The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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Cleveland, Ohio

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THE PLAIN DEALER TUESDAY DECEMBER 29 1964 SVVA'VZZ'ZSVVAWZZZZZWZM''AV'Z'wivtaMMVdmW TV Selections Radio Programs IfW lit BOLDACE LISTINGS DENOTE COLOR PROGRAMS Semester rej Beverejx bistre Clevt Ohio Imptre for 6:00 Professor Jack 6:55 Sports News 7 Combat 8:30 McHale's Navy 9:00 Tycoon 9:30 Peyton Place ugitive 1 1 News Weather 1 1 Les Crane Show BOSTON LT) An ex con vict who recently served time for his part in a murder was found slain yesterday in a parked automobile He had been shot in the head and stabbed more than 50 times The death of George Ash of Boston brought to 11 the number of unsolved gangland style slayings in Greater Bos ton in nine months Police found body aft er an anonymous male voice suggested over the telephone: the sedan parked 12:00 Donna Reed 12:30 ather Knows Best 1 :00 Ernie ord 1 Kartoons 2:00 lame 2:30 Day in Court General Hospital Young Marrieds Trailmaster Serial 3 SU 1 450U sons father and son: a 17 year separation to be pro longed or ended 9:30 PM PET I A JUNCTION CH daughters make shambles of war games US Army is con ducting near Shady Rest Hotel 9:30 PM WEEK THAT WAS CH Satire on cur rent vents 10 PM PROJECTION CH Annual forecast of world events Joseph Harsch Bernard rizell Wells Hangen Irving Levine rank Bourgholtzer James Robinson Elie Abel Ray Scherer rank McGee mod erator 10 PM UGITIVE CH 5 Kimble finds himself in volved with woman who works with him and bears a strong resemblance to his deceased wife 10 PM DOCTORS AND NURSES CH 8 A man is discovered on the ledge of a building across the street from Alden General Hospital 1 AM MOVIE CH 3 Katherine Hepburn ranchot Tone Girl assumes dual identity to em barrass suitor who impover ished her 1937 1 AM MOVIE CH of Louis Paul Muni Anita Louise Life of the great medical scientist 1936 A World igure Skating Cham pionships (ABC) plus distin guished news department spe cials from all three networks and 1965 looks like a very year and it appears that he may jump 11 PM Joel Daly Dong Adair Complete News Cov erage Ch 8 Report 11:15 PM TONIGHT CH George 1 Corbett Monica Jack Leonard Dr Joyce Brothers Johnny Car son host 11:20 PM REGIS PHIL BIN CH 3 Variety and guests 11:20 PM MOVIE CH 8 Pat Boone Tommy Sands Christine Ca rere Gary Crosby Sheree North Three cadets hold raffle to bring Queen of Mardi Gras to Military Ball 1958 PETERPAUL By JOHN POMRET New York Times Service It has been a scant six months since the Supreme Court in a 6 to 3 decision laid down its 1 historic rule that both houses 1 of state legislatures must be apportioned on the basis of population But the one man one vote ruling as it has cojne to be 1 called has already had a 1 broad impact across the coun 1 try Its ultimate consequences on state politics and policies 1 are yet to be fully measured 1 PERHAPS THE most note worthy fact about what has happened since the de cision of June 15 is the sheer volume of activity It indi cates that most states are prone to accept compliance with the dictum as be ing inevitable eventually de spite efforts currently being made to upset the decision by a constitutional amendment Some of the activity oc curred after the Supreme first historic decision in the reapportionment area on March 26 1962 In a Ten nessee case known as Baker Vs Carr the court ruled that the federal courts were free to examine the constitutional ity of state legislative dis tricts Previously the court had taken the view that it would not enter the of districting THE COURT did not give any hint in Baker Vs Carr of what standards should be used to determine whether state legislative districts were com stitutional More particularly it did not rule on the constitutionality of the so called federal system under which many states ap portioned one house on the basis of population and the other on geographic stand ards just as in the US Con gress where the House of Representatives is apportioned by population and the Senate is apportioned on the basis of two senators for each state CASES TO clear up the question were quick to de velop however And in its ruling on June 15 the court found inequities in districts in six states Alabama New York Colorado Maryland Virginia and Delaware The federal system was swept aside by the decree that in both houses of state legisla tures the districts must be in pop ulation A survey by New York Times correspondents throughout the United States discloses this current situa tion: In four states reasonable compliance has been achieved by the legislatures without litigation or is expected to be achieved soon In six including Ohio rea sonable compliance has been achieved by the legislatures in the face of a suit or a court order In Idaho action has been taken with respect to one house and a suit pending with respect to the other Birth Rate Climb ought by Bonus NEW DELHI Trying 1 cut soaring birth rate the government will give 100 rupees ($21) and sick leave pay to anyone who undergoes sterilization As an added inducement it will pay five rupees ($105) to anyone who accompanied a prospective sterilization pa tient to a hospital ream1 more Cincinnati Has Birthday Party CINCINNATI Cincinna tians forget their birthday yesterday On Dec 28 1788 176 years the first settlers landed at what became known as Cove and started what now is a city of a half million Last year on the 175th birth day city fathers and civic leaders overlooked the whole thing Yesterday however Mayor Walton Bachrach and others participated in a birth day ceremony at the Yeat Cove Memorial Park which is at the foot of Broad way at the Ohio River edge of the downtown district Como another itinerant NBC personality will bring a series of musical specials from St Louis (eb 4) Boston (March 4) Miami (April 8) and Chi cago (May all at 10 pm Jonathan Winters and the music and dance stars of the Bell Telephone Hour are also set for regular hour long spe cials To star special ros ter a new name is added for Barbara Streisand the singing comedienne of who will present her first TV special Apr 28 And the Emmy winning programs of top top hatter red Astaire will highlight that Sunday eve nings (Jan 3 and 10) Add to this list of television cials in ebruary and March with guest star Harry Bela fonte as her co singer on eb 15 (10 11 pm) Still another look at ladies will be offered by ABC in a special titled eminine with an air date still to be set DANNY KAYE will intro duce Judy famous of film on CBS on Sunday (Jan 17) 7 pm Channel 8 with NBC follow ing on eb 21 with to One of the most offbeat and amusing specials of NBC 1965 season is a documentary Stately Ghosts of starring Margaret Rutherford Monday (Jan 25) Producer rank De elitta spent more than six weeks touring the most notoriously haunted estates of merrie olde Eng land and came up with a humorous and intriguing ac count of swom and certified ghosts that should bring Hal right into the middle of January meritorious United Nations dramatic specials which were just launched with for Another will present a second production eb 19 Has Seen the The same network will unveil a drama on Leo nardo da Vinci (eb 23) and one on Scott Carpenter Mar 17 Under the David Wolper banner ABC will present a special on little known scien tists of today eb 13 another on men who daily defy death in their professional careers Mar 15 and a study on the life of the late Gen Douglas MacArthur April 18 Stars will be sparkling over all three schedules of specials Bob Hope brings his annual Christmas Show for to NBC riday (Jan 15) Perry I the big news on the 1965 television horizon? Spe cials All star extravaganzas Super spectaculars The New 'Year is ringing in some of the brightest promises of the current season with its three network competition in the field 1 CBS TV is leading the pack with its super musical Rodg ers and a 90 minute color production with an all star cast cavorting to the special tunes of incom parable music makers 1 THIS IS THE ONLY work ever written by Rodgers and for television and being produced in '1965 as a classic treat for the whole family with Ginger Rogers Walter Pidgeon Ce leste Holm Jo Van leet Pat Carroll Barbara Ruick and in the title role an 18 year old show stopper Lesley Ann Warren with a new Richard Rodgers protege Stuart Da mon as the singing Prince Mark down for Monday (eb 22) 8:30 pm Channel 8 OVER AT NBC TV enthu siasm is high for the Jan 28 Hall of production of Magnifi cent starring Alfred Lunt and Lynn ontanne in the television adaptation of the hit Broadway drama based on the life of Oliver Wendell Holmes 9:30 pm Channel 3 5bC TV Is spotlighting blonde Broadway star Inger Stevens in a unique look at the home of so many gor gQus blondes Sweden via an on location program fiffiied in Scandinavia ger Stevens in is slated for eb 26 8 pm Channel 5 Another popular blonde i Miss Dinah Shore will be singing and dancing her way i through a number of ABC spe MM In three state or federal 1 courts have carried out the i reapportionment In two action has been taken by the legislatures but is being challenged as inequit 1 able in court In two there has been no action and no suits but action i is in the making In 18 legislatures are i meeting or soon wili meet un der court orders to reappor 1 tion 1 In four there has been no action and suits have been i filed to force reapportion ment In two court action is be ing threatened to force reap portionment In eight court action has either been inconclusive or no suits have been filed and there appears to be a disposition to resist action Six of these states are in the South The plan to upset the Su preme ruling involves an effort to invoke for the first time a constitutional clause that directs Congress to call a constitutional con vention upon petition by two thirds of the state legislatures TO DATE 16 of the re quired 34 state legislatures have petitioned Congress for a constitutional convention the purpose of which would be to adopt an amendment allow ing one house of a state legis lature to be apportioned on a basis of other than population Advocates of the one man one vote doctrine consider it extremely unlikely that peti tions from an additional 18 legislatures can be secured INDEED REPORTS from correspondents indicate that the big issue now is most often how reapportionment shall be accomplished not whether it will be The arguments are over the location of boundary lines not over whether the number of people inside them should be nearly equal And the air is full of partisan political cries of gerryman dering TELEVISION PROGRAMS Cleveland Tuesday December 29 1964 04' WEWS 5 8 HE 21500 TO 1 6080 8:35 AM CHANGING WORLD in the 10:05 AM BILL GORDON Live from Terrace Room of Hotel Statler 10:10 AM LADIES DAY Dr Darwin Smith Miss Pat Conner 11:35 AM DEAR ABBY Abby discusses doc tors nurses and possible ro mantic entanglements 1 PM POP CONCERT Overture and cerpts Theme from The Swan Selections from Music in the Air 5:05 PM ON LOCATION WJW four Hour 8 PM CANDLELIGHT CONCERT WDOK Manfred Symphony Rapsodia Sinfonia The Ripening 8:05 PM THIS IS THEA TER WGAR Howard Wer theimer interviews Richard Oberlin 8:15 PM OPEN ORUM WGAR for the Cleveland Police Depart Sergeants Ed Nagor ski Howard Blackwell 10:05 PM CONTACT KYW and Here Prof Barrows Dunham 10:05 PM PROJECT 1260 WDOK Should We Deal With Dr Charles I Schottland Melvin A Glasser Tuesday Dec 29Means Color VPaid Advtg 6:30 AM LAB 30 CH 3 Dr Peter Chester 7 AM TODAY CH 3 Review of sports highlights of the past year Roger Caras NBC News correspondents Irving Levine and Joseph Harsch Hugh Downs Mer rill Mueller Jack Lescoulie 12:30 PM MIKE DOUG LAS CH Betty Johnson co hostess Jerry Vernon Marilyn Michaels Dr Marvin Block Al Scasz 3 PM TELL THE TRUTH CH Chester Morris Peggy Cass Marty Ingels Phyllis Newman 3:30 PM YOU SAY CII Jean Crain Richard Long 4 PM MATCH GAME CH Don Ameche Shari Lewis 4:30 PM THAXTON SHOW CH Mel Carter guest 5:05 PM MOVIE CH 3 Robert Cummings Terry Moore Con man helps pioneer mail route through lorida swamps then fleeces people of Miami 1951 5:15 PM ADVENTURE ROAD CH How ard Pollard Part IL 6:10 PM Ch 8 News CITY CAMERA Doug Adair and John itzgerald 6:15 PM DOROTHY ULDHEIM CH 5 Guest: Ron Mottl President of Par ma City Council 6:30 PM RILEMAN CH Marshal Torrance faces unexplained inner struggle when Lucas and Mark find dying man and bring him to North ork Repeat 7 PM MEN IN CRISIS CH vs story of Dr successful battle to find anti polio serum Ed mond narrator 7:30 PM MR NOVAK CH Novak and married teacher (Geraldine Brooks) are target of poison pen let ters accusing them of being romantically involved 7:30 PM COMBATCH 5 Littlejohn receives cake from home and insists on car rying it with him during dan gerous patrol mission 7:30 PM DEENDERS CH Voice Loud and Story of religious prophet (Shirley Knight) who says she was commanded by inner force to kill a man 8:30 PM MAN ROM UNCLE CH Ter buff Woman (Mad lyn Rhue) solicits aid of Na poleon to sneak patriotic gypsy out of country 8:30 PM NAVY CH love for native girl leads him to crash party 8:30 PM RED SKELTON CH McGuire Sisters join Red Silent Spot features skit about old year and beginning of the new 9 PM TYCOON CH 5 Walter is talked into vacation and finds himself working harder than ever 9:30 PM PEYTON PLACE CH or George and Julie Anderson: marriage in perilous balance or Car Cleveland Tuesday Dec 29 1964 I 850 KC 5:30 Ed isher 10 Sere nade 12 Soundtrack 1 Matinee 3 Caravan 5:05 OnLocation 5:10 Caravan 6 Close Up 7 Album Spotlight 1 World Today 1 1 :30 Star 1 ligfiE All Night I 1100 KC 6 Martin and Howard 7 News 7:15 Martin and Howard 10 Jim Runyon 2 Jim Stagg I 5:30 Radio Newsday 6 Jerry 1 10 Contact 1 1 :30 City Coun cil Rept 12 Jay Lawrence All 1 Night i 1220 NBC 5:30 Tom Armstrong 10 Ladies Day II Three for Show 6 Sports 6:25 Sid Andorn 7 Sports News 7:30 Morgan Beatty 7:45 Life Line 8 Theater 8:15 Open orum 9 Emphasis 9:15 Henry Pild er 10 Night Watch 1 1260 CBS 5:30 Carousel 10 God frey 11 House Party 11:30 Music Hall 1 Pop Concert 2 Music Hall 3 Carousel 5:05 On Location 5:10 Carou sel 6:45 Lowell Thomas Sports 7:30 Carousel 8 Candlelight Concert 10 Project 1260 10:30 Music Unlimited 1300 KC 6 Bob Neal 10 Bill Gordon 11 Women's Touch 11:20 Randy Hall 3 Baxter and Riley 5:45 Bob Neal Sports 6 Ronnie Barrett 7:45 Rosary 8 Ronnie Barrett 9 Apart ment 13 12 Dick Conrad All Night 1420 KC 6 Joe Mayer 10 Johnny Wal ters 2 Ron Britain 6 Al James 9 Bob riend 10 Education High lights 10:30 Bob riend 12 Kerm Gregory All Night 1490 ABC 6 Ken Hawkins 8:30 Unity Viewpoint 8:45 Mary Holt 9 Breakfast Club 10 Mary Holt 11:15 Ken Hawkins 2 Jockey John 6:30 Alex Dreier 6:50 Bob Considine 7 Edward Mor gan 7:15 Meet Your Council man 8 Will Rudd 12 Jerry Wright Show WABQ 1540 KC 6:15 Ed Wright Wash Allen TYPEWRITER RENTALS 1 Month 700 2 3 Months $1500 PETER PAUL wuror rd PR I 53551 accomplis hed reapporuon ment has worked to vantage of Democrats andjin others to the advantage Republicans Any precises sessment of the politicaLaef fects in party terms is made well nigh impossible the dimensions of the Johnson landslide which brought Democrats in many districts that in more normal elections would almost surely go taJte publicans ONE THING is axiomatic however and was noted bj niost all the correspondents: This is that reapportionment is giving the more populous areas a bigger voice in state legislatures Often however the chief beneficiaries are not the central cities but the fast growing suburbs Since these are frequently Republican in complexion rre apportionment in many in stances appears to be a mat ter of taking away rural Re publican votes in the legisla ture and adding suburban Re publican votes BUT EVEN WHERE this is the net result the shift away from the rural domination that has characterized most state legislatures for years to 3 a bigger voice for the cities or their suburbs may significant ly shape state policies into the indefinite future A It appears reasonable to ex i pect that the over all effect will be to direct vastly hioreattention to the problems of urban areas and in the South to foster a more moderate less intransigent outlook 1 racial issues 'A luU Tops in Radio Today IS YOUR HAUS A Sctjous HAUS? Rex Humbard Capt Kangaroo 55 Lesley (Cinderella) Warren and Stuart (Prince Charming) Damon highlights such annual atten tion getters as Leonard Bern stein with his Young Concerts (CBS) the Oscar awards (ABC) and the Emmy awards (NBC) the Television Supers Are Set for 3 Network Competition One Vote Ruling Spurs Activity in Courts Legislatures Drive taxicab fulMima or pert rimes Trait day or night with pay Mialmem ago 25 Apply 1453 Supcrier 8 AM to PM daily Saturday till noou across the street from "St Church on Harneon7 Avenue and find sgjne thing Ash was released irom Rhode Island State PrisoClast May 13 after serving nearly five years in connection the slaying of Alfred (Porky) reeland 33 described ag a Boston hoodlum body was identifieTby his brother William a Bos ton policeman assigned toiher city prison A Boston police officialsaii most of the killings half dozen attempted muflfersp in recent weeks may stent from a vendetta betweerffiya rival gangs 11th Gang Stylerf Murder: a Shot 5G Stabs 11 Les Anderson 1 Wash Allen 3 Ed Wright 5 Les Anderson 6 Mike Payne 1460 KC Painesville 6 Morning Show 7:30 News 7:45 Morning Show 9 Music in the Air 10 Morning Show 12:30 News 1 Matinee 1150 KC Akron 8 Rick Breakfast 11 Carousel 12 Newscope 12:30 Carousel 2 Encore 6 Wash ington Report 6:15 Gaslight 8 Command Performance 9 Night Mayor 11 Newscope 11:15 Music for Lovers 12 Nitelife All Night 1350 KC Akron i 6 Rev Bill Denton 6:30 Chapel Hour 7 Wea Sports Music 9 CBS News 9:10 Godfrey Time 10 House Par ty 10:30 Music eatures 6:45 Lowell Thomas 7 CBS News Sports 7:35 Tom Harmon Sports 8 CBS News Variety 12 Music All Night 1590 KC Akron 6 Wes Hopkins 8 World News Roundup 8:15 Wes Hop kins 10 Jack Ryan 2 Terry Wood 6 News Sports 6:30 Blanton Collier 6:40 Terry Wood 7 Bob Lee 11 News Sports 11:15 Music 12 Night Watch All Night :00 :15 30 :45 :00 Today :15 :30 l45 :00 :15 :45 Dog of the Week This white and brown terrier was found wan dering on a winter's day near Euclid and 118th Street If not claimed by its owner to day the pooch will be offered for adoption at 1 pm tomorrow at the Cleveland Animal XSm Protective League 1729 Willey Avenue Plain Dealer Photo (Jame A Hatch) BEST WCLV (955 meg) 6:45 am Rossini's Thieving Magpie Overture 11 Lalo's Cello Concerto in Milhaud's Suite 1 pm CAROUSEL (Alfred Drake Roberta Peters) 5 Sibelius' Dryad Songs Sixth Symphony in 7 Debussy's Jeux Schubert's Shep herd on a Rock Schumann's Song of Orpheus 11:15 Toscanini Era WAKR (975 meg) 4 pm Ray Ellis Lex Baxter Ray Conniff 7 Mitch Miller Eydie Gorme Percy aith 9 Joe Bush kin reddy Martin Ernest Maxin WCR (1033 meg) 6:15 pm Sylvester's Queen Elizabeth waltz Toselli's Serenade Vaughan Williams' Greensleeves antasia Spoliansky's Melba waltz Smith's Tobago Interlude Stem's In Memoriam Abraham Tchaikov sky's Melodie None But the Lonely Heart Eugen Onegin waltz WXEN (1065 meg) 8 am Jewish Eli Niesenson 2 pm Slovak 4 German 5 Hun garian 8 Greek Socrates Sakkela kis 9 Vienna ritz Dengl 10 rench Danielle KW? 'V' MM VW a 4 'iy yt 1 1 7 J' am lS2L SU 4g 9:00 Woodrow Cartoons Toy maker :30 Ann Sothern Romper Room Topper :45 Danny Thomas Paige Palmer As World Turns )5 :30 Song Clubhouse Love Lucy :45 News :00 Concentration Ernie ord A Griffith Il 15 :30 Jeopardy Price Right McCoys :45 :00 Eyewitness News News Love of Life 1 1 5 Noon Show News :30 Mike Douglas Search Tomorrow :45 Guiding Light 1:00 Donna Reed Jack Benny :1 5 :30 Quick Wink Bach ather :45 Editorial 2:00 Loretta Young lame Password :30 Doctors Day In Court Linkletter :45 News 3:00 Another World General Hospital Tell the Truth :15 News :30 Don't Say Marrieds Edge of Night :45 4:00 Match Game Trailmaster Secret Storm :15 News :30 Barnaby Thaxton :45 5:00 Movie Clubhouse :15 Adv Road a Tom ield Dorothy uldheim City Camera (J Huntley Brinkley Ron Cochran Rifleman I :45 Sports Wea 7:00 Eyewitness News Crisis CBS News 15 Mr Novak Combat Defenders 8t 00 :30 Perspective McHale Red Skelton 45 9:00 Tycoon :15 TW 3 Peyton Place Junction :45 5pecial ugitive Drs Nurses Ip 0O News Axel News ield Ch 8 Report 1:15 Regis Philbin Tonight Movia I I bo 1 1 45 Movie 1 Off at 1 Movie 1 WAKR CH 49.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


Does the Cleveland Plain Dealer still exist today? ›

The Plain Dealer has been the sole major newspaper for Cleveland and Northeast Ohio since its two main 20th-century competitors, the Cleveland News and The Cleveland Press, closed in 1960 and 1982 respectively.

How do I stop plain dealer? ›

You can cancel your subscription to The Plain Dealer at any time. Please email or call 216-999-6000. You may also cancel online.

Does The Plain Dealer still deliver? ›

Hundreds of thousands of copies of The Plain Dealer are delivered each week. The goal is to have newspapers to homes, coin-operated boxes and newsstands by 7 a.m. on weekdays, 8 a.m. on Saturdays and 8:30 a.m. on Sundays, come rain or shine, in most cases, before the crack of dawn!

What is the largest paper in Ohio? ›

The Plain Dealer, Ohio's largest newspaper and top advertising source.

How much is a Sunday Plain Dealer? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

How often is The Plain Dealer printed? ›

Expect delivery of your newspaper by 6:00 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, by 7 a.m. on Saturdays and by 8:30 a.m. on Sundays. These times apply to most counties. In outlying areas, times may vary. 3.

How to read The Plain Dealer online? ›

How do I access the e-edition without it? A: You do not need the email notification to access the e-edition. You can log in with your username and password by going directly to The e-edition email is sent out by 5am every morning, but the time you receive it depends on your email provider.

What does The Plain Dealer mean? ›

Someone who interacts or does business straightforwardly and honestly. [from 16th c.]

How do I contact The Plain Dealer? ›

The Plain Dealer Production and Distribution Center 4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 (216) 999-5000 or (800) 362-0727 Hours: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

How much does cost? ›

Just $10 a month. You will be charged monthly unless and until you cancel your subscription.

What is the main newspaper in Cleveland, Ohio? ›

Cleveland Plain Dealer. Cleveland, Ohio Newspaper -

How do I contact Cleveland com? ›

To contact Customer Service, call 216-999-6000 or email For help with newsletters, please contact is an affiliate of Advance Internet.

What is Ohio famously known for? ›

Manufacturing legacy: Ohio has a rich industrial history, particularly in manufacturing sectors such as automotive, steel, and aerospace, contributing to the state's economic development and job creation. For example, Akron is known as the “Rubber Capital of the World,” for its history in tire manufacturing.

What does Ohio have a lot of? ›

Besides Ohio's fertile soil, the state is also known for coal, natural gas, and rock salt called halite. Mined from beneath Lake Erie, the state produces about five million tons of the salt a year.

Does Cleveland still have the flats? ›

The Flats have come back to life thanks to a multi-million-dollar makeover to both its east and west banks. This waterfront neighborhood now features restaurants, bars, shops and a boardwalk with complementary green space.

Where is the Cleveland Plain Dealer located? ›

Plain Dealer Publishing Co, 4800 Tiedeman Rd, Cleveland, OH - MapQuest.

Who bought The Plain Dealer building? ›

Its affiliate Cleveland Superior LLC acquired the 235,312-square-foot office building built in 2000, 160,000-square-foot, two-level, 800-space parking structure and offices from 1969, and its 8-acre property in May 2022 for $12.35 million, county records show.

Does the Cleveland show still exist? ›

Fox cancelled the series after 4 seasons.

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