email: natalie_lavoie@uqar.qc.ca). Les conceptions des parents de scripteurs débutants relativement à l'apprentissage de l'écriture. [The perceptions of beginner writers' parents relating to the process of learning to write.] The Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics (Canada), 5, 1–2 (2003), 51–64.03–461 Leeman, Jennifer (George Mason U., Fairfax, USA; Email: jleeman@gmu.edu). Recasts and second language development: beyond negative evidence. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge, UK), 25 (2003), 37–63.03–462 Loucky, John Paul (Seinan Women's U., Japan) Improving access to target vocabulary using computerized bilingual dictionaries. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 14, 2 (2002), 293–312.03–463 MacIntyre, Peter D. (U. College of Cape Breton, Sydney, Canada; Email: petermacintyre@uccb.ca), Baker, Susan C., Clément, Richard and Donovan, Leslie A. Talking in order to learn: willingness to communicate and intensive language programs. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 59, 4 (2003), 589–607.03–464 McAlpine, Janice and Myles, Johanne (Queens U., Ontario, Canada; Email: jm27@post.queensu.ca). Capturing phraseology in an online dictionary for advanced users of English as a second language: a response to user needs. System (Oxford, UK), 31, 1 (2003), 71–84.03–465 Mennim, P. (The University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK). Rehearsed oral L2 output and reactive focus on form. ELT Journal, 57, 2 (2003), 130–138.03–466 Muñoz, Carmen (U. of Barcelona, Spain; Email: munoz@fil.ub.es). Le rythme d'acquisition des savoirs communicationnels chez des apprenants guidés: l'influence de l'âge. [Patterns of acquisition of communication skills in guided learning: the influence of age.] Aile, 18 (2002), 53–77.03–467 Newcombe, Lynda Pritchard (Cardiff University, Wales, UK). “A tough hill to climb alone” – Welsh learners speak. Hong Kong Journal of Applied Linguistics (Hong Kong, China), 7, 2 (2002), 39–56.03–468 Newman, Michael, Trenchs-Parera, Mireia and Pujol, Mercè (CUNY, USA; Email: mnewman@qc.edu). Core academic literacy principles versus culture-specific practices: a multi-case study of academic achievement. English for Specific Purposes (Amsterdam, NE), 22, 1 (2003), 45–71.03–469 Nsangou, Maryse. Problemursachen und Problemlösung in der zweitsprachlichen Kommunikation. [Problems in L2 communication: causes and solutions.] Deutsch als Fremdsprache, 39, 4 (2002), 232–237.03–470 O'Grady, William (U. of Hawaii, USA; Email: ogrady@hawaii.edu) and Yamashita, Yoshie. Partial agreement in second-language acquisition. Linguistics (Berlin, Germany), 40, 5 (2002), 1011–1019.03–471 Payne, J. Scott (Middlebury College, USA) and Whitney, Paul J. Developing L2 Oral Proficiency through Synchronous CMC: Output, Working Memory, and Interlanguage Development. CALICO Journal (Texas, USA), 20, 1 (2002), 7–32.03–472 Pekarek Doehler, Simona (U. of Basle, Switzerland). Situer l'acquisition des langues secondes dans les activités sociales: l'apport d'une perspective interactionniste. [Second-language acquisition through social activities: an interactionist perspective.] Babylonia (Comano, Switzerland), 4 (2002), 24–29.03–473 Philp, Jenefer (U. of Tasmania, Australia; Email: philos@tassie.net.au). Constraints on “noticing the gap”. Nonnative speakers' noticing of recasts in NS-NNS interaction. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge, UK), 25 (2003), 99–126.03–474 Prévost, Philippe (U. Laval, Québec, Canada; Email: philippe.prevost@lli.ulaval.ca). Truncation and missing inflection in initial child L2 German. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge, UK), 25 (2003), 65–97.03–475 Pujolá, Joan-Tomás (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain). CALLing for help: researching language learning strategies using help facilities in a web-based multimedia program. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 14, 2 (2002), 235–62.03–476 Rees, David (Institut National d'Horticulture d'Angers, France). Role change in interactive learning environments. Stratégies d'apprentissage (Toulouse, France), 12 (2003), 67–75.03–477 Rehner, Katherine, Mougeon, Raymond (York U., Toronto, Canada; Email: krehner@yorku.ca) and Nadasdi, Terry. The learning of sociolinguistic variation by advanced FSL learners. The case ofnousversusonin immersion French. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge, UK), 25 (2003), 127–156.03–478 Richter, Regina. Konstruktivistiche Lern- und Mediendesign-Theorie und ihre Umsetzung in multimedialen Sprachlernprogrammen. [Constructivist learning- and media-design theory and its application in multimedia language-learning programmes.] Deutsch als Fremdsprache, 39, 4 (2002), 201–206.03–479 Rinder, Ann. 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Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (Clevedon, UK), 25, 4 (2004), 333–353.04–456Markee, Numa (U. Illinois, Urbana, USA; Email: nppm@uiuc.edu). Zones of interactional transition in ESL classes. The Modern Language Journal (Malden, MA, USA), 88, 4 (2004), 583–596.04–457Méndez García, María del Carmen (U. of Jaén, Spain; Email: cmendez@ujaen.es), Castro Prieto, Paloma and Sercu, Lies. Contextualising the foreign language: an investigation of the extent of teachers' sociocultural background knowledge. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (Clevedon, UK), 24, 6 (2003), 496–512.04–458Mondada, Lorenza and Pekarek Doehler, Simona (U. de Lyon II, France; Email: Lorenza.Mondada@univ-lyon2.fr). Second language acquisition as situated practice: task accomplishment in the French second language classroom. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development (Clevedon,UK), 25, 4 (2004), 297–317.04–459Mori, Junko (U. of Wisconsin-Madison, USA; Email: j.mori@wisc.edu). Negotiating sequential boundaries and learning opportunities: a case from a Japanese language classroom. The Modern Language Journal (Malden, MA, USA), 88, 4 (2004), 536–550.04–460Nesi, Hilary, Sharpling, Gerard and Ganobcsik-Williams, Lisa (U. of Warwick, UK; Email: h.j.nesi@warwick.ac.uk). Student papers across the curriculum: designing and developing a corpus of British student writing. Computers and Composition (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), 21, 2 (2004), 439–450.04–461Nunes, Alexandra (U. of Aviero, Portugal). Portfolios in the EFL classroom: disclosing an informed practice. ELT Journal (Oxford, UK), 58, 4 (2004), 327–335.04–462Pani, Susmita (Teaching Institute Orissa at Bhubaneswar, India). Reading strategy instruction through mental modeling. ELT Journal (Oxford, UK), 58, 4 (2004), 355–362.04–463Pritchard, Rosalind and Nasr, Atef (U. of Ulster, Northern Ireland). Improving reading performance among Egyptian engineering students: principles and practice. English for Specific Purposes (Oxford, UK), 23, 4 (2004), 425–456.04–464Polansky, Susan G. (Carnegie Mellon U., USA). Tutoring for community outreach: a course model for language. Learning and bridge-building between universities and public schools. Foreign Language Annals (Alexandria, VA, USA), 37, 3 (2004), 367–373.04–465Reinhardt, Jonathan and Nelson, K. Barbara (Pennsylvania State U., USA; Email: jsr@psu.edu). Instructor use of online language learning resources: a survey of socio-institutional and motivational factors. ReCALL (Cambridge, UK), 16, 2 (2004), 292–307.04–466Rose, Carol and Wood, Allen (U. of Kansas, USA). Perceived value of business language skills by doctoral students in foreign language departments. Journal of Language for International Business (Glendale, Arizona, USA), 15, 1 (2004), 19–29.04–467Snyder Ohta, Amy and Nakaone, Tomoko (U. of Washington, USA; Email: aohta@u.washington.edu). When students ask questions: teacher and peer answers in the foreign language classroom. International Review of Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching (Berlin, Germany), 42 (2004), 217–237.04–468Tajino, Akira (Kyoto U., Japan; Email: akira@tajino.mbox.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp), James, Robert and Kijima Kyoichi. Beyond needs analysis: soft systems methodology for meaningful collaboration in EAP course design. Journal of English for Academic Purposes (Oxford, UK), 4, 1 (2005), 27–42.04–469Wang, Xinchun (California State U., USA: Email: xinw@csufresno.edu) and Munro, Murray. Computer-based training for learning English vowel contrasts. System (Oxford, UK), 32, 4 (2004), 539–552.04–470Ware, Paige D. (Southern Methodist U., Dallas, USA; Email: pware@smu.edu). Confidence and competition online: ESL student perspectives on web-based discussions in the classroom. Computers and Composition (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), 21, 2 (2004), 451–468.04–471Yang, Nae-Dong (National Taiwan U., Taiwan; Email: naedong@ccms.ntu.edu.tw). Integrating portfolios into learning strategy-based instruction for EFL college students. International Review of Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching (Berlin, Germany), 41 (2003), 293–317.04–472Zapata, Gabriela C. and Oliveras Heras, Montserrat (Tulane U., USA). CALL and task-based instruction in Spanish for business classes. Journal of Language for International Business (Glendale, Arizona, USA), 15, 1 (2004), 62–74.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
"Language learning." Language Teaching 39, no.4 (September26, 2006): 272–84. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0261444806223851.
Full textAbstract:
06–652Angelova, Maria (Cleveland State U, USA), Delmi Gunawardena & Dinah Volk, Peer teaching and learning: co-constructing language in a dual language first grade. Language and Education (Mutilingual Matters) 20.2 (2006), 173–190.06–653Asada, Hirofumi (Fukuoka Jogakuin U, Japan), Longitudinal effects of informal language in formal L2 instruction. JALT Journal (Japan Association for Language Teaching) 28.1 (2006), 39–56.06–654Birdsong, David (U Texas, USA), Nativelikeness and non-nativelikeness in L2A research. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (Walter de Gruyter) 43.4 (2005), 319–328.06–655Bruen, Jennifer (Dublin City U, Ireland), Educating Europeans? Language planning and policy in higher education institutions in Ireland. Language and International Communication (Multilingual Matters) 5.3&4 (2005), 237–248.06–656Carpenter, Helen (Georgetown U, USA; carpenth@georgetown.edu), K. Seon Jeon, David MacGregor & Alison Mackey, Learners' interpretations of recasts. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge University Press) 28.2 (2006), 209–236.06–657Chujo, Kiyomi (Nihon U, Japan; chujo@cit.nihon-u.ac.jp) & Masao Utiyama, Selecting level-specific specialized vocabulary using statistical measures. System (Elsevier) 34.2 (2006), 255–269.06–658Coffey, Stephen (Università di Pisa, Italy; coffey@cli.unipi.it), High-frequency grammatical lexis in advanced-level English learners' dictionaries: From language description to pedagogical usefulness. International Journal of Lexicography (Oxford University Press) 19.2 (2006), 157–173.06–659Comajoan, Llorenç (Middlebury College, USA; lcomajoa@middlebury.edu), The aspect hypothesis: Development of morphology and appropriateness of use. Language Learning (Blackwell) 56.2 (2006), 201–268.06–660Cowie, Neil (Okayama U, Japan), What do sports, learning Japanese, and teaching English have in common? Social-cultural learning theories, that's what. JALT Journal (Japan Association for Language Teaching) 28.1 (2006), 23–37.06–661Cumbreno Espada, Ana Belen, Mercedes Rico Garcia, alejandro curado fuentes & eva ma dominguez Gomez (U Extremadura, Mérida, Spain; belencum@unex.es), Developing adaptive systems at early stages of children's foreign language development. ReCALL (Cambridge University Press) 18.1 (2006), 45–62.06–662Derwing, Tracey, Ron Thomson (U Alberta, Canada; tracey.derwing@ualberta.ca) & Murray Munro, English pronunciation and fluency development in Mandarin and Slavic speakers. System (Elsevier) 34.2 (2006), 183–193.06–663Djité, Paulin G. (U Western Sydney, Australia), Shifts in linguistic identities in a global world. Language Problems & Language Planning (John Benjamins) 30.1 (2006), 1–20.06–664Ellis, Nick (U Michigan, USA), Language acquisition as rational contingency learning. Applied Liguistics (Oxford University Press) 27.1 (2006), 1–24.06–665Ellis, Rod (U Auckland, New Zealand; r.ellis@auckland.ac.nz), Shawn Loewen & Rosemary Erlam, Implicit and explicit corrective feedback and the acquisition of L2 grammar. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge University Press) 28.2 (2006), 339–368.06–666Ghabanchi, Zargham (Sabzevar Teacher Training U, Iran; zghabanchi@sttu.ac.ir), Marjan Vosooghi, The role of explicit contrastive instruction in learning difficult L2 grammatical forms: A cross-linguistic approach to language awareness. The Reading Matrix (Readingmatrix.com) 6.1 (2006), 121–130.06–667Gillies, Robyn M. & Michael Boyle (U Queensland, Australia), Teachers' scaffolding behaviours during cooperative learning. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education (Routledge/Taylor & Francis) 33.3 (2005), 243–259.06–668Graham, Suzanne (U Reading, UK; s.j.graham@reading.ac.uk), Listening comprehension: The learners' perspective. System (Elsevier) 34.2 (2006), 165–182.06–669Holmes, Prue (U Waikato, New Zealand), Problematising intercultural communication competence in the pluricultural classroom: Chinese students in a New Zealand university. Language and International Communication (Multilingual Matters) 6.1 (2006), 18–34.06–670Hemard, Dominique (London Metropolitan U; d.hemard@londonmet.ac.uk), Evaluating hypermedia structures as a means of improving language learning strategies and motivation. ReCALL (Cambridge University Press) 18.1, (2006), 24–44.06–671Howard, Martin (U College, Ireland; mhoward@french.ucc.ie), The expression of number and person through verb morphology in advanced French interlanguage. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (Walter de Gruyter) 44.1 (2006), 1–22.06–672Howard, Martin (U College, Cork, Ireland; mhoward@french.ucc.ie), Isabelle Lemée & Vera Regan, The L2 acquisition of a phonological variable: The case of /l/ deletion in French. Journal of French Language Studies (Cambridge University Press) 16.1 (2006), 1–24.06–673Jin, Lixian (De Montfort U, UK) & Martin Cortazzi, Changing practices in Chinese cultures of learning. Language, Culture and Curriculum (Multilingual Matters) 19.1 (2006), 5–20.06–674Laufer, Batia (U Haifa, Israel; batialau@research.haifa.ac.il) & Tamar Levitzky-Aviad, Examining the effectiveness of ‘bilingual dictionary plus’ – a dictionary for production in a foreign language. International Journal of Lexicography (Oxford University Press) 19.2 (2006), 135–155.06–675Long, Mike (U Maryland, USA), Problems with supposed counter-evidence to the Critical Period Hypothesis. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (Walter de Gruyter) 43.4 (2005), 287–317.06–676McDonough, Kim (Northern Arizona U, USA; kim.mcdonough@nau.edu), Interaction and syntactic priming: English L2 speakers' production of dative constructions. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge University Press) 28.2 (2006), 179–207.06–677Mohan, Bernard (U British Columbia, Canada; bernard.mohan@ubc.ca) & Tammy Slater, A functional perspective on the critical ‘theory/practice’ relation in teaching language and science. Linguistics and Education (Elsevier) 16.2 (2005), 151–172.06–678Mori, Setsuko (Kyoto Sangyo U, Japan; setsukomori@mac.com) & Peter Gobel, Motivation and gender in the Japanese EFL classroom. System (Elsevier) 34.2 (2006), 194–210.06–679Oh, Janet (California State U, USA) & Terry Kit-Fong Au, Learning Spanish as a heritage language: The role of sociocultural background variables. Language, Culture and Curriculum (Multilingual Matters) 18.3 (2005), 229–241.06–680Pica, Teresa (U Pennsylvania, USA; teresap@gse.upenn.edu), Hyun-Sook Kang & Shannon Sauro, Information gap tasks: Their multiple roles and contributions to interaction research methodology. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge University Press) 28.2 (2006), 301–338.06–681Pietiläinen, Jukka (U Tampere, Finland), Current trends in literary production in Esperanto. Language Problems & Language Planning (John Benjamins) 29.3 (2005), 271–285.06–682Polio, Charlene (Michigan State U, USA; polio@msu.edu), Susan Gass & Laura Chapin, Using stimulated recall to investigate native speaker perceptions in native-nonnative speaker interaction. Studies in Second Language Acquisition (Cambridge University Press) 28.2 (2006), 237–267.06–683Pujol, Dídac (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain; didac.pujol@upf.edu), Montse Corrius & Joan Masnou, Print deferred bilingualised dictionaries and their implications for effective language learning: A new approach to pedagogical lexicography. International Journal of Lexicography (Oxford University Press) 19.2 (2006), 197–215.06–684Radford, Julie (U London, UK), Judy Ireson & Merle Mahon, Triadic dialogue in oral communication tasks: What are the implications for language learning?Language and Education (Mutilingual Matters) 20.2 (2006), 191–210.06–685Sagarra, Nuria (Pennsylvania State U, USA; sagarra@psu.edu) & Matthew Alba, The key is in the keyword: L2 vocabulary learning methods with beginning learners of Spanish. The Modern Language Journal (Blackwell) 90.2 (2006) 228–243.06–686Schauer, Gila A. (Lancaster U, UK; g.schauer@lancaster.ac.uk), Pragmatic awareness in ESL and EFL contexts: Contrast and development. Language Learning (Blackwell) 56.2 (2006), 269–318.06–687Sharpe, Tina (Sharpe Consulting, Australia), ‘Unpacking’ scaffolding: Identifying discourse and multimodal strategies that support learning. Language and Education (Mutilingual Matters) 20.2 (2006), 211–231.06–688Shi, Lijing (The Open U, UK), The successors to Confucianism or a new generation? A questionnaire study on Chinese students' culture of learning English. Language, Culture and Curriculum (Multilingual Matters) 19.1 (2006), 122–147.06–689Singleton, David (U Dublin, Ireland), The Critical Period Hypothesis: A coat of many colours. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (Walter de Gruyter) 43.4 (2005), 269–285.06–690Stowe, Laurie A. (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen) & Laura Sabourin, Imaging the processing of a second language: Effects of maturation and proficiency on the neural processes involved. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (Walter de Gruyter) 43.4 (2005), 329–353.06–691Tatar, Sibel (Boğaziçi U, Turkey), Why keep silent? The Classroom participation experiences of non-native-English-speaking students. Language and International Communication (Multilingual Matters) 5.3&4 (2005), 284–293.06–692Toth, Paul D. (U Wisconsin-Madison, USA; ptoth@wisc.edu), Processing instruction and a role for output in second language acquisition. Language Learning (Blackwell) 56.2 (2006), 319–385.06–693Tseng, Wen-Ta, Zoltán Dörnyei & Norbert Schmitt (U Nottingham, UK), A new approach to assessing strategic learning: The case of self-regulation in vocabulary acquisition. Applied Liguistics (Oxford University Press) 27.1 (2006), 78–102.06–694Tsuda, Sanae (Tokai Gakuen U, Japan), Japan's experience of language contact: A case study of RADIO-i, a multilingual radio station in Nagoya. Language and International Communication (Multilingual Matters) 5.3&4 (2005), 248–263.06–695Usó-Juan, Esther (U Jaume I, Castelló, Spain; euso@ang.uji.es), The compensatory nature of discipline-related knowledge and English-language proficiency in reading English for academic purposes. The Modern Language Journal (Blackwell) 90.2 (2006) 210–227.06–696Van Boxtel, Sonja, Theo Bongaerts & Peter-Arno Coppen, Native-like attainment of dummy subjects in Dutch and the role of the L1. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (Walter de Gruyter) 43.4 (2005), 355–380.06–697Vetter, Anna & Thierry Channier (U de Franche-Comte, France; anna.vetter@univ-fcomte.fr), Supporting oral production for professional purposes in synchronous communication with heterogenous learners. ReCALL (Cambridge University Press) 18.1, (2006), 5–23.06–698Vickers, Caroline & Ene, Estela (California State U, USA; cvickers@csusb.edu), Grammatical accuracy and learner autonomy in advanced writing. ELT Journal (Oxford University Press) 60.2 (2006), 109–116.06–699Vine, Elaine W. (Victoria U Wellington, New Zealand), ‘Hospital’: A five-year-old Samoan boy's access to learning curriculum content in his New Zealand classroom. Language and Education (Mutilingual Matters) 20.2 (2006), 232–254.06–700Wang, Yuping (Griffith U, Queensland, Australia. y.wang@griffith.edu.au), Negotiation of meaning in desktop videoconferencing-supported distance language learning. ReCALL (Cambridge University Press) 18.1 (2006), 122–145.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
Bretag, Tracey. "Editorial Volume 4(1)." International Journal for Educational Integrity 4, no.1 (May4, 2008). http://dx.doi.org/10.21913/ijei.v4i1.195.
Full textAbstract:
Welcome to Volume 4(1) of the International Journal for Educational Integrity. Last year finished in a frenzy of activity at the 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Educational Integrity: Creating a Culture of Integrity, held at the University of South Australia, 7-8 December 2007. Professor Cathy Small from Northern Arizona University opened the conference with her thought-provoking presentation, 'The culture of the university: Challenges and implications for academic integrity', based on her undercover year as a college freshman. This was followed by thirty-five papers and workshops, including excellent keynote addresses by Professor Brian Martin from the University of Wollongong, Professor Bob Birrell from Monash University, and Emeritus Professor Robert Crotty from the Ethics Centre of South Australia. The full proceedings are available in CD-Rom by contacting tracey.bretag@unisa.edu.au. The next conference, scheduled for late 2009, will be held at the University of Wollongong in New South Wales, Australia. Further details will be provided in the coming months via this journal and the Asia-Pacific Forum on Educational Integrity. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome members of a newly established Editorial Board of the IJEI: Robert Crotty, Ethics Centre of South Australia; Fiona Duggan, Higher Education Academy JISC Academic Integrity Service, UK; Rebecca Moore Howard, Syracuse University; Brian Martin, University of Wollongong; Helen Marsden, University of Canberra; Don McCabe, Rutgers University; Miguel Roig, St. John's College, New York; and Daniel Wueste, Center for Academic Integrity, Clemson University. The current issue of the journal offers an eclectic mix of international and interdisciplinary insights. Kate Chanock, an Academic Language and Learning (ALL) adviser from La Trobe University in Melbourne, explores survey data which sought to provide an explanation for why many students unwittingly plagiarise. Chanock then shares her own teaching practice as a means of "mediating the gap between students' and lecturers' understandings of the purposes of attribution in scholarly writing". Sue McGowan from the University of South Australia, and Margaret Lightbody from the University of Adelaide, provide insights from Commerce as they make the case for ongoing plagiarism education for English as an additional language (EAL) students. McGowan and Lightbody outline an assignment "specifically developed to assist EAL students in a second-year financial accounting course delivered in Hong Kong, to develop an understanding of plagiarism issues within the context of their study discipline". The final two papers come from African nations, and inevitably overshadow some of the integrity issues confronting Western academics. While this is not the first time that African scholars have submitted work for consideration to the journal, this is the first time that authors, reviewers and editors have worked hand-in-hand, over multiple revisions and submissions, and an extended time period, to ensure that the final work meets international academic publishing standards. We trust that readers will agree that the message being told in both papers is important, and that academics in more privileged institutions have a responsibility to collaborate with our colleagues to ensure that these stories reach a wide audience. Anthony Nwaopara, Anthony Ifebhor and Frank Ohiwerei from Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma in Nigeria, dare to speak out about the shocking breaches of academic integrity occurring everyday in Nigeria. 'Proliferating illiteracy in the universities: A Nigerian perspective' argues that the current crisis in the Nigerian educational system is "contributing to a downward spiral in academic standards, and in particular... to decreasing literacy among Nigerian students". The authors provide a rare inside view of the underfunded Nigerian education system which exists in a broad culture of corruption, and is dominated by examination fraud, violence on campus, sexual harassment and a range of entrenched social problems. One recommendation, among others offered by the authors to ameliorate this situation, is for university authorities, administrators, lecturers, students and parents to maintain a strict code of personal ethics in all educational endeavours. By fortuitous coincidence, this suggestion is taken up by Blessing Chapfika from Masvingo State University, Zimbabwe, in his paper, 'The role of integrity in higher education'. Chapfika maintains that 'virtue ethics' as opposed to rules-based approaches to ethics, plays a crucial role in higher education. Without referring to specific behaviours or cases, Chapfika makes a strong case for the centrality of the key virtue - integrity - for both teachers and learners. I do hope you enjoy the current issue of the International Journal for Educational Integrity, and encourage you to consider submitting a paper for review. The December issue of the journal will be a special issue, guest edited by Dr Fiona Duggan, from the Higher Education Academy JISC Academic Integrity Service in the United Kingdom. Dr Duggan is seeking papers focusing on supporting and promoting academic integrity in European Higher Education Institutions. Please send your submissions directly to her at fhduggan@gmail.com. The submission deadline is 8 September 2008. Other papers not related to the Special Issue, can be submitted to the journal via the automatic tracking system, or directly to me at tracey.bretag@unisa.edu.au. Tracey Bretag, IJEI Editor April 2008 List of reviewers 2007-2008 Bambaccus, Mary. University of South Australia Barthels, Alex. University of Technology, Sydney Cadman, Kate. University of Adelaide Di Matteo, Don. University of South Australia Dick, Martin. RMIT, Melbourne Duggan, Fiona. JISC Advisory Service, U.K. East, Julianne. La Trobe University Foster, Gigi. University of South Australia Harris, Howard. University of South Australia Hastie, Brianne. University of South Australia Higgins-Desbiolles, Freya. University of South Australia Hinton, Leone. Central Queensland University Kennelly, Robert. University of Canberra Li, Laubi. University of South Australia Marsden, Helen. University of Canberra Matthews, Brian. Flinders University Morrow, Margaret. SUNY Plattsburgh, New York, U.S.A. Muller, Robert. Flinders University O’Callaghan, Terry. University of South Australia Palmer, Carolyn. Flinders University Sharman, Jason. Griffith University Smith, Erica. Charles Sturt University Van Hooft, Stan. Deakin University Wache, Dale. University of South Australia Winefield, Tony. University of South Australia.
APA, Harvard, Vancouver, ISO, and other styles
"Language teaching." Language Teaching 36, no.3 (July 2003): 190–202. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0261444803211952.
Full textAbstract:
03–386 Anquetil, Mathilde (U. of Macerata, Italy). Apprendre à être un médiateur culturel en situation d'échange scolaire. [Learning to be a cultural mediator on a school exchange.] Le français dans le monde (Recherches et applications), Special issue Jan 2003, 121–135.03–387 Arbiol, Serge (UFR de Langues – Université Toulouse III, France; Email: arbiol@cict.fr). Multimodalité et enseignement multimédia. [Multimodality and multimedia teaching.] Stratégies d'apprentissage (Toulouse, France), 12 (2003), 51–66.03–388 Aronin, Larissa and Toubkin, Lynne (U. of Haifa Israel; Email: larisa@research.haifa.ac.il). Code-switching and learning in the classroom. International Journal of Bilingual Educationand Bilingualism (Clevedon, UK), 5, 5 (2002), 267–78.03–389 Arteaga, Deborah, Herschensohn, Julia and Gess, Randall (U. of Nevada, USA; Email: darteaga@unlv.edu). Focusing on phonology to teach morphological form in French. The Modern Language Journal (Malden, MA, USA), 87, 1 (2003), 58–70.03–390 Bax, Stephen (Canterbury Christ Church UC, UK; Email: s.bax@cant.ac.uk). CALL – past, present, and future. System (Oxford, UK), 31, 1 (2003), 13–28.03–391 Black, Catherine (Wilfrid Laurier University; Email: cblack@wlu.ca). Internet et travail coopératif: Impact sur l'attitude envers la langue et la culture-cible. [Internet and cooperative work: Impact on the students' attitude towards the target language and its culture.] The Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics (Canada), 6, 1 (2003), 5–23.03–392 Breen, Michael P. (U. of Stirling, Scotland; Email: m.p.breen@stir.ac.uk). From a Language Policy to Classroom Practice: The intervention of identity and relationships. Language and Education (Clevedon, UK), 16, 4 (2002), 260–282.03–393 Brown, David (ESSTIN, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy). Mediated learning and foreign language acquisition. Anglais de Spécialité (Bordeaux, France), 35–36 (2000), 167–182.03–394 Charnock, Ross (Université Paris 9, France). L'argumentation rhétorique et l'enseignement de la langue de spécialité: l'exemple du discours juridique. [Rhetorical argumentation and the teaching of language for special purposes: the example of legal discourse.] Anglais de Spécialité (Bordeaux, France), 35–36 (2002), 121–136.03–395 Coffin, C. (The Centre for Language and Communications at the Open University, UK; Email: c.coffin@open.ac.uk). Exploring different dimensions of language use. ELT Journal (Oxford, UK), 57, 1 (2003), 11–18.03–396 Crosnier, Elizabeth (Université Paul Valéry de Montpellier, France; Email: elizabeth.crosnier@univ.montp3.fr). De la contradiction dans la formation en anglais Langue Etrangère Appliquée (LEA). [Some contradictions in the teaching of English as an Applied Foreign Language (LEA) at French universities.] Anglais de Spécialité (Bordeaux, France), 35–36 (2002), 157–166.03–397 De la Fuente, María J. (Vanderbilt U., USA). Is SLA interactionist theory relevant to CALL? A study on the effects of computer-mediated interaction in L2 vocabulary acquisition. Computer Assisted Language Learning (Lisse, NE), 16, 1 (2003), 47–81.03–398 Dhier-Henia, Nebila (Inst. Sup. des Langues, Tunisia; Email: nebila.dhieb@fsb.mu.tn). “Explication de texte” revisited in an ESP context. ITL Review of Applied Linguistics (Leuven, Belgium), 137–138 (2002), 233–251.03–399 Eken, A. N. (Sabanci University, Turkey; Email: eken@sabanciuniv.edu). ‘You've got mail’: a film workshop. ELT Journal, 57, 1 (2003), 51–59.03–400 Fernández-García, Marisol (Northeastern University, Boston, USA) and Martínez-Arbelaiz, Asunción. Learners' interactions: A comparison of oral and computer-assisted written conversations. ReCALL, 15, 1 (2003), 113–136.03–401 Gánem Gutiérrez, Gabriela Adela (University of Southampton, UK; Email: Adela@robcham.freeserve.co.uk). Beyond interaction: The study of collaborative activity in computer-mediated tasks. ReCALL, 15, 1 (2003), 94–112.03–402 Gibbons, Pauline. Mediating language learning: teacher interactions with ESL students in a content-based classroom. TESOL Quarterly, 37, 2 (2003), 213–245.03–403 Gwyn-Paquette, Caroline (U. of Sherbrooke, Canada; Email: cgwyn@interlinx.qc.ca) and Tochon, François Victor. The role of reflective conversations and feedback in helping preservice teachers learn to use cooperative activities in their second language classrooms. The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue Canadienne des Langues Vivantes, 59, 4 (2003), 503–545.03–404 Hincks, Rebecca (Centre for Speech Technology, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Sweden; Email: hinks@speech.kth.se). Speech technologies for pronunciation feedback and evaluation. ReCALL, 15, 1 (2003), 3–20.03–405 Hinkel, Eli (Seattle University, USA). Simplicity without elegance: features of sentences in L1 and L2 academic texts. TESOL Quarterly, 37, 2 (2003), 275–302.03–406 Huang, J. (Monmouth University, USA). Activities as a vehicle for linguistic and sociocultural knowledge at the elementary level. Language Teaching research (London, UK), 7, 1 (2003), 3–33.03–407 Kim, Kyung Suk (Kyonggi U., South Korea; Email: kskim@kuic.kyonggi.ac.kr). Direction-giving interactions in Korean high-school English textbooks. ITL Review of Applied Linguistics (Leuven, Belgium), 137–138 (2002), 165–179.03–408 Klippel, Friederike (Ludwigs-Maximilians U., Germany). New prospects or imminent danger? The impact of English medium instruction on education in Germany. Prospect (NSW, Australia), 18, 1 (2003), 68–81.03–409 Knutson, Sonja. Experiential learning in second-language classrooms. TESL Canada Journal (BC, Canada), 20, 2 (2003), 52–64.03–410 Ko, Jungmin, Schallert Diane L., Walters, Keith (University of Texas). Rethinking scaffolding: examining negotiation of meaning in an ESL storytelling task. TESOL Quarterly, 37, 2 (2003), 303–336.03–411 Lazaraton, Anne (University of Minnesota, USA). Incidental displays of cultural knowledge in Nonnative-English-Speaking Teachers. TESOL Quarterly, 37, 2 (2003), 213–245.03–412 Lehtonen, Tuija (University of Jyväskylä, Finland; Email: tuijunt@cc.jyu.fi) and Tuomainen, Sirpa. CSCL – A Tool to Motivate Foreign Language Learners: The Finnish Application. ReCALL, 15, 1 (2003), 51–67.03–413 Lycakis, Françoise (Lycée Galilée, Cergy, France). Les TPE et l'enseignement de l'anglais. [Supervised individual projects and English teaching.] Les langues modernes, 97, 2 (2003), 20–26.03–414 Lyster, Roy and Rebuffot, Jacques (McGill University, Montreal, Canada; Email: roy.lister@mcgill.ca). Acquisition des pronoms d'allocution en classe de français immersif. [The acquisition of pronouns of address in the French immersion class.] Aile, 17 (2002), 51–71.03–415 Macdonald, Shem (La Trobe U., Australia). Pronunciation – views and practices of reluctant teachers. Prospect (NSW, Australia) 17, 3 (2002), 3–15.03–416 Miccoli, L. (The Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil; Email: lmiccoli@dedalus.lcc.ufmg.br). English through drama for oral skills development. ELT Journal, 57, 2 (2003), 122–129.03–417 Mitchell, R. (University of Southampton), and Lee, J.H-W. Sameness and difference in classroom learning cultures: interpretations of communicative pedagogy in the UK and Korea. Language teaching research (London, UK), 7, 1 (2003), 35–63.03–418 Moore, Daniele (Ecole Normale Supérieure Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Lyon, France; Email: yanmoore@aol.com). Code-switching and learning in the classroom. International Journal of Bilingual Educationand Bilingualism (Clevedon, UK), 5, 5 (2002), 279–93.03–419 Nünning, Vera (Justus-Liebig-Universität, Gießen, Germany) and Nünning, Ansgar. Narrative Kompetenz durch neue erzählerische Kurzformen. [Acquiring narrative competence through short narrative forms.] Der Fremdsprachliche Unterricht Englisch (Seelze, Germany), 1 (2003), 4–10.03–420 O'Sullivan, Emer (Johann-Wolfgang von Goethe – Universität, Germany) and Rösler, Dietmar. Fremdsprachenlernen und Kinder- und Jugendliteratur: eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme. [Foreign language learning and children's and young people's literature: a critical stocktaking.] Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung (Berlin, Germany), 13, 1 (2002), 63–111.03–421 Parisel, Françoise (Lycée Pablo Neruda, St Martin d'Hères, France). Traduction et TPE: quand des élèves expérimentent sur la frontière entre deux langues. [Translation and supervised individual project: when students experiment between two languages.] Les Langues Modernes, 96, 4 (2002), 52–64.03–422 Ping, Alvin Leong, Pin Pin, Vera Tay, Wee, Samuel and Hwee Nah, Heng (Nanyang U., Singapore; Email: paleong@nie.edu.sg). Teacher feedback: a Singaporean perspective. ITL Review of Applied Linguistics (Leuven, Belgium), 139–140 (2003), 47–75.03–423 Platt, Elizabeth, Harper, Candace, Mendoza, Maria Beatriz (Florida State University). Dueling Philosophies: Inclusion or Separation for Florida's English Language Learners?TESOL Quarterly, 37, 1 (2003), 105–133.03–424 Polleti, Axel (Universität Passau, Germany). Sinnvoll Grammatik üben. [Meaningful grammar practice.] Der fremdsprachliche Unterricht Französisch (Seelze, Germany), 1 (2003), 4–13.03–425 Raschio, Richard and Raymond, Robert L. (U. of St Thomas, St Paul, Minnesota, USA). Where Are We With Technology?: What Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Have to Say About the Presence of Technology in Their Teaching. Hispania (Los Angeles, USA), 86, 1 (2003), 88–96.03–426 Reza Kiany, G. and Shiramiry, Ebrahim (U. Essex, UK). The effect of frequent dictation on the listening comprehension ability of elementary EFL learners. TESL Canada Journal (BC, Canada), 20, 1 (2002), 57–63.03–427 Rifkin, Benjamin (U. Wisconsin, Madison, USA). A case study of the acquisition of narration in Russian: at the intersection of foreign language education, applied linguistics, and second language acquisition. Slavic and East European Journal (Tucson, AZ, USA), 46, 3 (2002), 465–481.03–428 Rosch, Jörg (Universität München, Germany). Plädoyer für ein theoriebasiertes Verfahren von Software-Design und Software-Evaluation. [Plea for a theoretically-based procedure for software design and evaluation.] Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Berlin, Germany), 40, 2 (2003), 94–103.03–429 Ross, Stephen J. (Kwansei Gakuin U., Japan). A diachronic coherence model for language program evaluation. Language learning (Oxford, UK), 53, 1 (2003), 1–33.03–430 Shei, Chi-Chiang (Chang Jung U., Taiwan; Email: shei@mail.cju.edu.tw) and Pain, Helen. Computer-Assisted Teaching of Translation Methods. Literary and Linguistic Computing (Oxford, UK), 17, 3 (2002), 323–343.03–431 Solfjeld, Kåre. Zum Thema authentische Übersetzungen im DaF-Unterricht: Überlegungen, ausgehend von Sachprosaübersetzungen aus dem Deutschen ins Norwegische. [The use of authentic translations in the Teaching of German as a Foreign Language: considerations arising from some Norwegian translations of German non-fiction texts.] Info DaF (Munich, Germany), 29, 6 (2002), 489–504.03–432 Slatyer, Helen (Macquarie U., Australia). Responding to change in immigrant English language assessment. Prospect (NSW, Australia), 18, 1 (2003), 42–52.03–433 Stockwell, Glenn R. (Ritsumeikan Univeristy, Japan; Email: gstock@ec.ritsumei.ac.jp). Effects of topic threads on sustainability of email interactions between native speakers and nonnative speakers. ReCALL, 15, 1 (2003), 37–50.03–434 Tang, E. (City University of Hong Kong), and Nesi H. Teaching vocabulary in two Chinese classrooms: schoolchildren's exposure to English words in Hong Kong and Guangzhou. Language teaching research (London, UK), 7,1 (2003), 65–97.03–435 Thomas, Alain (U. of Guelph, Canada; Email: Thomas@uoguelph.ca). La variation phonétique en français langue seconde au niveau universitaire avancé. [Phonetic variation in French as a foreign language at advanced university level.] Aile, 17 (2002), 101–121.03–436 Tudor, Ian (U. Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium; Email: itudor@ulb.ac.be). Learning to live with complexity: towards an ecological perspective on language teaching. System (Oxford, UK), 31, 1 (2003), 1–12.03–437 Wolff, Dieter (Bergische Universität, Wuppertal, Germany). Fremdsprachenlernen als Konstruktion: einige Anmerkungen zu einem viel diskutierten neuen Ansatz in der Fremdsprachendidaktik. [Foreign-language learning as ‘construction’: some remarks on a much-discussed new approach in foreign-language teaching.] Babylonia (Comano, Switzerland), 4 (2002), 7–14.
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"Language learning." Language Teaching 40, no.1 (January 2007): 49–62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s026144480622411x.
Full textAbstract:
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