Understand Your Solar Plexus Chakra: The Ultimate Guide (2024)

The solar plexus chakra (Manipura) can have a big impact on everything, from how confident we feel, to our ability to manifest our goals into reality. To help you restore your personal power, this ultimate guide explores the Manipura chakra and provides comprehensive steps for harnessing its power. Read on to learn all about how to better understand and balance this magical energy source!

Solar Plexus Chakra Key Characteristics

Chakra: Third

Sanskrit name & meaning: Manipura(lustrous gem or city of jewels)

Function:Expression of emotion, creative energy, and sexuality

Emotions: Self-confidence,self-worth,self-esteem, positivity, and confidence

Location: Above the navel, below the rib cage

Organs: Digestive system, stomach,gallbladder,pancreas,adrenalglands

Sense: Sight

Element: Fire

Colour: Yellow

BeejMantra: Ram

Mudra: Rudra

Yantra: Ten petalled-lotus

Solfeggio Frequency: 528 Hz

Crystal: Citrine, Tiger’s Eye, Topaz

Affirmation: “I trust my inner power and have faith in my own potential.”

Spirit Animal: Ram

What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?

The solar plexus chakra is the third chakra in the body and is located above the belly button This chakra is associated with our personal power, identity, willpower, confidence, intuition, and emotional understanding. It governs our ego, helps us recognize our identity, and enables us to overcome life’s challenges.

Similarly, fire, the element of the solar plexus chakra, symbolizes passion, willpower, transformation, and self-expression, while yellow, which is also associated with this chakra, signifies mental clarity, joy, and understanding.

When our solar plexus chakra is balanced, we feel a sense of purpose in our lives and our intuition and self-confidence are strengthened, creating a sense of courage, clarity, and direction, as well as taking control of our own self-esteem and overall well-being.

Meaning of Solar Plexus Chakra Yantra – The Ten-Petalled Lotus

The solar plexus yantra, or divine symbol, is the ten-petalled lotus. Each of the lotus petals contains the Sanskrit lettersḍa,ḍha,ṇa,ta,tha,da,dha,na,pa, andpha.At the centre is the seed/beej mantraram.The fire element is represented as an inverted triangle in the centre.

Understand Your Solar Plexus Chakra: The Ultimate Guide (1)

Credit: Atarax42

Solar Plexus Chakra Functioning

When the solar plexus chakra is functioning optimally, it’s a truly powerful enabler of self-confidence and self-acceptance, guiding a clear sense of understanding who you are and how to express yourself authentically. It can bring clarity about one’s purpose in life and a feeling of inner peace, joy, and contentment.

As such, this important energetic hub can make one feel self-motivated and empowered, bestowing them with the ability to direct their life and gather the inner courage to take action. It helps to take personal responsibility and prioritize the tasks at hand in order to confidently move forward in life, instead of getting caught up in task avoidance or procrastination.

In addition, the solar plexus chakra provides the strength and stability to stay grounded when we’re feeling anxious. Ultimately, this vital chakra cultivates self-love and encourages trust that our highest potential will be achieved thanks to the inherent power contained within us.

Solar Plexus Chakra Imbalances

The solar plexus chakra can become imbalanced due to emotional trauma or if negative emotions such as fear, anger, self-doubt, sluggishness, guilt, shame, and insecurity prevail. Other causes may be physical body ailments like digestive system disorders, chronic fatigue, stagnation, or issues within the digestive tract. An imbalance in this area can cause one to feel powerless, leading to a spiral of negative thought patterns that further exacerbate solar plexus chakra blockages.

Emotional Symptoms of a Solar Plexus Chakra Imbalance

  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Low self-esteem
  • Lack of motivation or direction
  • Fear of failure
  • Negative thought patterns
  • Anger
  • Frustration
  • Difficulty expressing emotions
  • Feeling disconnected from others
  • Control issues (overactive chakra)
  • Self-centeredness (overactive chakra)
  • Competitiveness (overactive chakra)
  • Aggression (overactive chakra)

Physical Symptoms of a Solar Plexus Chakra Imbalance

  • Digestive issues, such as constipation or bloating
  • Nausea
  • Ulcers
  • Diabetes
  • Fatigue/exhaustion
  • Weight gain/loss
  • Headaches
  • Muscle tension on the upper abdomen or chest area
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Issues with blood pressure or the pancreas, liver, or colon

Techniques for Solar Plexus Chakra Healing

Solar plexus chakra healing helps bring unity between all parts of the body and allows us to maintain a sense of clarity throughout life’s many transitions. By learning how to care for this energetic center, we can become completely independent and find harmony between the mind, body, and spirit and the world we inhabit.

Achieving healthy alignment of the solar plexus chakra can reduce stress and anxiety levels, increase energy levels, improve digestion, boost self-confidence and create a sense of clarity about one’s life purpose.


Meditation for solar plexus chakra healing can be done by sitting in a comfortable position and focusing on the area around your belly button, allowing yourself to relax. Visualize a bright yellow light radiating from this area and inhale, taking slow deep breaths. Imagine this golden light starting to rise from within and expanding outward, flooding you with soothing warmth. You may set an intention for healing or simply remain in this state of relaxation until your meditation ends. As you exhale, imagine releasing any tension and negative energy from the area.


Solar plexus chakra healing through yoga poses is best achieved by focusing on poses that open the upper body and abdomen.

Some recommended asanas include:

  • Half Moon Pose
  • Cobra Pose
  • Boat Pose
  • Dolphin Pose
  • Upward Plank Pose
  • Warrior pose


Solar plexus chakra affirmations focus on positive affirmations that empower you and make you feel good about yourself. Say the affirmations out loud or in your head multiple times a day until they become part of your belief system. Some example affirmations include:

  • “I am powerful”
  • “I create positive change in my life”
  • “I am strong and confident”
  • “My power is within me”
  • “I trust my intuition”
  • “I move beyond my past mistakes”
  • “I am worthy of love”

Essential Oils

Essential oils can be used for solar plexus chakra healing by inhaling the scent of certain oils or applying them to your skin. You can also add a few drops of these essential oils to a warm bath or use them in an aromatherapy diffuser. Some essential oils beneficial for the solar plexus chakra include:

  • Cedarwood
  • Chamomile
  • Neroli
  • Lemon balm
  • Sandalwood
  • Cinnamon
  • Rosemary

Crystals and stones

Solar plexus chakra crystals can also be used for healing. Try placing them directly on the body or holding them in your hands while meditating. You can also create a crystal grid with these stones or wear jewelry made from these crystals. Some crystals and stones that help to open and balance the solar plexus chakra include:

  • Tiger’s eye
  • Citrine
  • Yellow topaz
  • Amber

528 Hz Solfeggio Frequency

528 Hz supports a deeper connection to one’s sense of self. Listening to this frequency may improve mental clarity, provide emotional stability, and help open up more receptivity to messages from higher sources, such as our spiritual guides. It provides an anchor of security that can allow us to go beyond our walls of comfort into a deeper understanding of our Self and reality. Listening to 528 Hz can have a deeply calming effect on the solar plexus chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra Mudras

The Rudra mudra is best used for solar plexus chakra healing. You can do this gesture by bringing the tips of your ring, and index fingers together while touching the thumb with both. Doing this with both hands will help to open and balance this chakra, supporting the free flow of energy through it.

Understand Your Solar Plexus Chakra: The Ultimate Guide (2)


Foods that are beneficial for solar plexus chakra healing include:

  • Yellow-colored foodssuch as bananas, squash, corn, pineapple, turmeric spice, and yellow peppers are associated with the color of the solar plexus chakra.
  • Dairy productssuch as yoghurt and cheese contain probiotics to help maintain a healthy digestive system.
  • Spicy foodssuch as chilli peppers, ginger, and garlic promote circulation and help to stimulate the solar plexus chakra.
  • Wholegrainssuch as quinoa, brown rice, and oats provide complex carbohydrates to provide energy and nourishment.
  • Leafy green vegetablessuch as spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are high in magnesium and can help to reduce stress.
  • Citrusfruitssuch as oranges, limes, and lemonsarehighinvitaminCandcanhelptoboosttheimmunesystem.


What happens when the solar plexus chakra opens?

To know what the solar plexus chakra opening feels like, imagine the sun on your back, warming you with its golden rays, filling you with an awareness of your own power and strength. A feeling of immense inner empowerment engulfs you, and you suddenly gain the clarity of how to profoundly change not only how you view yourself, but also how you interact with the world around you.

Which chakra is blocked by anxiety?

Anxiety can affect all seven chakras, but it is most likely to block the solar plexus chakra. This chakra is associated with the emotions of fear and insecurity, and anxiety can be both a signal cause and a symptom of a blocked solar plexus chakra.

What happens when your solar plexus chakra is overactive?

When the solar plexus chakra is overactive, it can lead to feelings of arrogance and superiority, as well as an inability to take criticism or constructive feedback. You may also feel a need to control every situation and be unable to let go of power.

What emotion is trapped in the pancreas?

The pancreas and digestive organs are associated with the solar plexus chakra. When this chakra is blocked, it can trap emotions such as fear, anxiety, and worry. This is why people often feel knots in the stomach when they expect something bad to happen – it’s a sign of the energy getting trapped.

How do you release an emotional solar plexus?

You can release the emotional energy of the solar plexus chakra by engaging in activities that help to increase your self-confidence and trust in yourself. This can include self-reflection, affirmations, yoga, meditation, and breathwork. Additionally, engaging in activities that bring you joy and pleasure can help to raise the vibration of the solar plexus chakra.

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Understand Your Solar Plexus Chakra: The Ultimate Guide (2024)


What is my solar plexus telling me? ›

The Solar Plexus Chakra, also known as the Manipura Chakra, is the third chakra in the 7 chakra system. This energy center governs our ability to be confident, assertive, and make decisions from a place of inner wisdom. It is also the key to unlocking our personal power and building a strong sense of self.

What trauma is stored in the solar plexus? ›

Solar Plexus Chakra traumas stem from encounters with societal forces that push us to the brink of breakdown. These traumas involve abusive and oppressive authorities, environments that suppress our individuality, and suffocating encounters with power dynamics and controlling societies.

What weakens solar plexus chakra? ›

Eating, intestinal, or digestive disorders. Hypoglycemia. Diabetes. Eczema/acne.

What does a blocked solar plexus feel like? ›

When your solar plexus is injured or out of balance, you not only feel abdominal pain, but also can feel out of sorts. You may even have an uncomfortable feeling in your gut as well as experience fatigue, weight gain, and digestive issues.

What organ is behind the solar plexus? ›

The location of the solar plexus in relation to its surrounding organs is just behind the stomach and in front of the aorta. The aorta is the largest blood vessel within the body. It is just below the diaphragm, the muscle below the lungs. The solar plexus looks like two clusters of nerves.

What heals the solar plexus chakra? ›

Yoga and Physical Exercise:

Yoga can profoundly impact the solar plexus chakra, which is associated with personal power, self-esteem, confidence, and inner strength. Certain yoga poses, like Boat Pose and Warrior III, can stimulate and balance the solar plexus chakra.

What blocks the solar chakra? ›

The solar plexus is an important chakra that is at a high level of consciousness. It is associated with willpower, self-confidence and emotions. The manipura chakra is often blocked by negative emotions and lack of self-confidence, which can lead to digestive disorders and low self-esteem.

Which chakra holds PTSD? ›

Vishudha Chakra is located at the throat and governs self expression. Those who suffer from PTSD as a result of emotional abuse often have blockages in their Vishudha Chakra, causing fear around speaking, self expression, and perhaps could be related to a sufferer having a hard time seeking out help.

What emotions cause solar plexus pain? ›

Solar Plexus and Emotional Health

Anxiety and stress—as well as low self-esteem and feeling powerless—can create solar plexus chakra imbalances that perpetuate these emotions if the third chakra stays blocked.

Which chakra is blocking my weight loss? ›

The Root Chakra (Muladhara)

It's associated with survival, physical stability, grounding and more. Signs of a blocked root chakra include: Weight problems.

What is the mantra for solar plexus? ›

The Solar Plexus Chakra, located in the upper abdomen, is associated with personal power, confidence, and self-esteem. The seed mantra "Ram" (pronounced as "rahm") is chanted to activate and balance this chakra. That was both soothing and energizing.

What is the spiritual meaning of solar plexus? ›

What does the Solar Plexus Chakra do? This chakra is all about action and transformation. It is linked with energy, willpower and the element of fire. It gives you the va-va-voom to move forward in life, with confidence and clarity.

What are the physical symptoms of solar plexus chakra healing? ›

Physical signs of a healthy, balanced solar plexus chakra chakra include:
  • Healthy digestion.
  • Healthy-looking skin.
  • Reduced stress.
  • High energy levels.

What is the spiritual meaning of the solar plexus? ›

What does the Solar Plexus Chakra do? This chakra is all about action and transformation. It is linked with energy, willpower and the element of fire. It gives you the va-va-voom to move forward in life, with confidence and clarity.

What is the message of the solar plexus chakra? ›

The solar plexus chakra is associated with personal strength, ego, zest for life and intuition. The chakra is closely linked to thoughts, which are often dependent on your feelings and therefore easily gets out of balance. A harmonious and balanced solar plexus chakra contains the source of more energy and focus.

What does discomfort in the solar plexus mean? ›

A pulled muscle is the main common cause of solar plexus pain. Gastric Problems: Gastric problems like ulcers, acid reflux, bloating, nausea, vomiting, etc., can cause pain in the solar plexus. Trauma: A severe blow or trauma to the abdominal area may damage nerves, including the solar plexus.

What is the gift of the solar plexus? ›

The gift of the solar plexus chakra is self-acceptance. To heal the wound of shame, we must move from judgment to worthiness. Self-acceptance is about identifying all the things we judge ourselves harshly for and welcoming them back in.

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